From: hit_the_lights
Subject: A new Lisp (no not newLisp), called REDLisp
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First, hello everybody. I've been lurking some time here and this is my
first post.

I have found an interesting site today and I thought I'd share it and
my grief with you :-)

This should be a new lisp dialect. There are many comparisons with
Common Lisp in there. I couldn't decide if I should laugh or weep. Some
gems that disturbed my sensible nature:

"GMP - GNU Mathematical Precision Library"

"The most interesting aspect of let is that it will first evaluate the
symbol supplied and if that symbol contains another symbol, it will set
the value of that symbol. This allows for the following.
(let x 3) // x = 3
(let y x) // y = 'x
(let y 5) // x = 5"

"Assignment by Quote"

"('x 3)       // x = 3"

" saves Common Lisp programmers from typing setf..."

Not frightened yet? When encountering the following passage, I finally
burst out in laughter:

[After showing a Common Lisp macro and the REDLisp equivalent]

"The second change is removal of these characters: , ` @. This makes
the code look cleaner with the same result.
The final difference is there is no with-gensyms macro. This macro is
useless and the same result can be gotten without it."

I'd like to know what was going on in the head of the author when he
wrote these sentences...

Sorry, didn't want to hurt anybody. I'm feeling a bit bad now. I must
admit I've designed my own Lisp once, too (and similarly bad) , but
thanks God I didn't release it on the web.
