From: Jimka
Subject: floating point calculations, what does equal mean?
Message-ID: <>
I'm a little confused about how sbcl tests float equivalence.
And looking into the HS I did not see whether it is specified what
floating point equivalence means.

Are two floating point numbers equal if their binary bits are
Or if when printed in base 10, the digits are the same?
Or is equivalence allowed to ignore some guard digits?
( as in )
The example below seems to indicate that they are equal if when
printed in base 10 the digits are the same.

I was expecting the following number not to be exactly zero.
(- (* 2 (/ 1 1000.0)) (/ 2 1000.0))
but it seems in fact to be.
(zerop (- (* 2 (/ 1 1000.0)) (/ 2 1000.0)))
returns T.

a*(1/1000.0) - (a/1000.0)

It is a bit more perplexing to me when i try this calculation with
numbers from 1 to 29.  Somtimes the similar caluclation comes up
with zero, sometimes it does not.  I'm supprised that it ever does
when (/ a b) has a non-terminating binary representation.

In the example where, zero occurs on 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12,13,14,
24,25,26,27,and 28, but not with 5, 9, 10 ,11, 16,18, 19,20, 21,22,29
and 29.

FILL> (loop for denom from 1 below 30 do
	    (let ((b (/ denom 1000.0))
		  (a (/ 1 1000.0)))
	      (let ((c (* a denom)))
		(format t "denom=~A   a=~A   b=~A   c=~A   c-b=~A   0? ~A~%"
			denom a b c (- c b) (zerop (- c b))))))

denom=1   a=0.001   b=0.001   c=0.001   c-b=0.0   0? T
denom=2   a=0.001   b=0.002   c=0.002   c-b=0.0   0? T
denom=3   a=0.001   b=0.003   c=0.003   c-b=0.0   0? T
denom=4   a=0.001   b=0.004   c=0.004   c-b=0.0   0? T
denom=5   a=0.001   b=0.005   c=0.0050000004   c-b=4.656613e-10   0?
denom=6   a=0.001   b=0.006   c=0.006   c-b=0.0   0? T
denom=7   a=0.001   b=0.007   c=0.007   c-b=0.0   0? T
denom=8   a=0.001   b=0.008   c=0.008   c-b=0.0   0? T
denom=9   a=0.001   b=0.009   c=0.009000001   c-b=9.313226e-10   0? NIL
denom=10   a=0.001   b=0.01   c=0.010000001   c-b=9.313226e-10   0? NIL
denom=11   a=0.001   b=0.011   c=0.011000001   c-b=9.313226e-10   0?
denom=12   a=0.001   b=0.012   c=0.012   c-b=0.0   0? T
denom=13   a=0.001   b=0.013   c=0.013   c-b=0.0   0? T
denom=14   a=0.001   b=0.014   c=0.014   c-b=0.0   0? T
denom=15   a=0.001   b=0.015   c=0.015000001   c-b=9.313226e-10   0?
denom=16   a=0.001   b=0.016   c=0.016   c-b=0.0   0? T
denom=17   a=0.001   b=0.017   c=0.017   c-b=0.0   0? T
denom=18   a=0.001   b=0.018   c=0.018000001   c-b=1.8626451e-9   0?
denom=19   a=0.001   b=0.019   c=0.019000001   c-b=1.8626451e-9   0?
denom=20   a=0.001   b=0.02   c=0.020000001   c-b=1.8626451e-9   0? NIL
denom=21   a=0.001   b=0.021   c=0.021000002   c-b=1.8626451e-9   0?
denom=22   a=0.001   b=0.022   c=0.022000002   c-b=1.8626451e-9   0?
denom=23   a=0.001   b=0.023   c=0.023000002   c-b=1.8626451e-9   0?
denom=24   a=0.001   b=0.024   c=0.024   c-b=0.0   0? T
denom=25   a=0.001   b=0.025   c=0.025   c-b=0.0   0? T
denom=26   a=0.001   b=0.026   c=0.026   c-b=0.0   0? T
denom=27   a=0.001   b=0.027   c=0.027   c-b=0.0   0? T
denom=28   a=0.001   b=0.028   c=0.028   c-b=0.0   0? T
denom=29   a=0.001   b=0.029   c=0.029000001   c-b=1.8626451e-9   0?

