From: Tim Johnson
Subject: NewLisp Emacs Mode
Message-ID: <>
Hi All:
(hoping this isn't OTL)
I've noted that there is some (albeit not current) discussion of newlisp
in this group.

I'm not much of a Lisp programmer, but had been looking at NewLisp
as a stepping stone to CL.

Last years, I wrote some crude hacks for an Emacs/Xemacs mode for NewLisp.
It worked and included context-based documentation features, but was
accomplished by modifying someone elses good code.  (quack.el)

Currently, there is a topic in
In which Stefan Monnier is "mentoring" me on how to create a derived
mode with NewLisp as the "target".

The topic is called:
Derived Mode 101 HOWTO

The goals are:

1)A major mode for newlisp derived from scheme-mode (although the
"parent" mode could be changed, I'm sure), done in an professionally
"emacsish" manner.

2)A "template" for other derived modes.

3)Either process compatible to both GNU Emacs and Xemacs.

Tim Johnson <ยทยทยท>