From: Pierre THIERRY
Subject: Impossible to redefine package
Message-ID: <>
I've stumbled on a problem when trying to redefine a package. I'm
writing a singly-linked list package:

(defpackage :sda-list
  (:import-from :cl :defclass :defmethod :in-package :do :not :1+)
  (:export :slist :slist-link))

The problem is, if I've compiled (using SLIME/SBCL) and loaded that
definition, trying to recompile it triggers the following error:

The function :IMPORT-FROM is undefined.

I tried to add :import-from to the :import-from list but then:

no symbol named "IMPORT-FROM" in "COMMON-LISP"

Nowhere man
OpenPGP 0xD9D50D8A

From: Lars Rune Nøstdal
Subject: Re: Impossible to redefine package
Message-ID: <>
Pierre THIERRY wrote:
> I've stumbled on a problem when trying to redefine a package. I'm
> writing a singly-linked list package:
> (defpackage :sda-list
>   (:import-from :cl :defclass :defmethod :in-package :do :not :1+)
>   (:export :slist :slist-link))
> The problem is, if I've compiled (using SLIME/SBCL) and loaded that
> definition, trying to recompile it triggers the following error:
> The function :IMPORT-FROM is undefined.

If I have a file like this:

  (defpackage :test
    (:import-from :cl :defclass :defmethod :in-package :do :not :1+))
  (in-package :test)

..and I evaluate it twice (ie. press C-c-k twice), it fails the second
time because after the first evaluation the package `test' no longer
have implicit access to the symbol `cl:defpackage' and since it tries
to evaluate all arguments to what it assume is a _function_
`test:defpackage' in left-to-right order it starts with evaluating what
it thinks is a function-call:

  (:import-from :cl ....etc.)

Take a look at special forms and macros, and how they differ from
functions in Practical Common Lisp, here:

What you could do is this:

  (defpackage :test
    (:import-from :cl :defpackage :defclass :defmethod :in-package :do
:not :1+))
  (in-package :test)

When you evaluate that twice, the package `test' will now have access
to the _special form_ `cl:defpackage' and Lisp will no longer evaluate
all arguments before executing, but instead follow the "special" rules
for what arguments `cl:defpackage' should evaluate.

You could also do:

  (cl:defpackage :test
    (:import-from :cl :defclass :defmethod :in-package :do :not :1+))
  (in-package :test)

..since then Lisp would know that you mean `cl:defpackage' explicitly
and not assume you mean something that should or might be defined later
in `test'.

What I normally do is this:

  (defpackage :test
    (:use :cl))
  (in-package :test)

..since I most likely would like to use many/all of the tools in `cl'

> I tried to add :import-from to the :import-from list but then:
> no symbol named "IMPORT-FROM" in "COMMON-LISP"
>    [Condition of type SB-KERNEL:SIMPLE-PACKAGE-ERROR]

`:import-from' (or `import-from' since `:import-from' is a designator)
does not reside in the CL-package. It resides in the "keyword"-package.
You want to read this:

Hope this is somewhat understandable.

mvh, Lars Rune Nøstdal
From: Pierre THIERRY
Subject: Re: Impossible to redefine package
Message-ID: <>
Le Mon, 24 Jul 2006 03:42:27 -0700, Lars Rune Nøstdal a écrit :
> Take a look at special forms and macros, and how they differ from
> functions in Practical Common Lisp, here:

I've already read this, but I ain't that familiar with Lisp evaluation
rules to make the link myself with that error.

> You could also do:
>   (cl:defpackage :test (:import-from :cl :defclass :defmethod
>   :in-package :do :not :1+))

OK. Maybe I'll fully qualify that single form, or I'll use a qualified
version in the REPL...

> You want to read this:

I'm just finishing the chapters on CLOS. ;-)

> Hope this is somewhat understandable.

Totally, thanks!

Nowhere man
OpenPGP 0xD9D50D8A
From: Dr. John A.R. Williams
Subject: Re: Impossible to redefine package
Message-ID: <>
What package is the defpackage itself in? Is it possible the
defpackage form is not available, so (:import-from ...) is treated as
a function call.

>>>>> "Pierre" == Pierre THIERRY <···········> writes:

    Pierre> I've stumbled on a problem when trying to redefine a
    Pierre> package. I'm writing a singly-linked list package:

    Pierre> (defpackage :sda-list (:import-from :cl :defclass
    Pierre> :defmethod :in-package :do :not :1+) (:export :slist
    Pierre> :slist-link))

    Pierre> The problem is, if I've compiled (using SLIME/SBCL) and
    Pierre> loaded that definition, trying to recompile it triggers
    Pierre> the following error:

    Pierre> The function :IMPORT-FROM is undefined.  [Condition of

    Pierre> I tried to add :import-from to the :import-from list but
    Pierre> then:

    Pierre> no symbol named "IMPORT-FROM" in "COMMON-LISP" [Condition

    Pierre> Confusingly, Nowhere man -- ···········
    Pierre> OpenPGP 0xD9D50D8A

John Williams 
From: Pierre THIERRY
Subject: Re: Impossible to redefine package
Message-ID: <>
Le Mon, 24 Jul 2006 10:57:02 +0100, Dr. John A.R. Williams a écrit :
> What package is the defpackage itself in? Is it possible the
> defpackage form is not available, so (:import-from ...) is treated as
> a function call.

But the first call to defpackage works... BTW, I'm in the CL-USER
package, IIUC.

Nowhere man
OpenPGP 0xD9D50D8A
From: Pascal Costanza
Subject: Re: Impossible to redefine package
Message-ID: <>
Pierre THIERRY wrote:
> Le Mon, 24 Jul 2006 10:57:02 +0100, Dr. John A.R. Williams a écrit :
>> What package is the defpackage itself in? Is it possible the
>> defpackage form is not available, so (:import-from ...) is treated as
>> a function call.
> But the first call to defpackage works... BTW, I'm in the CL-USER
> package, IIUC.

Make that explicit:

(in-package :cl-user)

(defpackage ...)


My website:
Closer to MOP & ContextL:
From: Christophe Rhodes
Subject: Re: Impossible to redefine package
Message-ID: <>
Pascal Costanza <··> writes:

> Pierre THIERRY wrote:
>> But the first call to defpackage works... BTW, I'm in the CL-USER
>> package, IIUC.
> Make that explicit:
> (in-package :cl-user)

I suggest (cl:in-package :cl-user), because the bare "in-package" is
vulnerable to exactly the same problem as the bare "defpackage".

> (defpackage ...)

From: Christophe Rhodes
Subject: Re: Impossible to redefine package
Message-ID: <>
Pierre THIERRY <···········> writes:

> (defpackage :sda-list
>   (:import-from :cl :defclass :defmethod :in-package :do :not :1+)
>   (:export :slist :slist-link))
> The problem is, if I've compiled (using SLIME/SBCL) and loaded that
> definition, trying to recompile it triggers the following error:
> The function :IMPORT-FROM is undefined.

At a guess, you are working in your own SDA-LIST package, so instead
of sending cl:defpackage, recompiling this definition will send to
your lisp a call to sda-list::defpackage, which is not defined as a
macro.  So your lisp will attempt to call it as a function, which
means evaluating its arguments in left-to-right order; the first
argument is (:import-from :cl ...), and again :import-from is not
defined as a macro, so it will attempt to evaluate all its arguments
(which works, as they're all keywords) and call it as a function
(which fails, because it's not defined).

To fix this in your above form, use cl:defpackage; in general, it's
probably easier to (:use :common-lisp) and (if necessary) shadow the
symbols you /don't/ want, rather than cherry-pick the ones you do.