From: Jimka
Subject: Re: floating point calculations, what does equal mean?
Message-ID: <>
Continuing the experiment, I wanted to print the floating point numbers
in base 2.  But after setting *print-base* to 2, I notice that
*print-base* only applies to rationals, not to floats :-(

Does anyone know how to print floats in base 2?
From: Jimka
Subject: Re: floating point calculations, what does equal mean?
Message-ID: <>
If anyone is interested, here is a function that will print a
non-negative floating
point  number according to *print-base*.  It happens to do something
quite useful
for rationals as well; it prints the equivalent radix representation
with the number of
digits of percision requested.

(defun print-float (float percision stream)
  (if (null stream)
      (let ((fstr (make-array '(0) :element-type 'character
			      :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
	(with-output-to-string (s fstr)
			       (print-float float percision s))

    (multiple-value-bind (right left) (truncate float)
      (format stream "~A." right)
      (dotimes (ign percision)
	(setf left (* *print-base* left))
	(multiple-value-setq (right left) (truncate left))
	(format stream (if (minusp right)
			   "[~A]" "~A")

Jimka wrote:
> Continuing the experiment, I wanted to print the floating point numbers
> in base 2.  But after setting *print-base* to 2, I notice that
> *print-base* only applies to rationals, not to floats :-(
> Does anyone know how to print floats in base 2?
From: Jimka
Subject: Re: floating point calculations, what does equal mean?
Message-ID: <>
I think i see why these floating point results are happening.
It seems simply to be a coincidence that all the floating point
round offs cancel each other out in some cases but not in others.
I've written a program that prints the numbers in binary, and when
i look at the digits i see that sometimes the result is zero because
of the accident of two different round-offs returning the same result.

By the way, this program is a great example for the ~r directive
in format.  When i want to print "base two" or "base ten" because
~A always correctly prints the *print-base*  "10" regardless of its
numerical value.

FILL> (test-arith 2)
denom= 1 (base ten)
    bf (base two)=0.0000001010001111010111000010100000000000
    br (base two)=0.0000001010001111010111000010100011110101
    cf (base two)=0.0000001010001111010111000010100000000000
    cr (base two)=0.0000001010001111010111000010100011110101
 cr-br (base two)=0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 cf-bf (base two)=0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 0? T

denom= 2 (base ten)
    bf (base two)=0.0000010100011110101110000101000000000000
    br (base two)=0.0000010100011110101110000101000111101011
    cf (base two)=0.0000010100011110101110000101000000000000
    cr (base two)=0.0000010100011110101110000101000111101011
 cr-br (base two)=0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 cf-bf (base two)=0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 0? T

denom= 3 (base ten)
    bf (base two)=0.0000011110101110000101000111100000000000
    br (base two)=0.0000011110101110000101000111101011100001
    cf (base two)=0.0000011110101110000101000111100000000000
    cr (base two)=0.0000011110101110000101000111101011100001
 cr-br (base two)=0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 cf-bf (base two)=0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 0? T

denom= 4 (base ten)
    bf (base two)=0.0000101000111101011100001010000000000000
    br (base two)=0.0000101000111101011100001010001111010111
    cf (base two)=0.0000101000111101011100001010000000000000
    cr (base two)=0.0000101000111101011100001010001111010111
 cr-br (base two)=0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 cf-bf (base two)=0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 0? T

denom= 5 (base ten)
    bf (base two)=0.0000110011001100110011001101000000000000
    br (base two)=0.0000110011001100110011001100110011001100
    cf (base two)=0.0000110011001100110011001100000000000000
    cr (base two)=0.0000110011001100110011001100110011001100
 cr-br (base two)=0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 bf-cf (base two)=0.0000000000000000000000000001000000000000
 0? NIL

denom= 6 (base ten)
    bf (base two)=0.0000111101011100001010001111000000000000
    br (base two)=0.0000111101011100001010001111010111000010
    cf (base two)=0.0000111101011100001010001111000000000000
    cr (base two)=0.0000111101011100001010001111010111000010
 cr-br (base two)=0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 cf-bf (base two)=0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 0? T

denom= 7 (base ten)
    bf (base two)=0.0001000111101011100001010010000000000000
    br (base two)=0.0001000111101011100001010001111010111000
    cf (base two)=0.0001000111101011100001010010000000000000
    cr (base two)=0.0001000111101011100001010001111010111000
 cr-br (base two)=0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 cf-bf (base two)=0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 0? T

