From: Thibault Langlois
Subject: :depends-on option in asdf defsystem
Message-ID: <>

I have the following systems definitions (simplified):

(asdf:defsystem sys-2
   :version "0.1"
   :pathname *default-pathname-defaults*
   :depends-on (sys-3 sys-4 mime)
   :components ((:file "file1")
                (:file "file2")
                (:file "file3"))
   :serial t)

(asdf:defsystem main-system
   :version "0.1"
   :depends-on (sys-2 cl-smtp)
   :components ((:file "file4")
                (:file "file5"))
   :serial t)

Where file2.lisp contains a package that uses the mime system.
Is there something wrong with these definitions ?

After some tests I found that the systems in the :depends-on option
are processed in reverse order i.e. first mime then sys4 then sys3
in the :depends-on (sys-3 sys-4 mime) dependency.
This should not be a problem because if I understood correctly the
manual, all dependencies are processed (loaded or compiled and
loaded if necessary) before performing the load/compile operation
on the components file1 file2 and file3.

Unfortunately I may not have understood well how asdf works because
the following two alternative definitions of sys2 do not work.

(asdf:defsystem sys-2
   :version "0.1"
   :pathname *default-pathname-defaults*
   :depends-on (sys-3 mime sys-4)
   :components ((:file "file1")
                (:file "file2")
                (:file "file3"))
   :serial t)

(asdf:defsystem sys-2
   :version "0.1"
   :pathname *default-pathname-defaults*
   :depends-on (mime sys-3 sys-4)
   :components ((:file "file1")
                (:file "file2")
                (:file "file3"))
   :serial t)

In both cases the mime system is registred but not loaded before file2.

I really would like to understand what is going on ...


From: sross
Subject: Re: :depends-on option in asdf defsystem
Message-ID: <>
> In both cases the mime system is registred but not loaded before file2.
> I really would like to understand what is going on ...

That's very strange, what version of asdf are you using, ie
From: Thibault Langlois
Subject: Re: :depends-on option in asdf defsystem
Message-ID: <>
sross wrote:
> > In both cases the mime system is registred but not loaded before file2.
> >
> > I really would like to understand what is going on ...
> That's very strange, what version of asdf are you using, ie
> *asdf-revision*

Thank you for your answer.

CL-USER> asdf:*asdf-revision*
(1 81)

I finally found my mistake. The problem was that sys4 has file2
among its components and a dependency to the mime system was missing.


Now it compiles and load correctly but it seems that asdf does not
remember the file components that are already loaded.

If I have two systems that share the same component:
(asdf:defsystem sys1
    :pathname "/home/tl/Projects/sandbox/"
    :components ((:file "file1")
                 (:file "file3")))

(asdf:defsystem sys2
  :pathname "/home/tl/Projects/sandbox/"
  :depends-on (sys1)
  :components ((:file "file3")
               (:file "file2")))

The file3 component is loaded twice:

CL-USER> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'sys2)
; loading system definition from /home/tl/Projects/Systems/sys2.asd
; #<The ASDF0 package>
; Loading #P"/home/tl/Projects/sandbox/sys2.asd".
; registering #<SYSTEM SYS2 {58233025}> as SYS2
; loading system definition from /home/tl/Projects/Systems/sys1.asd
; #<The ASDF0 package>
; Loading #P"/home/tl/Projects/sandbox/sys1.asd".
; registering #<SYSTEM SYS1 {58251F85}> as SYS1
; Loading #P"/home/tl/Projects/sandbox/file1.x86f".
; Loading #P"/home/tl/Projects/sandbox/file3.x86f".
; Loading #P"/home/tl/Projects/sandbox/file3.x86f".
; Loading #P"/home/tl/Projects/sandbox/file2.x86f".

Is it the normal behavior or am I doing something wrong ?
