From: Ken Tilton
Subject: Celtk/Cells3 declarative, dataflow paradigm contrasted with Ltk/imperative paradigm
Message-ID: <WRBUf.23$aX7.20@fe11.lga>
Just committed to CVS:

(just grab the cells and celtk modules, look for load.lisp in either to 
build and run)

the entirety of ltktest-cells-inside.lisp (sorry about the linewraps, 
just get it from CVS):

(in-package :celtk-user)

The comments throughout this source file cover two broad topics:

     How is programming with Celtk different from LTk?

Contrast the code below with the excellent ltktest "classic" in ltk.lisp to
see how Celtk programming is different.

Second topic:

     How is programming with Cells different from without Cells?

Those questions are different because not everything different about Celtk
depends on Cells.

The pattern will be to have explanatory comments appear after the 
explained code.

n.b. The paint is very fresh on Celtk, so if something like the Timer 
class looks
dumb, well, it may be. Example: the scroller class only scrolls a canvas 
(well, I have not tried
supplying a frame for the canvas slot, maybe it would work, but the slot 
name at least is
certainly wrong (or the class should be canvas-scroller).

   (cells-reset 'tk-user-queue-handler)
   ; Tk is fussy about the order in which things happen. It likes:
   ;    - create widgets .x and .y
   ;    - make .x the -textvariable of .y
   ;    - set .x to "Hi, Mom"
   ; Tk does not like Step 3 going before Step 2. That is, .y will not 
learn about "Hi, Mom.".
   ; Unfortunately, in a declarative paradigm one does not specify in 
what order different
   ; things should happen, one just specifies the things we want to have 
happen. That is
   ; a big win when it works. But when it did not work for Tk I added to 
Cells the concept
   ; of a "client queue" where client-code could store
   ; order-sensitive tasks, also allowing the client to specify the 
handler for
   ; that queue. This handler gets called at just the right time in the 
larger scheme of
   ; state propagation one needs for data integrity. What is that?
   ; Data integrity: when the overall data model gets perturbed by 
imperative code
   ; (such as code processing an event loop) executing a SETF of some 
datapoint X , we want
   ; these requirements satisfied:
   ;   - all state computed off X (directly or indirectly through some 
intermediate datapoint) must be recomputed;
   ;   - recomputations must see only datapoint values current with the 
new value of X. This must
   ;     work transparently, ie, datapoint accessors are responsible for 
returning only current values;
   ;   - similarly, client observers ("on change" callbacks) must see 
only values current with the new value of X
   ;   - a corrollary: should a client observer SETF a datapoint Y, all 
the above must
   ;     happen with values current not just with X, but also with the 
value of Y /prior/
   ;     to the intended change to Y.
   ; To achieve the above, Cells2 and now Cells3 have taken to using 
FIFO "unfinished business" queues
   ; to defer things until The Right Time. Which brings us back to Tk. 
Inspect the source of
   ; tk-user-queue-handler and search the Celtk source for 
"with-integrity (:client" to see how Celtk
   ; manages to talk to Tk in the order Tk likes. But in short, we just 
add this requirement:
   ;   - Client code must see only values current with X and not any 
values current with some
   ;     subsequent change to Y queued by an observer
   (tk-test-class 'ltktest-cells-inside))

; That is all the imperative code there is to Celtk application 
development, aside from widget commands. Tk handles some
; of the driving imperative logic, and Celtk internals handle the rest. 
The application works via rules reacting to change,
; computing new state for the application model, which operates on the 
outside world via observers (on-change callbacks) triggered
; automatically by the Cells engine. See DEFOBSERVER.