denom= 8 (base ten)
    bf (base two)=0.0001010001111010111000010100000000000000
    br (base two)=0.0001010001111010111000010100011110101110
    cf (base two)=0.0001010001111010111000010100000000000000
    cr (base two)=0.0001010001111010111000010100011110101110
 cr-br (base two)=0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 cf-bf (base two)=0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 0? T

denom= 9 (base ten)
    bf (base two)=0.0001011100001010001111011000000000000000
    br (base two)=0.0001011100001010001111010111000010100011
    cf (base two)=0.0001011100001010001111010110000000000000
    cr (base two)=0.0001011100001010001111010111000010100011
 cr-br (base two)=0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 bf-cf (base two)=0.0000000000000000000000000010000000000000
 0? NIL


(defun print-float (float percision stream)
  (if (null stream)
      (let ((fstr (make-array '(0) :element-type 'character
			      :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
	(with-output-to-string (s fstr)
			       (print-float float percision s))

    (multiple-value-bind (right left) (truncate float)
      (format stream "~A." right)
      (dotimes (ign percision)
	(setf left (* *print-base* left))
	(multiple-value-setq (right left) (truncate left))
	(format stream (if (minusp right)
			   "[~A]" "~A")

(defun test-arith (&optional (*print-base* *print-base*))
  (let ((percision 40)
	(af (/ 1 100.0))
	(ar (/ 1 100)))
    (loop for denom from 1 below 10 do
	  (let ((bf (/ denom 100.0))
		(br (/ denom 100))
		(cf (* af denom))
		(cr (* ar denom)))
	    (format t "denom=~2d (base ten)~%"  denom)

	    (format t "    bf (base ~r)=~A~%" *print-base* (print-float bf
percision nil))
	    (format t "    br (base ~r)=~A~%" *print-base* (print-float br
percision nil))

	    (format t "    cf (base ~r)=~A~%" *print-base* (print-float cf
percision nil))
	    (format t "    cr (base ~r)=~A~%" *print-base* (print-float cr
percision nil))

	    (format t " cr-br (base ~r)=~A~%" *print-base* (print-float (- cr
br) percision nil))
	    (if (minusp (- cf bf))
		(format t " bf-cf (base ~r)=~A~%" *print-base* (print-float (- bf cf)
percision nil))
	      (format t " cf-bf (base ~r)=~A~%" *print-base* (print-float (-
cf bf) percision nil)))
	    (format t " 0? ~A~%~%" (zerop (- cf bf)))
From: Tim Bradshaw
Subject: Re: floating point calculations, what does equal mean?
Message-ID: <ecpi8l$arp$1$>
On 2006-08-26 14:09:34 +0100, "Jimka" <·····> said:

> I think i see why these floating point results are happening.
> It seems simply to be a coincidence that all the floating point
> round offs cancel each other out in some cases but not in others.
> I've written a program that prints the numbers in binary, and when
> i look at the digits i see that sometimes the result is zero because
> of the accident of two different round-offs returning the same result.

There are a bunch of functions in CL which let you look at the bits of 
floating point numbers.  Look at DECODE-FLOAT & friends.

From: Alexander Schmolck
Subject: Re: floating point calculations, what does equal mean?
Message-ID: <>
"Jimka" <·····> writes:

> I'm a little confused about how sbcl tests float equivalence.
> And looking into the HS I did not see whether it is specified what
> floating point equivalence means.
> Are two floating point numbers equal if their binary bits are
> identical?

(= nan nan) tends to be false one ieee754 conforming systems, but other than
that I'd hope so.

> Or if when printed in base 10, the digits are the same?

Not necessarily. Printing floating point numbers tends to be underspecified
(CL and other languages don't mandate the best possible decimal approximation,
for example). It's also very unlikely that the base 10 representation of an
ieee float is internally used as an equality criterion in any sane programming

> Or is equivalence allowed to ignore some guard digits?
> ( as in )
> The example below seems to indicate that they are equal if when
> printed in base 10 the digits are the same.

