From: John Connors
Subject: Huge hairy clauses and macro sytnax abstraction.
Message-ID: <43c77845$0$63099$>
Finally, I may have found out how to move lisp from Emacs to Thunderbird
without major formatting accidents.

;; I'm looking for some stylistic and practical advice on my software
;; renderer code; I always end up writing huge clauses like the one
;; below, with repeated s-expressions for each color component the
;; renderer deals with. I'm trying to deal with this by writing a
;; macro that takes an s-experession, and duplicates it n times, and
;; then does a substitution m times like the macro below the
;; example. My question is - is this a common technique? Is it an
;; acceptable idiom. Does the idea of an idiom make sense in such a
;; plastic language as lisp, anyway? Is there any naming convention
;; for functions/macros of this type an experienced lisp programmer
;; would use?

(defun ptc-draw-color-y-sorted-triangle (top-x top-y top-pix
                                          mid-x  mid-y mid-pix
                                          bottom-x bottom-y bottom-pix)
   (declare (type dimension top-x top-y mid-x mid-y bottom-x bottom-y)
            (pixel top-pix mid-pix bottom-pix))
   (c-type-assert (and (< top-y mid-y)
                       (< mid-y bottom-y)
                       (< top-y bottom-y)))
   (if (< mid-x top-x)
       ;; midx is on left
       (let ((right-x-step
              (/ (- bottom-x top-x) (- bottom-y top-y)))
              (/ (- (get-red bottom-pix) (get-red top-pix))
                 (- bottom-y top-y)))
              (/ (- (get-green bottom-pix) (get-green top-pix))
                 (- bottom-y top-y)))
              (/ (- (get-blue bottom-pix) (get-blue top-pix))
                 (- bottom-y top-y)))
              (/ (- (get-alpha bottom-pix) (get-alpha top-pix))
                 (- bottom-y top-y)))
              (/ (- mid-x top-x) (- mid-y top-y)))
              (/ (- (get-red mid-pix) (get-red top-pix))
                 (- mid-y top-y)))
              (/ (- (get-green mid-pix) (get-green top-pix))
                 (- mid-y top-y)))
              (/ (- (get-blue mid-pix) (get-blue top-pix))
                 (- mid-y top-y)))
              (/ (- (get-alpha mid-pix) (get-alpha top-pix))
                 (- mid-y top-y)))
              (/ (- bottom-x mid-x)
                 (- bottom-y mid-y)))
              (/ (- (get-red bottom-pix) (get-red mid-pix))
                 (- bottom-y mid-y)))
              (/ (- (get-green bottom-pix) (get-green mid-pix))
                 (- bottom-y mid-y)))
              (/ (- (get-blue bottom-pix) (get-blue mid-pix))
                 (- bottom-y mid-y)))
              (/ (- (get-alpha bottom-pix) (get-alpha mid-pix))
                 (- bottom-y mid-y))))
                mid-right-red  mid-right-green mid-right-blue
                mid-left-red  mid-left-green mid-left-blue
             (with-steps ((y top-y mid-y)
                          (right-x top-x right-x-step)
                          (right-red (get-red top-pix) right-red-step)
                          (right-green (get-green top-pix) right-blue-step)
                          (right-blue (get-blue top-pix) right-green-step)
                          (right-alpha (get-alpha top-pix) right-alpha-step)
                          (left-x top-x top-left-x-step)
                          (left-red (get-red top-pix) top-left-red-step)
                          (left-green (get-green top-pix) top-left-green-step)
                          (left-blue (get-blue top-pix) top-left-blue-step)
                          (left-alpha (get-alpha top-pix) top-left-alpha-step))
                (floor left-x)
                (floor (- right-x left-x))
                 (floor left-red) (floor left-green) (floor left-blue)
                 (floor left-alpha))
                 (floor right-red) (floor right-green) (floor right-blue)
                 (floor right-alpha))))
           ;; draw bottom part
           ;; and so on ......(insert missing code here ;-)

;; symbol replacement macros
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; we often want to evaluate the same form concurrently for red blue
;; and green, so we have some macros to automate this for us

;; suffix test
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (defun string-has-suffix-p (original-suffix replacement-sufix string)
     "Tests to see if string ends in original-suffix. If it doesn't,
return NIL, else return the string with the suffix replaced"
     (let* ((suffix-char (aref original-suffix 0))
            (suffix-char-pos (position suffix-char string :from-end t)))
       (if (numberp suffix-char-pos)
           (concatenate 'string
                        (subseq *my-string* 0
                                (position *suffix-char* *my-string* :from-end t))

