From: Martin Raspaud
Subject: Sbcl sockets
Message-ID: <449b1dea$0$9032$>
Hi all,

I've been trying to do broadcasting on sbcl sockets but without any
success so far.

Here is what I do to setup the socket :

;; create the socket
(setf mysock (make-instance 'inet-socket :type :datagram :protocol :udp))

;; make it a broadcast socket
(setf (sockopt-broadcast mysock) t)

;; connect the socket to a broadcast address (and port)
(socket-bind mysock (resolve-hostname "") 1234)

Now I send something :

;; send something on the socket
(socket-send mysock "hi" nil :address '(#(192 168 1 255)))

The last parameter of the socket-send seems to be necessary (otherwise
it complains that no address is specified) but still I have an error
from this.

Does anyone have a clue on what is wrong ?