(defmodel ltktest-cells-inside (window)
   ((entry-warning :reader entry-warning
      :initform (c? (bwhen (bad-chars (loop for c across (fm!v :entry)
                                            when (digit-char-p c)
                                            collect c))
                      (format nil "Please! No digits! I see ~a!!" 
      ; By the time I decided to add this demo I already had a long 
discussion under the get! and set! buttons, so
      ; check those out for details.
      :documentation "Demonstrate live tracking of entry edit"))

       :id :ltk-test
       :kids (c?
              ; c? has one hell of an expansion. In effect one gets:
              ;   - a first-class anonymous function with the expected 
body, which will have access to
              ;   - variables self and .cache (symbol macro, last I 
looked) for the instance and prior
              ;     computed value, if any
              ;   - guaranteed recomputation when the value of any other 
cell used in the computation changes
              ; If the abbreviation bothers you, look up c-formula.
                  ; Cells GUIs get a lot of mileage out of the family 
class, which is perfect
                  ; for graphical hierarchies. "the-kids" does not do 
much, btw.
                  (ltk-test-menus) ;; hiding some code. see defun below 
for deets
                   ; These "mk-" functions do nothing but expand into 
(make-instance 'scroller <the initarg list>).
                   ; Where you see, say, mk-button-ex I am (a) poking 
fun at Microsoft naming of second generation
                   ; library code that did not want to break existing 
code and (b) adding a little more value (just
                   ; inspect the macro source to see how).
                   :packing (c?pack-self "-side top -fill both -expand 1")
                   ; Here is an example of how the Family class helps. 
The above is one of only two packing
                   ; statements needed to recreate the ltktest demo. 
Other packing is handled via two
                   ; slots in an inline-mixin class for various family 
subclasses, kids-layout and
                   ; kids-packing. The latter pulls any packing 
parameters and all kids into one
                   ; big pack statement kicked off by an observer on 
that slot. See the inline-mixin
                   ; class to see how this works.
                   ; See the scroller class to see some automation of 
grids (but this was my first experience
                   ; with grids so look for that to get enhanced over 
time -- and later automation
                   ; of the use of PLACE.
                   :canvas (c? (make-kid 'ltk-test-canvas))) ;; hiding 
some code. see defmodel thereof below
                   ; My bad. Scroller should not assume a canvas is the 
scrollee. To be refined.

                  (mk-row (:packing (c?pack-self "-side bottom"))
                    ; Just expand mk-row to see what is going on. It is 
pretty neat in one respect: if the
                    ; first row parameter is a string, it knows to make 
a labelframe instead of plain frame)
                    ; The other thing it does, by forcing row parameters 
into a sub-list as the first argument,
                    ; is let the programmer then just list other widgets 
(see next) which are understood to
                    ; be kids/subwidgets contained (packed or gridded) 
within the frame.
                    (mk-row (:borderwidth 2 :relief 'sunken)
                      (mk-label :text "Rotation:")
                      (mk-button-ex ("Start" (setf (moire-spin (fm^ 
:moire-1)) t)))
                      ; You were warned about mk-button-ex and its ilk 
                      ; fm^ is a wicked abbreviation for (hey, this is 
open source, look it up or
                      ; macroexpand it). The long story is that the 
Family tree becomes effectively
                      ; a namespace, where the ID slot is the name of a 
widget. I have a suite of
                      ; routines that search the namespace by name so 
one widget can operate on or,
                      ; more commonly, ask for the value of a slot of 
some specific widget known to
                      ; be Out There somewhere. (Kids know their 
parents, so the search can reach
                      ; anywhere in the tree.)
                      ; OK, now what is going on here? The above command 
starts the canvas display
                      ; spinning, by tweaking (via the (setf moire-spin) 
defun below) the "repeat" slot of
                      ; an ad hoc "moire" class object created to render 
the pretty design from
                      ; ltktest. How it accomplishes that will be 
explained below in the moire class
                      ; definition.
                      (mk-button-ex ("Stop" (setf (moire-spin (fm^ 
:moire-1)) nil))))
                      ; ditto