(defun replace-suffix (original-suffix replacement-suffix symbol)
   "Given a symbol, if it has a original suffix, return a symbol wiith
the suffix replaced, otherwise just echo the symbol, unchanged."
   (if (symbolp symbol)
       (let ((changed-string
               original-suffix replacement-suffix)))
         (if changed-string
             (intern changed-string)

;; recursively apply a function to a tree
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (defun map-tree (fn tree)
     "Apply fn to every member of tree and produce a new tree."
       ((null tree)
       ((null (car tree))
        (map-tree fn (cdr tree)))
       ((listp (car tree))
        (cons (map-tree fn (car tree)) (map-tree fn (cdr tree))))
        (cons (funcall fn (car tree)) (map-tree fn (cdr tree)))))))

;; replace one suffixed symbol with another, recursively
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (defun replace-suffixed-symbol
       (original-suffix replacement-suffix body-list)
     "(replace suffix-symbol original-suffix replacement-suffix list)
       Replace all symbols in body-list that have the original-suffix with a symbol with the replacement-suffix."
      #'(lambda (x) (replace-suffix original-suffix replacement-suffix x))

;; Given a form containing a suffixed symbol, return multiple values
;; of the form, each containing the suffix replaced with one of the
;; replacements from the list
;; eg. (with-symbol-suffix-multiplier-values
;;       ("-pixel"
;;      '("-red" "-green" "-blue")
;;      '(setf pixel-pixel 0)))
;; => (values (setf pixel-red 0) (setf pixel-green 0) (setf pixel-blue 0))
(defmacro with-symbol-suffix-multiplier-values
     (original-prefix replacement-prefixes-list body)
   (append '(values)
            for replacements in replacement-prefixes-list
            (replace-suffixed-symbol original-prefix replacement-prefixes-list body))))

;; Similar to above, only it produces a list
(defmacro with-symbol-suffix-multiplier-list
     (original-prefix replacement-prefixes-list body)
   (append '(list)
            for replacements in replacement-prefixes-list
            (replace-suffixed-symbol original-prefixe replacement-prefixes-list body))))

From: Kenny Tilton
Subject: Re: Huge hairy clauses and macro sytnax abstraction.
Message-ID: <QPNxf.1608$>
John Connors wrote:
> Finally, I may have found out how to move lisp from Emacs to Thunderbird
> without major formatting accidents.
> ;; I'm looking for some stylistic and practical advice on my software
> ;; renderer code; I always end up writing huge clauses like the one
> ;; below, with repeated s-expressions for each color component the
> ;; renderer deals with. I'm trying to deal with this by writing a
> ;; macro that takes an s-experession, and duplicates it n times, and
> ;; then does a substitution m times like the macro below the
> ;; example. My question is - is this a common technique? Is it an
> ;; acceptable idiom. Does the idea of an idiom make sense in such a
> ;; plastic language as lisp, anyway? Is there any naming convention
> ;; for functions/macros of this type an experienced lisp programmer
> ;; would use?
> (defun ptc-draw-color-y-sorted-triangle (top-x top-y top-pix
>                                          mid-x  mid-y mid-pix
>                                          bottom-x bottom-y bottom-pix)
>   (declare (type dimension top-x top-y mid-x mid-y bottom-x bottom-y)
>            (pixel top-pix mid-pix bottom-pix))
>   (c-type-assert (and (< top-y mid-y)
>                       (< mid-y bottom-y)
>                       (< top-y bottom-y)))
>   (if (< mid-x top-x)
>       ;; midx is on left
>       (let ((right-x-step
>              (/ (- bottom-x top-x) (- bottom-y top-y)))
>             (right-red-step
>              (/ (- (get-red bottom-pix) (get-red top-pix))
>                 (- bottom-y top-y)))
>             (right-green-step
>              (/ (- (get-green bottom-pix) (get-green top-pix))
>                 (- bottom-y top-y)))
>             (right-blue-step
>              (/ (- (get-blue bottom-pix) (get-blue top-pix))
>                 (- bottom-y top-y)))
>             (right-alpha-step
>              (/ (- (get-alpha bottom-pix) (get-alpha top-pix))
>                 (- bottom-y top-y)))
>             (top-left-x-step
>              (/ (- mid-x top-x) (- mid-y top-y)))
>             (top-left-red-step
>              (/ (- (get-red mid-pix) (get-red top-pix))
>                 (- mid-y top-y)))

