From: Harald Hanche-Olsen
Subject: Re: a small SBCL question
Message-ID: <>
+ David Steuber <·····>:

| Pascal Bourguignon <···> writes:
|> CAUTION: The mass of this product contains the energy equivalent of
|> 85 million tons of TNT per net ounce of weight.
| Is this an accurate approximation of the exothermic energy in TNT?

According to Wikipedia

the explosion of 85 million tons of TNT should release an energy of
about 85�4.184E15=3.6E17 J.  I expect Pascal is using the formula
E=mc� for his estimate, so our biggest challenge will be to convert
the archaic unit "ounce" to metric units.  Since it has not been
specified further, I conjecture that he had the international
avoirdupois ounce in mind, which is about 0.028 kg.  Plugging that
into Einstein's formula, with c=299792458 m/s, I get about 2.5E15 J.

So it might look like Pascal has overestimated the energy content of
the product by a couple orders of magnitude, possibly on advice from
his lawyers.  Or maybe he has included the packaging, which we may
then infer has a mass about 140 times the net mass of the product.

* Harald Hanche-Olsen     <URL:>
- It is undesirable to believe a proposition
  when there is no ground whatsoever for supposing it is true.
  -- Bertrand Russell
From: Robert Uhl
Subject: Re: a small SBCL question
Message-ID: <>
Harald Hanche-Olsen <······> writes:

> I expect Pascal is using the formula E=mc² for his estimate, so our
> biggest challenge will be to convert the archaic unit "ounce" to
> metric units.

The ounce is no more archaic than the gramme or any other French unit;
it's in common use.  Now, the stere--_that's_ an archaic unit...

Robert Uhl <>
I had always secretly suspected that any country with better than 200
varieties of cheese couldn't be linguistically uniform either, so
having solid evidence thereof came as rather a relief to me.
                                           --Alianora Munro