From: Joseph Abrahamson
Subject: Lisp Quiz: Lets See How It Works
Message-ID: <>
Ruby has Ruby Quiz.
I want to see how well Lisp Quiz could fly.

Here's the idea: I've got a little challenge, you've possible got the
time. If you create a submission send it to ········· with
the quiz number in the subject. After a grace period I'll post the
submissions with their respective authors (I'm thinking monday). Please
only send full solutions; partial solutions can be discussed after the
grace period.

If this gets strong response, maybe I'll try again. If you've got an
idea for a new quiz send it to the same address.

Anyway, I think that's enough explanation. Here's the problem.


A read an interesting article on 43 Folders a while back
that related the technique of a Progressive Dash. The idea is that if
you have a list of things to do you can urge yourself to complete them
by spending exactly one minute on each. Then two. Then three. Then
four. Etc.

The challenge is to create a program similar to the author's tenmins
program. The program should gather the todo list from a file, present
them one at a time to the user along with a timer. The user can dismiss
the task as completed or wait until the timer runs out and the next
task is displayed.

If you find this too easy, there are bonus points for allowing the
program to grab tasks from a Backpack (or similar online service) todo
list, allowing the user to add new tasks on the fly, giving the user a
break every 10 minutes, and any other useful features.


Lets see how this goes.
From: Tel A.
Subject: Re: Lisp Quiz: Lets See How It Works
Message-ID: <>

Since this is the first one, if you plan on submitting a solution
please leave a notice here so I can judge the response.

Additionally, if you have any questions or ideas about this whole
project, definitely ask them.