I have not thought this all out -- ok, I have not stared at yyour 
example long enough to fully understand it <g> -- but it looks like a 
"pix" is an RGBA value, you have starting and ending colors, and you 
want to move smoothly from one color to another over an arbitrary 2-d 

Why not just have RGBA-step pixes, one x and one y? Hmm, no, if you ar 
emoving in a straight line you just need one delta RGBA.

You would write a function to subtract two RGBA pixes to yield a third 
RGBA difference, hiding there-in the separate subtractions for R, G, B, 
and A.

Likewise you would have an RGBA division function, though in this case 
you want to divide each element by the same number, the number of pixels 
in the distance to be covered.

Hmm, is it faster to have x and y steps than to do all that pythagorean 

Anyway, i think the key is to chunk the RGB and A together in a single 
structure and create functions that know about RGBAs.

From: John Connors
Subject: Re: Huge hairy clauses and macro sytnax abstraction.
Message-ID: <43c7c07b$0$2708$>
Kenny Tilton wrote:
> John Connors wrote:
>> Finally, I may have found out how to move lisp from Emacs to Thunderbird
>> without major formatting accidents.
>> ;; I'm looking for some stylistic and practical advice on my software
>> ;; renderer code; I always end up writing huge clauses like the one
>> ;; below, with repeated s-expressions for each color component the
>> ;; renderer deals with. I'm trying to deal with this by writing a
>> ;; macro that takes an s-experession, and duplicates it n times, and
>> ;; then does a substitution m times like the macro below the
>> ;; example. My question is - is this a common technique? Is it an
>> ;; acceptable idiom. Does the idea of an idiom make sense in such a
>> ;; plastic language as lisp, anyway? Is there any naming convention
>> ;; for functions/macros of this type an experienced lisp programmer
>> ;; would use?
>> (defun ptc-draw-color-y-sorted-triangle (top-x top-y top-pix
>>                                          mid-x  mid-y mid-pix
>>                                          bottom-x bottom-y bottom-pix)
>>   (declare (type dimension top-x top-y mid-x mid-y bottom-x bottom-y)
>>            (pixel top-pix mid-pix bottom-pix))
>>   (c-type-assert (and (< top-y mid-y)
>>                       (< mid-y bottom-y)
>>                       (< top-y bottom-y)))
>>   (if (< mid-x top-x)
>>       ;; midx is on left
>>       (let ((right-x-step
>>              (/ (- bottom-x top-x) (- bottom-y top-y)))
>>             (right-red-step
>>              (/ (- (get-red bottom-pix) (get-red top-pix))
>>                 (- bottom-y top-y)))
>>             (right-green-step
>>              (/ (- (get-green bottom-pix) (get-green top-pix))
>>                 (- bottom-y top-y)))
>>             (right-blue-step
>>              (/ (- (get-blue bottom-pix) (get-blue top-pix))
>>                 (- bottom-y top-y)))
>>             (right-alpha-step
>>              (/ (- (get-alpha bottom-pix) (get-alpha top-pix))
>>                 (- bottom-y top-y)))
>>             (top-left-x-step
>>              (/ (- mid-x top-x) (- mid-y top-y)))
>>             (top-left-red-step
>>              (/ (- (get-red mid-pix) (get-red top-pix))
>>                 (- mid-y top-y)))
> I have not thought this all out -- ok, I have not stared at yyour 
> example long enough to fully understand it <g> -- but it looks like a 
> "pix" is an RGBA value, you have starting and ending colors, and you 
> want to move smoothly from one color to another over an arbitrary 2-d 
> distance.
> Why not just have RGBA-step pixes, one x and one y? Hmm, no, if you ar 
> emoving in a straight line you just need one delta RGBA.
> You would write a function to subtract two RGBA pixes to yield a third 
> RGBA difference, hiding there-in the separate subtractions for R, G, B, 
> and A.
> Likewise you would have an RGBA division function, though in this case 
> you want to divide each element by the same number, the number of pixels 
> in the distance to be covered.
> Hmm, is it faster to have x and y steps than to do all that pythagorean 
> stuff?
> Anyway, i think the key is to chunk the RGB and A together in a single 
> structure and create functions that know about RGBAs.
> kt

Therein lies the problem: a pix is display dependent and lacks the precision
required for accurate interpolation - so I'd have to have a set of interpolation functions,
then convert the interpolatable RGBA value to a pix at pixel set time. Hmm. So what I need
is something geared to be an RGBA temp register that can convert quickly into pixels, and
each component can be step-interpolated by varying amounts..

