From: Camm Maguire
Subject: Re: Optimize lisp program
Message-ID: <>
The following appears fully optimizable using gcl 2.7.0 (cvs head).
Similar can be had in 2.6 with more declarations.

Take care,
(deftype foo nil `(integer -1 10000))

(defstruct coin
  (weight 1 :type foo)
  (price 1  :type foo))

(defun solve2 (target-weight coins table)
  (declare (foo target-weight))
  (declare ((vector foo) table))
  (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
  (loop for i from 0 to target-weight do (setf (aref table i) -1))
  (setf (aref table 0) 0)
  (loop for c in coins do
       (loop for i from (coin-weight c) to target-weight do
            (let ((a (aref table (- i (coin-weight c)))))
              (when (>= a 0)
                (setf (aref table i)
                    ((>= (aref table i) 0) (min (aref table i) 
                                                (+ a (coin-price c))))
                    (t (+ a (coin-price c)))))))))
  (aref table target-weight))

(let ((table (make-array 10001 :element-type 'fixnum)))
  (dotimes (i (read))
    (let ((w (read)) (c nil) (r nil))
      (setq w (- (read) w))
      (dotimes (j (read))
	(push (make-coin :weight (read) :price (read)) c))
      (setq r (solve2 w c table))
       (r (format t 
        "The minimum amount of money in the piggy-bank is ~a.~%" r))
       (t (format t "This is impossible.~%"))))))


"Anton V. Belyaev" <·············> writes:

> Rob,
> I tried GCL and recieved "Timelimit" also.
> I rewrote the program in C++ and it was accepted. It took 0.6 sec to
> complete the test.
> The time limit is 5 sec, so my Lisp program is at least 10 times slower
> than C++ one! :(
> The C++ variant is accepted, this means that asymptotically my
> algorithm is fast enougth.
> The case is low level optimization of Lisp program. Are there any
> resources on this?

Camm Maguire			     			····
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah