From: Geoffrey King
Subject: SBCL on windows ... directory problem or...?
Message-ID: <4423137d$0$20110$>
I have been trying to get sbcl to run under windows. It starts up ok, but 
when i try to load a asd file it offers a restart - show below.

The only obvious things are that
  - it look for a .fasl file and there is one, there is however a .fas file.
  - while loading asdf itself gives lots of non-critical style warnings.

It is not unique to s-utils.asd but happens on all my asds. The exact same 
setup works with CLISP and LispWorks.

Any clues appreciated, thanks.

* (asdf:operate 'asdf:compile-op 's-utils)

; loading system definition from
; \Documents and Settings\Geoffrey\My 
; into #<PACKAGE "ASDF927">
; registering #<SYSTEM :S-UTILS {AC45B79}> as S-UTILS

debugger invoked on a SB-INT:SIMPLE-FILE-ERROR: can't create directory \

Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:QUIT) to exit from SBCL.

restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
   0: [RETRY   ] Retry directory creation.
   1: [CONTINUE] Continue as if directory creation was successful.
   2: [RETRY   ] Retry performing #<ASDF:COMPILE-OP NIL {AAC7F11}> on
                 #<ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE "package" {AC574E9}>.
   3: [ACCEPT  ] Continue, treating #<ASDF:COMPILE-OP NIL {AAC7F11}> on
                 #<ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE "package" {AC574E9}> as having been
   4: [ABORT   ] Exit debugger, returning to top level.

  #P"\\Documents and Settings\\Geoffrey\\My 
From: Daniel
Subject: Re: SBCL on windows ... directory problem or...?
Message-ID: <>
Geoffrey King wrote:
> I have been trying to get sbcl to run under windows. It starts up ok, but
> when i try to load a asd file it offers a restart - show below.
> The only obvious things are that
>   - it look for a .fasl file and there is one, there is however a .fas file.
>   - while loading asdf itself gives lots of non-critical style warnings.

The .fasl file you are loading may have been compiled from one of the
other Lisp systems you've been using.

Quick fix: remove *.fas and *.fasl files, then try again.  When you
perform the ASDF:operate command below, you'll regenerate the one
appropriate for your Lisp du jour.

But that makes more work every time you change environments.

   One alternative is to use Lispbox or hijack the mechanism used there
for keeping each Lisp system's compiled files separated.

Just in case:

   For a home-brewed equivalent: create mirrored directory trees with
only symbolic links or hard-links into the master.  (Of course, under
Windows, this requires that you run under Cygwin.  Windows NT and
higher supports hard-links; contemporary Cygwin uses Shortcuts with
specific content for sym-links.)

Specifically, only the master tree contains the real .lisp files; all
mirrored trees use only links.  (This is what many cross-compiler
set-ups do.)  Then each Lisp system gets its own directory tree to
populate with its own style of compiled files: .fas, .fasl, etc.