Hmm. Food for thought. ta.

John Fred.
From: Larry Clapp
Subject: Re: Huge hairy clauses and macro sytnax abstraction.
Message-ID: <>
Sorry for responding so late.  Hope it's not moot by now.

On 2006-01-13, John Connors <·····> wrote:
> Finally, I may have found out how to move lisp from Emacs to Thunderbird
> without major formatting accidents.
> ;; I'm looking for some stylistic and practical advice on my software
> ;; renderer code; I always end up writing huge clauses like the one
> ;; below, with repeated s-expressions for each color component the
> ;; renderer deals with.

Ick.  Abstraction, abstraction, abstraction.

> ;; I'm trying to deal with this by writing a
> ;; macro that takes an s-experession, and duplicates it n times, and
> ;; then does a substitution m times like the macro below the
> ;; example. My question is - is this a common technique?

I don't know for sure, but I doubt it.

> ;; Is it an
> ;; acceptable idiom.

I wouldn't want to see it in anything *I* had to maintain, even if *I*
wrote it.

> ;; Does the idea of an idiom make sense in such a
> ;; plastic language as lisp, anyway?

Yes.  :)

One can condense many idioms into functions or macros, but not all.

> ;; Is there any naming convention
> ;; for functions/macros of this type an experienced lisp programmer
> ;; would use?

I don't think an experienced Lisp programmer would do this, so, no.  :)

(... But I welcome correction from those more experienced than I. :)

> (defun ptc-draw-color-y-sorted-triangle (top-x top-y top-pix
>                                           mid-x  mid-y mid-pix
>                                           bottom-x bottom-y bottom-pix)
>    (declare (type dimension top-x top-y mid-x mid-y bottom-x bottom-y)
>             (pixel top-pix mid-pix bottom-pix))
>    (c-type-assert (and (< top-y mid-y)
>                        (< mid-y bottom-y)
>                        (< top-y bottom-y)))
>    (if (< mid-x top-x)
>        ;; midx is on left
>        (let ((right-x-step
>               (/ (- bottom-x top-x) (- bottom-y top-y)))
>              (right-red-step
>               (/ (- (get-red bottom-pix) (get-red top-pix))
>                  (- bottom-y top-y)))
>              (right-green-step
>               (/ (- (get-green bottom-pix) (get-green top-pix))
>                  (- bottom-y top-y)))
>              (right-blue-step
>               (/ (- (get-blue bottom-pix) (get-blue top-pix))
>                  (- bottom-y top-y)))
>              (right-alpha-step
>               (/ (- (get-alpha bottom-pix) (get-alpha top-pix))
>                  (- bottom-y top-y)))
>              (top-left-x-step
>               (/ (- mid-x top-x) (- mid-y top-y)))
>              (top-left-red-step
>               (/ (- (get-red mid-pix) (get-red top-pix))
>                  (- mid-y top-y)))
>              (top-left-green-step
>               (/ (- (get-green mid-pix) (get-green top-pix))
>                  (- mid-y top-y)))
>              (top-left-blue-step
>               (/ (- (get-blue mid-pix) (get-blue top-pix))
>                  (- mid-y top-y)))
>              (top-left-alpha-step
>               (/ (- (get-alpha mid-pix) (get-alpha top-pix))
>                  (- mid-y top-y)))
>              (bottom-left-x-step
>               (/ (- bottom-x mid-x)
>                  (- bottom-y mid-y)))
>              (bottom-left-red-step
>               (/ (- (get-red bottom-pix) (get-red mid-pix))
>                  (- bottom-y mid-y)))
>              (bottom-left-green-step
>               (/ (- (get-green bottom-pix) (get-green mid-pix))
>                  (- bottom-y mid-y)))
>              (bottom-left-blue-step
>               (/ (- (get-blue bottom-pix) (get-blue mid-pix))
>                  (- bottom-y mid-y)))
>              (bottom-left-alpha-step
>               (/ (- (get-alpha bottom-pix) (get-alpha mid-pix))
>                  (- bottom-y mid-y))))

I think this part cries out for a little more lazyness (or "refactoring",
if you like).