                    (mk-button-ex ("Hallo" (format T "~&Hallo")))
                    (mk-button-ex ("Welt!" (format T "~&Welt")))
                    (mk-row (:borderwidth 2
                              :relief 'sunken)
                      (mk-label :text "Test:")
                      (mk-button-ex ("OK:" (setf (moire-spin (fm^ 
:moire-1)) 20))))
                    (mk-entry :id :entry)
                    (mk-button-ex ("get!" (format t "~&content of entry: 
~A" (fm^v :entry))))
                    ; fm^v -> (md-value (fm^ ....
                    ; The idea being that every Cells model object has 
an md-value slot bearing the value
                    ; of the thing being modeled. Here, the entry widget 
is modelling a place for users
                    ; to supply information to an application, and the 
md-value slot is a good place to
                    ; keep that information.
                    ; Thus each class uses md-value to hold something 
different, but in all cases it is
                    ; the current value of whatever the instance of that 
class is understood to hold.
                    ; The interesting question is, how does the md-value 
slot of the Lisp instance stay
                    ; current with the text being edited in the Tk entry 
widget? Here we have a fundamental
                    ; difference between Ltk and Celtk. Ltk lets Tk take 
care of everything, including
                    ; storing the data. eg, (text my-entry) is an 
accessor call that asks Tk the value of
                    ; the -text configuration for the Tk instance 
mirrored by my-entry. There is no text
                    ; slot in the Lisp entry instance. But Cells works
                    ; by having datapoints watching other datapoints, so 
we want data in the Lisp domain
                    ; changing automatically as it changes on the TK 
side (such as when the user is actually
                    ; typing in the entry widget). See the entry class 
to see how it uses the TCL "trace write"
                    ; mechanism to keep the Lisp md-value slot abreast 
of the Tk entry text configuration
                    ; keystroke by keystroke.
                    ; I just added the entry-value slot above to 
demonstrate the mechanism in action. Click
                    ; on the entry widget and type "abc123", then delete 
the 3, 2, and 1, keeping an eye
                    ; on standard output.
                    (mk-button-ex ("set!" (setf (fm^v :entry) "test of 
                    ; In Ltk one would SETF (text my-entry) and the
                    ; SETF method would communicate with Tk to make the 
change to the Tk widget -text
                    ; configuration. In Celtk, the md-value slot of the 
entry gets changed (possibly
                    ; triggering other slots to update, which is why we 
do not just talk to Tk) and
                    ; then that value gets propagated to Tk via "set 
<widget path> <value>". Because
                    ; the textVariable for every entry is the entry 
itself, the text of the entry
                    ; then changes. If that sounds weird, what we are 
actually doing is tapping into
                    ; Tk to a large degree taking the same approach as 
Cells does with the md-value
                    ; slot: in Cells, we think of model instances as 
wrapping some model-specific
                    ; value, which is held in the md-value slot of the 
model instance. Tk simply
                    ; allows a widget path to be a global variable. 
Furthermore, as the company name
                    ; ActiveState suggests, Tk also provides automatic 
propagation: change the
                    ; variable, and anyone with that as its textVariable 
also changes.

(defobserver entry-warning ()
     ; This demonstrates ones ability to track the text in a Tk entry 
while it is being
     ; edited. As you type you should see the changing values in 
standard output
     (if new-value
         (format t "~&User, we have a problem: ~a" new-value)
       (when old-value
         (format t "~&That looks better: ~a" (fm!v :entry)))))

(defmodel ltk-test-canvas (canvas)
       :id :test-canvas
     :scroll-region '(0 0 500 400)
     :gridding "-row 0 -column 0 -sticky news"
     ; As with packing, Celtk tries to simplify life with Tk gridding. 
But that is achieved partly
     ; by automating things as with the kids-packing and kids-layout 
slots, and partly by staying
     ; out of the programmer's way and letting them specify actual Tk 
code to be passed unfiltered
     ; to Tk. The design choice here is to acknowledge that LTk and 
Celtk users really are still
     ; doing Tk programming; only some automation (and Lispification) is 
     ; This also simplifies Celtk since it just has to pass the Tk code 
along with "grid <path> "
     ; appended.
     :xscrollcommand (c-in nil) ;; see canvas class for the Tk 
limitation behind this nonsense
     :yscrollcommand (c-in nil) ;; in brief, Tk needs the concept of 
"late binding" on widget names

