From: Mark Carter
Subject: Can't import
Message-ID: <4450f0ad$0$15784$>
I'm trying to import some symbols from a package I've created, but I 
can't seem to get it to work. I'm using Corman Lisp.

I've created a file called string.lisp, containing the code I want to 

(defpackage #:string


(in-package #:string)

(defun strcat (&rest strings)
   "Concatenate strings together"
   (flet ((join (a b) (concatenate 'string a b)))
	(reduce #'join strings)))

(provide 'string)
;;; --- end of file string.lisp

I then create a file called string-example.lisp, which I want to use to 
call strcat (without "qualifying" the function when I call it):

(require 'string)
(import 'string::strcat)

(strcat "mark"    " carter"    " was here")

;;; --- end of file string-example.lisp

However, at the call to strcat, it says
the function STRCAT is undefined

I know I must be doing something stupid wrong, but I can't seem to make 
it work.

From: Pascal Costanza
Subject: Re: Can't import
Message-ID: <>
Mark Carter wrote:
> I'm trying to import some symbols from a package I've created, but I 
> can't seem to get it to work. I'm using Corman Lisp.
> I've created a file called string.lisp, containing the code I want to 
> create:
> (defpackage #:string
>   (:export
>    #:strcat
> ))
> (in-package #:string)
> (defun strcat (&rest strings)
>   "Concatenate strings together"
>   (flet ((join (a b) (concatenate 'string a b)))
>     (reduce #'join strings)))
> (provide 'string)
> ;;; --- end of file string.lisp
> I then create a file called string-example.lisp, which I want to use to 
> call strcat (without "qualifying" the function when I call it):
> (require 'string)
> (import 'string::strcat)
> (strcat "mark"    " carter"    " was here")
> ;;; --- end of file string-example.lisp
> However, at the call to strcat, it says
> the function STRCAT is undefined

Hm, maybe you are compiling the code, so the compiler doesn't see 
'strcat because import is only executed at runtime. (But I am just 
guessing here.)

Anyway, the real issue here is that you use 'import which is a low-level 
function that works on a per-symbol basis. There are two issues here: a) 
It's much more convenient to get access to all exported symbols of a 
package at once (that's why the notion of an exported symbol makes sense 
in the first place), and b) almost all important package-related 
functionality can be better used in a more declarative way using the 
'defpackage macro.

The best solution here, IMHO, is to do the following:

(defpackage :string-example
   (:use :string :common-lisp))

...and then use that package in your string-example file:

(in-package :string-example)

It's also possible to say (use-package :string), but this is again only 
executed at runtime.


3rd European Lisp Workshop
July 3-4 - Nantes, France - co-located with ECOOP 2006
From: Mark Carter
Subject: Re: Can't import
Message-ID: <44510548$0$15792$>
Pascal Costanza wrote:

> The best solution here, IMHO, is to do the following:
> (defpackage :string-example
>   (:use :string :common-lisp))
> ...and then use that package in your string-example file:
> (in-package :string-example)

Ta. Also, I've jiggled the way I've declared things to conform to the 
way that Peter Siebel does it in his chapter on packages.

Must admit, I was getting a bit frustrated trying to get it to work.
From: Rob Warnock
Subject: Re: Can't import
Message-ID: <>
Pascal Costanza  <··> wrote:
| Mark Carter wrote:
| > (require 'string)
| > (import 'string::strcat)
| > 
| > (strcat "mark"    " carter"    " was here")
| > However, at the call to strcat, it says
| > the function STRCAT is undefined
| Hm, maybe you are compiling the code, so the compiler doesn't see 
| 'strcat because import is only executed at runtime. (But I am just 
| guessing here.)

Sounds like a good guess to me. If he's compiling the using program,
the symbol STRCAT will get INTERN'd in the using code's package
*before* the REQUIRE & IMPORT get done. I'll bet the following
would work better:

    (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
      (require 'string)
      (import 'string::strcat))

    (strcat "mark"    " carter"    " was here")


Rob Warnock			<····>
627 26th Avenue			<URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403		(650)572-2607