You have lots of calculations of the form

  (/ (- a b) 
     (- c d))


  (/ (- (get-<something> a) (get-<something> b))
     (- c d))

We can see that the first is actually a more specific version of the
second, with the "get-<something>" replaced with #'identity.

So then you have (wide code follows)

  (flet ((get-step (func a b c d)
	   (/ (- (funcall func a) (funcall func b))
	      (- c d))))
    (let ((right-x-step           (get-step #'identity  bottom-x   top-x   bottom-y top-y))
	  (right-red-step         (get-step #'get-red   bottom-pix top-pix bottom-y top-y))
	  (right-green-step       (get-step #'get-green bottom-pix top-pix bottom-y top-y))
	  (right-blue-step        (get-step #'get-blue  bottom-pix top-pix bottom-y top-y))
	  (right-alpha-step       (get-step #'get-alpha bottom-pix top-pix bottom-y top-y))

	  (top-left-x-step        (get-step #'identity  mid-x      top-x   mid-y    top-y))
	  (top-left-red-step      (get-step #'get-red   mid-pix    top-pix mid-y    top-y))
	  (top-left-green-step    (get-step #'get-green mid-pix    top-pix mid-y    top-y))
	  (top-left-blue-step     (get-step #'get-blue  mid-pix    top-pix mid-y    top-y))
	  (top-left-alpha-step    (get-step #'get-alpha mid-pix    top-pix mid-y    top-y))

	  (bottom-left-x-step     (get-step #'identity  bottom-x   mid-x   bottom-y mid-y))
	  (bottom-left-red-step   (get-step #'get-red   bottom-pix mid-pix bottom-y mid-y))
	  (bottom-left-green-step (get-step #'get-green bottom-pix mid-pix bottom-y mid-y))
	  (bottom-left-blue-step  (get-step #'get-blue  bottom-pix mid-pix bottom-y mid-y))
	  (bottom-left-alpha-step (get-step #'get-alpha bottom-pix mid-pix bottom-y mid-y))
      ; ...

Do you see another pattern yet?

  (labels ((get-step #|as before|#)
	   (get-all-steps (x1 x2 y1 y2 p1 p2)
	       (get-step #'identity  x1 x2 y1 y2)
	       (get-step #'get-red   p1 p2 y1 y2)
	       (get-step #'get-green p1 p2 y1 y2)
	       (get-step #'get-blue  p1 p2 y1 y2)
	       (get-step #'get-alpha p1 p2 y1 y2))))
      (right-x-step right-red-step right-green-step right-blue-step right-alpha-step)
      (get-all-steps bottom-x top-x bottom-y top-y bottom-pix top-pix)
	(top-left-x-step top-left-red-step top-left-green-step top-left-blue-step top-left-alpha-step)
	(get-all-steps mid-x top-x mid-y top-y mid-pix top-pix)
	  (bottom-left-x-step #|blah blah blah|#)
	  (#|blah blah blah|#))
	  ; ...

And yet a third pattern ...

  (defstruct step
    x r g b a)

  (flet ((get-all-steps (x1 x2 y1 y2 p1 p2)
	   (let ((diff (- y1 y2)))	; a slight optimization; probably pre-mature :)
	     (flet ((get-step (func a b)
		      (/ (- (funcall func a) (funcall func b)) 
	       (make-step	; this part may be wrong too
		 :x (get-step #'identity  x1 x2)
		 :r (get-step #'get-red   p1 p2)
		 :g (get-step #'get-green p1 p2)
		 :b (get-step #'get-blue  p1 p2)
		 :a (get-step #'get-alpha p1 p2))))))
    (let ((right       (get-all-steps bottom-x top-x bottom-y top-y bottom-pix top-pix))
	  (top-left    (get-all-steps #|blah|#))
	  (bottom-left (get-all-steps #|blah|#)))
      ; ...

