From: arnuld
Subject: finding the position of an element in a "list of strings"
Message-ID: <>

PROBLEM: pretty much what header says:

here is the programme, i created:

(defvar *list* (list "ant" "bat" "cat" "dat" "dit" "dot"))

;; 1. gives the user a list of strings.
;; 2. prompts the user for an element of the list input
;; 3. finds the position of that input in the list, else returns
"element not found"

(defun look-for-element ()
  "ok we will create a list right-here"
  (format t "~%this is the list we will work on:     ~A~%" *list*)
  (let ((element (prompt-read-element)))
    (if (member element *list*)
	(give-position element *list*)
      (format nil "element not found"))))

;; prompts the user for input
(defun prompt-read-element ()
  (format *query-io* "~%please enter the element you wish to search: ")
  (force-output *query-io*)
  (read-line *query-io*))

;; gives the position of an element in a string, of course starting
from zero.
(defun give-position (x a-list)
  (cond ((null a-list) 0)
	((equal (car a-list) x) 0)
	(t (+ 1 (give-position x (cdr a-list))))))

both "prompt-read-element" & "give-position" work fine but
"look-for-element" doesn't. i am not able to spot the BUG. can you?

original problem was solved in Java. i got it by "googling" . here is

e362. Finding an Element in a Sorted List

    // Create a list with an ordered list of strings
    List sortedList = new LinkedList();
    sortedList.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"ant", "bat", "cat",

    // Search for the word "cat"
    int index = Collections.binarySearch(sortedList, "cat");    // 2

    // Search for a non-existent element
    index = Collections.binarySearch(sortedList, "cow");        // -4

A negative return value indicates that the element is not in the list.
However, the actual return value can be used to determine where that
non-existent element should be inserted in the list if that were



From: arnuld
Subject: Re: finding the position of an element in a "list of strings"
Message-ID: <>
ok i got the bug:

(member element *list*)

should be

(member element *list* :test #'string=)

;; now i know that Common Lisp uses "eq" as its default test.

thanks, anyway :-)  

From: Bulent Murtezaoglu
Subject: Re: finding the position of an element in a "list of strings"
Message-ID: <87r70zeykh.fsf@p4.internal>
>>>>> "arnuld" == arnuld  <·······> writes:
    arnuld> ;; now i know that Common Lisp uses "eq" as its default
    arnuld> test.

No, it is eql.  See CLHS 17.2.1 :

I'll quote:

"If neither a :test nor a :test-not argument is supplied, it is as if 
a :test argument of #'eql was supplied."


From: Takehiko Abe
Subject: Re: finding the position of an element in a "list of strings"
Message-ID: <keke-0607062045320001@>
> ;; now i know that Common Lisp uses "eq" as its default test.

The default is #'eql . See "17.2.1 Satisfying a Two-Argument Test"

The original question, "Can machines think?"
I believe to be too meaningless to deserve discussion.
From: Barry Margolin
Subject: Re: finding the position of an element in a "list of strings"
Message-ID: <>
In article <························>,
 "arnuld" <·······> wrote:

> ;; gives the position of an element in a string, of course starting
> from zero.
> (defun give-position (x a-list)
>   (cond ((null a-list) 0)
> 	((equal (car a-list) x) 0)
> 	(t (+ 1 (give-position x (cdr a-list))))))

If you want the position, why don't you just use the built-in POSITION 

Also, it seems wasteful to call MEMBER before calling GIVE-POSITION, 
since they both have to search the list.  Just call POSITION, as it will 
return NIL if the element isn't found, and the index otherwise.

Barry Margolin, ······
Arlington, MA
*** PLEASE post questions in newsgroups, not directly to me ***
*** PLEASE don't copy me on replies, I'll read them in the group ***
From: Karsten Poeck
Subject: Re: finding the position of an element in a "list of strings"
Message-ID: <e8m8se$f92$>
I don't believe that give-position works, you are not treating the case that 
the element is not found correctly.
just try:
(give-position  'this '(does not work))
(give-position  'this '(does this work))

Just look at your recursion, if you blindly add 1 + the recurevice value, 
how will you treat the case that the element is not found.

You might try a helper-function with labels where you pass the current index 
as an additional variable.


> ;; gives the position of an element in a string, of course starting
> from zero.
> (defun give-position (x a-list)
>  (cond ((null a-list) 0)
> ((equal (car a-list) x) 0)
> (t (+ 1 (give-position x (cdr a-list))))))
> both "prompt-read-element" & "give-position" work fine but
> "look-for-element" doesn't. i am not able to spot the BUG. can you?