From: Giorgos Pontikakis
Subject: Hunchentoot vs. Portable Allegroserve
Message-ID: <>
Hi all,

I am in the process of learning web programming, and I decided to use
Lisp to build a small application (a address & phone book) with a web
interface, just to get an idea. 

I found and installed both Hunchentoot and Portable Allegroserve
for experimentation. Until now I managed to make some progress with
both (i.e. build some input forms, access the data from lisp and store
them in an in-memory data structure) with both of them. But
simultaneously learning html, http, and the interfaces to both
hunchentoot and allegroserve starts becoming very tiring.

So, the question is, do you have any advice on which to choose for
further experimentation? Hunchentoot or Portable Allegroserve?  

Pros and cons (i.e. first emotional reactions) from my point of view:

-- Allegroserve seems more polished, but Hunchentoot seems to allow me
   to get a better feeling of what is really going on. 

-- I already have a nice example of a working web app with
   Allegroserve from Peter Seibel's book, but I am *very* reluctant to
   dismiss something written by Edi Weitz :-)

I aspire to eventually build a small web app for internal use for my
job, using the browser as the GUI, so this is not just an
exercise. That's why I am asking...

Any comments, advice or links (regarding my question or web
programming in general!) are gratefully welcome.

Thank you,

-- Giorgos

PS. Almost forgot: The server is a Linux machine, running sbcl.

From: dpapathanasiou
Subject: Re: Hunchentoot vs. Portable Allegroserve
Message-ID: <>
Giorgos Pontikakis wrote:
> So, the question is, do you have any advice on which to choose for
> further experimentation? Hunchentoot or Portable Allegroserve?

Do you want to limit your choice to just those two options?

Before you decide, take a look at these videos on web development with

Also, the CL Directory can give you more of an idea of what *else* is
available for web development in CL (it's quite a lot, actually):
From: Maciek Pasternacki
Subject: Re: Hunchentoot vs. Portable Allegroserve
Message-ID: <>
On Prickle-Prickle, The Aftermath 62, 3172 YOLD, Giorgos Pontikakis wrote:

> So, the question is, do you have any advice on which to choose for
> further experimentation? Hunchentoot or Portable Allegroserve?  
> Pros and cons (i.e. first emotional reactions) from my point of view:
> -- Allegroserve seems more polished, but Hunchentoot seems to allow me
>    to get a better feeling of what is really going on. 
> -- I already have a nice example of a working web app with
>    Allegroserve from Peter Seibel's book, but I am *very* reluctant to
>    dismiss something written by Edi Weitz :-)

OTOH, portableaserve on non-Allegro CL drags behind itself an ACL
implementation layer which weighs quite a bit.  Hunchentoot is
actually portable and I think it will be more efficient and
lightweight on Lisp implementation other than Allegro.

__    Maciek Pasternacki <·······> [ ]
`| _   |_\  / { Ninja live by code of honor.Magical girl live by code of love.
,|{-}|}| }\/ This lead to many disaster and much destruction of urban area.
\/   |____/ Honor much safer. }              ( Junpei @ Megatokyo #674 )  -><-