And then you could put the constructor with the structure, rather than the
function that uses it:

  (defstruct step
    x r g b a)

  ;; Define your own "boa constructor" *laugh*
  ;; (I shit you not; see
  (make-step-boa (x1 x2 y1 y2 p1 p2)
    (#| get-all-steps from above |#))

  (let ((right	     (make-step-boa bottom-x top-x bottom-y top-y bottom-pix top-pix))
	(top-left    (make-step-boa #|blah|#))
	(bottom-left (make-step-boa #|blah|#)))
    ; ...

>          (multiple-value-bind
>                (mid-right-x
>                 mid-right-red  mid-right-green mid-right-blue
>                 mid-right-alpha
>                 mid-left-x
>                 mid-left-red  mid-left-green mid-left-blue
>                 mid-left-alpha)
>              (with-steps ((y top-y mid-y)
>                           (right-x top-x right-x-step)
>                           (right-red (get-red top-pix) right-red-step)
>                           (right-green (get-green top-pix) right-blue-step)
>                           (right-blue (get-blue top-pix) right-green-step)
>                           (right-alpha (get-alpha top-pix) right-alpha-step)
>                           (left-x top-x top-left-x-step)
>                           (left-red (get-red top-pix) top-left-red-step)
>                           (left-green (get-green top-pix) top-left-green-step)
>                           (left-blue (get-blue top-pix) top-left-blue-step)
>                           (left-alpha (get-alpha top-pix) top-left-alpha-step))
>                (ptc-draw-colour-hline
>                 (floor left-x)
>                 y
>                 (floor (- right-x left-x))
>                 (make-pixel
>                  (floor left-red) (floor left-green) (floor left-blue)
>                  (floor left-alpha))
>                 (make-pixel
>                  (floor right-red) (floor right-green) (floor right-blue)
>                  (floor right-alpha))))
>            ;; draw bottom part
>            ;; and so on ......(insert missing code here ;-)
>            ))))

I didn't look closely at this part, but I bet you could do something
similar here.

