From: Kim Minh Kaplan
Subject: How do you use APPLY with CALL-NEXT-METHOD ?
Message-ID: <>
I am trying tu modify the behaviour of a method like this :

    (defgeneric foo (this &rest args))

    (defmethod foo (this &rest args)
      (cons this args))

    (defclass bar () ())

    (defmethod foo ((this bar) &rest args)
      (apply 'call-next-method :bar args))

Un fortunately this does not work :

    (foo (make-instance 'bar) 1 2)

    Error: attempt to call `CALL-NEXT-METHOD' which is an undefined
      [condition type: UNDEFINED-FUNCTION]

How should I do such a modification of arguments to CALL-NEXT-METHOD?
Kim Minh.

From: Pascal Costanza
Subject: Re: How do you use APPLY with CALL-NEXT-METHOD ?
Message-ID: <>
Kim Minh Kaplan wrote:
> I am trying tu modify the behaviour of a method like this :
>     (defgeneric foo (this &rest args))
>     (defmethod foo (this &rest args)
>       (cons this args))
>     (defclass bar () ())
>     (defmethod foo ((this bar) &rest args)
>       (apply 'call-next-method :bar args))
> Un fortunately this does not work :
>     (foo (make-instance 'bar) 1 2)
>     Error: attempt to call `CALL-NEXT-METHOD' which is an undefined
> 	   function.
>       [condition type: UNDEFINED-FUNCTION]
> How should I do such a modification of arguments to CALL-NEXT-METHOD?

If you apply or funcall a function by its quoted name, like you do when 
you say (apply 'call-next-method ...), Lisp attempts to find a global 
definition of that function, as if it were defined by defun or defgeneric.

However, call-next-method is typically implemented as a local function 
(as if by flet or labels), so (apply 'call-next-method ...) cannot see 
this local function. You should instead call (apply #'call-next-method 
...), which will look up the function locally.

I hope this helps.


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From: Kim Minh Kaplan
Subject: Re: How do you use APPLY with CALL-NEXT-METHOD ?
Message-ID: <>
Pascal Costanza wrote:

> If you apply or funcall a function by its quoted name, like you do when
> you say (apply 'call-next-method ...), Lisp attempts to find a global
> definition of that function, as if it were defined by defun or defgeneric.
> However, call-next-method is typically implemented as a local function
> (as if by flet or labels), so (apply 'call-next-method ...) cannot see
> this local function. You should instead call (apply #'call-next-method
> ...), which will look up the function locally.
> I hope this helps.

Ah, silly me, I should have thought about it.   Works now, thank you.
Kim Minh