No, I think your reasoning is confused here.
> I was expecting the following number not to be exactly zero.
> (- (* 2 (/ 1 1000.0)) (/ 2 1000.0))

Why not? (/ 1 1000.0) and (/ 2 1000.0) have the same significand -- generally
multiplying or dividing by 2 is unlikely to affect the significand.

Try playing with this -- it tries to print the machine representation of a
given float (careful: it's not properly tested and implementing single-floats
as well as denormalized floats is left as an excercise to the reader):

(defun float-to-hex (f)
  (check-type f double-float)
    ;; NaNs -- must come first; loose info which one
    ((/= f f)
    ((> f most-positive-double-float)
    ((< f most-negative-double-float)
     (multiple-value-bind (f e s) (integer-decode-float f)
       (format nil "~x" (logior (ash (* 1/2 (- 1 s)) 63)
                                (ash (+ e 52 1023) 52)


p.s.: If any of the slime people is reading this -- I think it would be rather
nice addition to show rationals also as floats and floats also as hex (as
above) in the same contexts in which ints are displayed in multiple bases.
From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: Re: floating point calculations, what does equal mean?
Message-ID: <>
"Jimka" <·····> writes:

> I'm a little confused about how sbcl tests float equivalence.
> And looking into the HS I did not see whether it is specified what
> floating point equivalence means.
> Are two floating point numbers equal if their binary bits are
> identical?
> Or if when printed in base 10, the digits are the same?
> Or is equivalence allowed to ignore some guard digits?
> ( as in )
> The example below seems to indicate that they are equal if when
> printed in base 10 the digits are the same.
> I was expecting the following number not to be exactly zero.
> (- (* 2 (/ 1 1000.0)) (/ 2 1000.0))
> but it seems in fact to be.

If your computer uses IEEE-754 floating point numbers, then
multiplicating or dividing by 2 only change the exponent, not the

> (zerop (- (* 2 (/ 1 1000.0)) (/ 2 1000.0)))
> returns T.

I'm not surprized.

> a*(1/1000.0) - (a/1000.0)
> It is a bit more perplexing to me when i try this calculation with
> numbers from 1 to 29.  Somtimes the similar caluclation comes up
> with zero, sometimes it does not.  I'm supprised that it ever does
> when (/ a b) has a non-terminating binary representation.
> In the example where, zero occurs on 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12,13,14,
> 16,17,
> 24,25,26,27,and 28, but not with 5, 9, 10 ,11, 16,18, 19,20, 21,22,29
> and 29.

Sometimes you have numbers that have an exact representation in
IEEE-754, sometimes you don't.

    What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic

__Pascal Bourguignon__
From: Jimka
Subject: Re: floating point calculations, what does equal mean?
Message-ID: <>
Pascal Bourguignon wrote:

> > In the example where, zero occurs on 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12,13,14,
> > 16,17,
> > 24,25,26,27,and 28, but not with 5, 9, 10 ,11, 16,18, 19,20, 21,22,29
> > and 29.
> Sometimes you have numbers that have an exact representation in
> IEEE-754, sometimes you don't.

Hi Pascal, i do not think the situation is only a result of exact
arithmetic.  i do not think that 13/1000.0 has an exact representation;
however (zerop (- (/ 13 1000.0) (* 13 (/ 1 1000.0))))
evaluates to T.

I think it is just a coincidence that with the number 13 all the
floating point errors offset each other, but with 19 they dont.

(zerop (- (/ 19 1000.0) (* 19 (/ 1 1000.0))))
evaluates to NIL.
From: Fabien LE LEZ
Subject: Re: floating point calculations, what does equal mean?
Message-ID: <>
On 26 Aug 2006 08:27:00 -0700, "Jimka" <·····>:

>I think it is just a coincidence that with the number 13 all the
>floating point errors offset each other, but with 19 they dont.

"Offset each other" is not exact IMHO.
With 13, the result of "-" is so tiny that it rounds down to 0.
With 19, it doesn't.

In a decimal 4-decimal floating-point system, you'd get:

1/3 + 2/3 = 0.3333 + 0.6667 = 1
1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 0.3333 + 0.3333 + 0.3333 = 0.9999

You could consider floating-point calculation errors as a (rather bad)
random number generator:

Start with n = 3.
Compute	(if (zerop (- (/ n 1000.0) (* n (/ 1 1000.0)))) 1 0)
Increment n by 2 to get the next random number.