-- Larry
From: John Connors
Subject: Re: Huge hairy clauses and macro sytnax abstraction.
Message-ID: <444e06cc$0$33908$>
Larry Clapp wrote:
> Sorry for responding so late.  Hope it's not moot by now.
> On 2006-01-13, John Connors <·····> wrote:
>>Finally, I may have found out how to move lisp from Emacs to Thunderbird
>>without major formatting accidents.
>>;; I'm looking for some stylistic and practical advice on my software
>>;; renderer code; I always end up writing huge clauses like the one
>>;; below, with repeated s-expressions for each color component the
>>;; renderer deals with.
> Ick.  Abstraction, abstraction, abstraction.
>>;; I'm trying to deal with this by writing a
>>;; macro that takes an s-experession, and duplicates it n times, and
>>;; then does a substitution m times like the macro below the
>>;; example. My question is - is this a common technique?
> I don't know for sure, but I doubt it.
>>;; Is it an
>>;; acceptable idiom.
> I wouldn't want to see it in anything *I* had to maintain, even if *I*
> wrote it.
>>;; Does the idea of an idiom make sense in such a
>>;; plastic language as lisp, anyway?
> Yes.  :)
> One can condense many idioms into functions or macros, but not all.
>>;; Is there any naming convention
>>;; for functions/macros of this type an experienced lisp programmer
>>;; would use?
> I don't think an experienced Lisp programmer would do this, so, no.  :)
> (... But I welcome correction from those more experienced than I. :)
>>(defun ptc-draw-color-y-sorted-triangle (top-x top-y top-pix
>>                                          mid-x  mid-y mid-pix
>>                                          bottom-x bottom-y bottom-pix)
>>   (declare (type dimension top-x top-y mid-x mid-y bottom-x bottom-y)
>>            (pixel top-pix mid-pix bottom-pix))
>>   (c-type-assert (and (< top-y mid-y)
>>                       (< mid-y bottom-y)
>>                       (< top-y bottom-y)))
>>   (if (< mid-x top-x)
>>       ;; midx is on left
>>       (let ((right-x-step
>>              (/ (- bottom-x top-x) (- bottom-y top-y)))
>>             (right-red-step
>>              (/ (- (get-red bottom-pix) (get-red top-pix))
>>                 (- bottom-y top-y)))
>>             (right-green-step
>>              (/ (- (get-green bottom-pix) (get-green top-pix))
>>                 (- bottom-y top-y)))
>>             (right-blue-step
>>              (/ (- (get-blue bottom-pix) (get-blue top-pix))
>>                 (- bottom-y top-y)))
>>             (right-alpha-step
>>              (/ (- (get-alpha bottom-pix) (get-alpha top-pix))
>>                 (- bottom-y top-y)))
>>             (top-left-x-step
>>              (/ (- mid-x top-x) (- mid-y top-y)))
>>             (top-left-red-step
>>              (/ (- (get-red mid-pix) (get-red top-pix))
>>                 (- mid-y top-y)))
>>             (top-left-green-step
>>              (/ (- (get-green mid-pix) (get-green top-pix))
>>                 (- mid-y top-y)))
>>             (top-left-blue-step
>>              (/ (- (get-blue mid-pix) (get-blue top-pix))
>>                 (- mid-y top-y)))
>>             (top-left-alpha-step
>>              (/ (- (get-alpha mid-pix) (get-alpha top-pix))
>>                 (- mid-y top-y)))
>>             (bottom-left-x-step
>>              (/ (- bottom-x mid-x)
>>                 (- bottom-y mid-y)))
>>             (bottom-left-red-step
>>              (/ (- (get-red bottom-pix) (get-red mid-pix))
>>                 (- bottom-y mid-y)))
>>             (bottom-left-green-step
>>              (/ (- (get-green bottom-pix) (get-green mid-pix))
>>                 (- bottom-y mid-y)))
>>             (bottom-left-blue-step
>>              (/ (- (get-blue bottom-pix) (get-blue mid-pix))
>>                 (- bottom-y mid-y)))
>>             (bottom-left-alpha-step
>>              (/ (- (get-alpha bottom-pix) (get-alpha mid-pix))
>>                 (- bottom-y mid-y))))
> I think this part cries out for a little more lazyness (or "refactoring",
> if you like).
> You have lots of calculations of the form
>   (/ (- a b) 
>      (- c d))
> and
>   (/ (- (get-<something> a) (get-<something> b))
>      (- c d))
> We can see that the first is actually a more specific version of the
> second, with the "get-<something>" replaced with #'identity.
> So then you have (wide code follows)
>   (flet ((get-step (func a b c d)
> 	   (/ (- (funcall func a) (funcall func b))
> 	      (- c d))))
>     (let ((right-x-step           (get-step #'identity  bottom-x   top-x   bottom-y top-y))
> 	  (right-red-step         (get-step #'get-red   bottom-pix top-pix bottom-y top-y))
> 	  (right-green-step       (get-step #'get-green bottom-pix top-pix bottom-y top-y))
> 	  (right-blue-step        (get-step #'get-blue  bottom-pix top-pix bottom-y top-y))
> 	  (right-alpha-step       (get-step #'get-alpha bottom-pix top-pix bottom-y top-y))
> 	  (top-left-x-step        (get-step #'identity  mid-x      top-x   mid-y    top-y))
> 	  (top-left-red-step      (get-step #'get-red   mid-pix    top-pix mid-y    top-y))