     :bindings (c? (list (list "<1>" (lambda (event)
                                       ; Stolen from the original. It 
means "when the left button is
                                       ; pressed on this widget, popup 
this menu where the button was pressed"
                                       (pop-up (car (^menus)) ;; 
(^menus) -> (menus self)
                                         (event-root-x event)
                                         (event-root-y event))))))
     ; an observer on the bindings slot (a) registers a callback and (b) 
passes along
     ; to Tk an appropriate BIND command
     ; here is a limitation with the declarative paradigm. pop-up menus 
are free to float about
     ; unpacked in any parent. One just needs to remember the name of 
the menu widget to
     ; pass it to the pop-up function. So imperative code like ltktest 
"classic" can just make the menus
     ; saving their name in a closed-over local variable and then refer 
to them in a callback to pop them up.
     ; in the declarative paradigm we need a slot (defined for any 
widget or item class) in which
     ; to build and store such menus:
     (c? (the-kids
           :kids (c? (the-kids
                      (mapcar (lambda (spec)
                                (destructuring-bind (lbl . out$) spec
                                   :label lbl
                                   :command (c? (tk-callback .tkw 
(gentemp "MNU")
                                                  (lambda ()
                                                    (format t "~&~a" 
                        (list (cons "Option 1" "Popup 1")
                          (cons "Option 2" "Popup 2")
                          (cons "Option 3" "Popup 3"))))))))

     :kids (c? (the-kids
                 :coords (list 10 10)
                 :anchor "nw"
                 :text "Ltk Demonstration")
                (make-kid 'moire :id :moire-1)))))
                ; we give /this/ widget a specific ID so other rules can 
look it up, as
                ; discussed above when explaining fm^.

(defmodel moire (line)
   ((angle-1 :initarg :angle-1 :accessor angle-1 :initform (c-in 0)))
       :timers (c? (list (make-instance 'timer
                           ; it occurred to me that it might be useful 
to build a timer utility
                           ; around the TCL after command. See the class 
definition of timer
                           ; for the fireworks (in terms of Cells) that 
                           :repeat (c-in nil)
                           :delay 25 ;; milliseconds since this gets 
passed unvarnished to TK after
                           :action (lambda (timer)
                                     (when (eq (state timer) :on)
                                       (incf (^angle-1) 0.1))))))
     :coords (c? (let* ((angle-2 (* 0.3 (^angle-1)))
                        (wx (sin (* 0.1 (^angle-1)))))
                   (loop for i below 100
                       for w = (+ (^angle-1) (* i 2.8001))
                       for x = (+ (* 50 (sin angle-2)) 250 (* 150 (sin 
w) (1+ wx)))
                       for y = (+ (* 50 (cos angle-2)) 200 (* 150 (cos w)))
                       nconcing (list x y))))))

(defun (setf moire-spin) (repeat self)
   (setf (repeat (car (timers self))) repeat)) ;; just hiding the 

(defun ltk-test-menus ()
   ; The only difference is that the menu structure as seen by the user
   ; is apparent here, which might help some when reorganizing menus.
   ; Well, another thing which happens not to be visible here... hang on.
   ; OK, I just made the Save menu item contingent upon there being no
   ; entry-warning. As you add/remove all digits (considered invalid for
   ; demonstration purposes) the menu item becomes available/unavailable
   ; appropriately.
   ; This is the kind of thing that Cells is good for.
    :kids (c? (the-kids
               (mk-menu-entry-cascade-ex (:label "File")
                 (mk-menu-entry-command :label "Load"
                   :command (c? (tk-callback .tkw 'load
                                  (lambda () (format t "~&Load pressed")))))

                 (mk-menu-entry-command :label "Save"
                   :state (c? (if (entry-warning (fm^ :ltk-test))
                                  :disabled :normal))
                   :command (c? (tk-callback .tkw 'save
                                  (lambda () (format t "~&Save pressed")))))
                 (mk-menu-entry-cascade-ex (:id :export :label "Export...")
                    :label "jpeg"
                    :command (c? (tk-callback .tkw 'jpeg
                                   (lambda () (format t "~&Jpeg 
                    :label "png"
                    :command (c? (tk-callback .tkw 'png
                                   (lambda () (format t "~&Png 
                 (mk-menu-entry-command :label "Quit"
                   :accelerator "Alt-q"
                   ; check out the observer on the accelerator slot of 
the class menu-entry-usable
                   ; to see how Celtk fills in a gap in Tk: accelerators 
should work just by
                   ; declaring them to the menu widget, it seems to me. 
In Celtk, they do.
                   :underline 1
                   :command "exit"))))))

Now shut the fuck up.




"And I will know my song well before I start singing."  - Bob Dylan