From: Frank Buss
Subject: Installing a Lisp webserver and creating a web application with TBNL in 5 minutes
Message-ID: <>
There are lots of possiblities how to run web applications in Lisp: Lots of
frameworks, web servers, HTML geration libraries etc. I've tried UCW, which
was too high-level for me and Araneida, which was too low-level. The ideal
solution for me is TBNL and because I don't know how stable it is, behind a
standard Apache 2 web server with mod_proxy.

There are some nice tutorials out there how to install all the the needed
packages and programs, but everyone who doesn't want to search the needed
information from multiple web pages and trying to make a running system,
I've compiled a startkit with TBNL, which contians all needed packages.
This page shows you how to use it, including a simple sample application:

It's really fun to develop web applications with TBNL and Lisp! With my
first web application you can enter some notes and you'll get a MIDI file
from it:

Sample output:

Frank Buss, ··,

From: René van Bevern
Subject: Re: Installing a Lisp webserver and creating a web application with TBNL in 5 minutes
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Frank Buss <··> writes:

Hello Frank,


Have you noticed that there are also recent SBCL packages for Debian
GNU/Linux Sarge? The repositories for Debian and Ubuntu are linked at
the CL-Debian homepage:

So there is actually no need to install a distribution-foreign SBCL on
Debian. (especially since the downloaded tarball will not integrate
with the Common Lisp Controller) It'd be nice if you mentioned the
backports of SBCL in your document.

I also used to provide packages for mod_lisp2 as libapache2-mod-lisp
on, but they are not there anymore. Instead,
the (outdated) package source is still in my repository on

I'd again provide a binary package for Debian if the demand is high
enough, though.

Ren=C3=A9 van Bevern	<···>        Debian GNU/Linux Developer

Content-Type: application/pgp-signature

Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)

From: Frank Buss
Subject: Re: Installing a Lisp webserver and creating a web application with TBNL in 5 minutes
Message-ID: <1apb9nmsvtgeq$>
Ren� van Bevern wrote:

> So there is actually no need to install a distribution-foreign SBCL on
> Debian. (especially since the downloaded tarball will not integrate
> with the Common Lisp Controller) It'd be nice if you mentioned the
> backports of SBCL in your document.

Thanks, I'll add the information to the webpage, if you could give me a
step-by-step tutorial how to install it and all the needed libraries in a
Debian conforming way. I'm glad that I know how to start "aptitude", but
installing backports and using the Debian "Common Lisp Controller" is
beyond my capabilities :-) Then I can split the installation instruction
for Debian and for other Linux systems.

Frank Buss, ··,
From: René van Bevern
Subject: Re: Installing a Lisp webserver and creating a web application with TBNL in 5 minutes
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Frank Buss <··> writes:

Hello Frank,

> Thanks, I'll add the information to the webpage, if you could give me a
> step-by-step tutorial how to install it and all the needed libraries in a
> Debian conforming way.

Well, getting a recent SBCL is as easy as adding
      deb ./
to your /etc/apt/sources.list, doing aptitude update and aptitude install
sbcl. :-) This does currently only work for the i386 architecture.

Using above repository, you can also install all of the libraries that
you got in your starter kit: (for all architectures)

    aptitude install cl-tbnl

Aptitude will pull in the required rest and it is then as easy as
typing "(require 'cl-who)" and "(require 'tbnl)" in your SBCL prompt.
The Common Lisp Controller does the rest.

> I'm glad that I know how to start "aptitude", but
> installing backports and using the Debian "Common Lisp Controller" is
> beyond my capabilities :-)

Well, using it is not very difficult. ;-) Actually, this is the thing
that runs in the background and makes you able to just "(asdf:oos
'asdf:load-op ...)" or "(clc:clc-require ...)" all CL packages in
Debian without messing with your asdf:*central-registry* all the
time. (or just by "require" in SBCL)

There is a small manual about Common Lisp in Debian on the CL-Debian
homepage, if you are interested in more.

Ren=C3=A9 van Bevern	<···>

Content-Type: application/pgp-signature

Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)

From: Frank Buss
Subject: Re: Installing a Lisp webserver and creating a web application with TBNL in 5 minutes
Message-ID: <>
Ren� van Bevern wrote:

> Aptitude will pull in the required rest and it is then as easy as
> typing "(require 'cl-who)" and "(require 'tbnl)" in your SBCL prompt.
> The Common Lisp Controller does the rest.

I've done this:

- added this line to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb ./

- installed this packages (cl-who was not automaticly installed)
aptitude update
aptitude install sbcl
aptitude install cl-tbnl
aptitude install cl-who

Then I logged in as the use "lisp", started sbcl (it was the right version
0.9.11 installed from your Debian package) and "(require 'cl-who)" stopped
with this message:

; /var/cache/common-lisp-controller/1003/sbcl/kmrcl/buff-input.fasl written
; compilation finished in 0:00:01
   COMPILE-FILE warned while performing #<COMPILE-OP NIL {B795781}> on
   #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "buff-input" {B607619}>.

debugger invoked on a ASDF:COMPILE-FAILED in thread
#<THREAD "initial thread" {A7EC409}>:
  erred while invoking #<COMPILE-OP NIL {B795781}> on
  #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "buff-input" {B607619}>

Any idea?

Frank Buss, ··,
From: Steven E. Harris
Subject: Re: Installing a Lisp webserver and creating a web application with TBNL in 5 minutes
Message-ID: <>
René van Bevern <···> writes:

> I also used to provide packages for mod_lisp2 as libapache2-mod-lisp
> on, but they are not there anymore. Instead,
> the (outdated) package source is still in my repository on

I was just poking around a couple of weeks ago looking for a
libapache2-mod-lisp package, and came away disappointed at it having
been withdrawn. It's a very simple program to build and install, but
doing it oneself just shouldn't be necessary in the Debian world,
especially given that you've already figured out how to do it.

> I'd again provide a binary package for Debian if the demand is high
> enough, though.

I can only cast one vote, but I would greatly appreciate such a

Steven E. Harris
From: Frank Buss
Subject: Re: Installing a Lisp webserver and creating a web application with TBNL in 5 minutes
Message-ID: <hih9f7nm5kf7$>
Frank Buss wrote:

> There are lots of possiblities how to run web applications in Lisp: Lots of
> frameworks, web servers, HTML geration libraries etc. I've tried UCW, which
> was too high-level for me and Araneida, which was too low-level. The ideal
> solution for me is TBNL and because I don't know how stable it is, behind a
> standard Apache 2 web server with mod_proxy.

I've updated and bugfixed the webpage:

You don't need Apache and it works with LispWork on Windows, too, which is
at least for me nice, because I like the LispWorks IDE :-)

Frank Buss, ··,