> 	  (top-left-green-step    (get-step #'get-green mid-pix    top-pix mid-y    top-y))
> 	  (top-left-blue-step     (get-step #'get-blue  mid-pix    top-pix mid-y    top-y))
> 	  (top-left-alpha-step    (get-step #'get-alpha mid-pix    top-pix mid-y    top-y))
> 	  (bottom-left-x-step     (get-step #'identity  bottom-x   mid-x   bottom-y mid-y))
> 	  (bottom-left-red-step   (get-step #'get-red   bottom-pix mid-pix bottom-y mid-y))
> 	  (bottom-left-green-step (get-step #'get-green bottom-pix mid-pix bottom-y mid-y))
> 	  (bottom-left-blue-step  (get-step #'get-blue  bottom-pix mid-pix bottom-y mid-y))
> 	  (bottom-left-alpha-step (get-step #'get-alpha bottom-pix mid-pix bottom-y mid-y))
> 	  )
>       ; ...
>       ))
> Do you see another pattern yet?
>   (labels ((get-step #|as before|#)
> 	   (get-all-steps (x1 x2 y1 y2 p1 p2)
> 	     (values
> 	       (get-step #'identity  x1 x2 y1 y2)
> 	       (get-step #'get-red   p1 p2 y1 y2)
> 	       (get-step #'get-green p1 p2 y1 y2)
> 	       (get-step #'get-blue  p1 p2 y1 y2)
> 	       (get-step #'get-alpha p1 p2 y1 y2))))
>     (multiple-value-bind
>       (right-x-step right-red-step right-green-step right-blue-step right-alpha-step)
>       (get-all-steps bottom-x top-x bottom-y top-y bottom-pix top-pix)
>       (multiple-value-bind
> 	(top-left-x-step top-left-red-step top-left-green-step top-left-blue-step top-left-alpha-step)
> 	(get-all-steps mid-x top-x mid-y top-y mid-pix top-pix)
> 	(multiple-value-bind
> 	  (bottom-left-x-step #|blah blah blah|#)
> 	  (#|blah blah blah|#))
> 	  ; ...
> 	)))
> And yet a third pattern ...
>   (defstruct step
>     x r g b a)
>   (flet ((get-all-steps (x1 x2 y1 y2 p1 p2)
> 	   (let ((diff (- y1 y2)))	; a slight optimization; probably pre-mature :)
> 	     (flet ((get-step (func a b)
> 		      (/ (- (funcall func a) (funcall func b)) 
> 			 diff)))
> 	       (make-step	; this part may be wrong too
> 		 :x (get-step #'identity  x1 x2)
> 		 :r (get-step #'get-red   p1 p2)
> 		 :g (get-step #'get-green p1 p2)
> 		 :b (get-step #'get-blue  p1 p2)
> 		 :a (get-step #'get-alpha p1 p2))))))
>     (let ((right       (get-all-steps bottom-x top-x bottom-y top-y bottom-pix top-pix))
> 	  (top-left    (get-all-steps #|blah|#))
> 	  (bottom-left (get-all-steps #|blah|#)))
>       ; ...
>       ))
> And then you could put the constructor with the structure, rather than the
> function that uses it:
>   (defstruct step
>     x r g b a)
>   ;; Define your own "boa constructor" *laugh*
>   ;; (I shit you not; see
>   (make-step-boa (x1 x2 y1 y2 p1 p2)
>     (#| get-all-steps from above |#))
>   (let ((right	     (make-step-boa bottom-x top-x bottom-y top-y bottom-pix top-pix))
> 	(top-left    (make-step-boa #|blah|#))
> 	(bottom-left (make-step-boa #|blah|#)))
>     ; ...
>     )
>>         (multiple-value-bind
>>               (mid-right-x
>>                mid-right-red  mid-right-green mid-right-blue
>>                mid-right-alpha
>>                mid-left-x
>>                mid-left-red  mid-left-green mid-left-blue
>>                mid-left-alpha)
>>             (with-steps ((y top-y mid-y)
>>                          (right-x top-x right-x-step)
>>                          (right-red (get-red top-pix) right-red-step)
>>                          (right-green (get-green top-pix) right-blue-step)
>>                          (right-blue (get-blue top-pix) right-green-step)
>>                          (right-alpha (get-alpha top-pix) right-alpha-step)
>>                          (left-x top-x top-left-x-step)
>>                          (left-red (get-red top-pix) top-left-red-step)
>>                          (left-green (get-green top-pix) top-left-green-step)
>>                          (left-blue (get-blue top-pix) top-left-blue-step)
>>                          (left-alpha (get-alpha top-pix) top-left-alpha-step))
>>               (ptc-draw-colour-hline
>>                (floor left-x)
>>                y
>>                (floor (- right-x left-x))
>>                (make-pixel
>>                 (floor left-red) (floor left-green) (floor left-blue)
>>                 (floor left-alpha))
>>                (make-pixel
>>                 (floor right-red) (floor right-green) (floor right-blue)
>>                 (floor right-alpha))))
>>           ;; draw bottom part
>>           ;; and so on ......(insert missing code here ;-)
>>           ))))
> I didn't look closely at this part, but I bet you could do something
> similar here.
> -- Larry

Actually, thats incredibly useful, ta but it has set me to wondering 
what the best way to manipulate small microstructures with no invariants 
(eg vertices = 3 floats, uv's = 2 floats) are: there are so many 
options. A list seems needless for a fixed size struct, a simple-array 
seems to be a possibility, as are structs, but multiple values are 
tempting - especially if the implementation can pass them around on 
registers/stack. A CLOS vertex class seems like extreme overkill.

|Cyborg Animation Programmer    |    ·····|
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