From: Mark
Subject: [ANN] Lisp talk - Cambridge, UK 10th May
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SPA Cambridge evening meeting - 10th May 2006, 19:30 (Drinks and
sandwiches available from 19:00)

SPA-Cam 005: Success with macros and closures - a brief foray into
Common Lisp
Speaker: Nick Levine, Ravenbrook
Venue: Microsoft Research Centre Cambridge, Roger Needham Building, 7
JJ Thomson Ave, Cambridge CB3 0FB, UK


Ask a seasonsed lisper "Why lisp?" and they'll talk to you about a
language that's fun to program in and incredibly productive. I will try
to convey a sense of this by implementing a couple of simple but
fully-featured examples: a progress bar and an html generator. We won't

have time to cover all the basics of this large language, so we'll skip
most of these altogether and dive more or less straight in with two of
its more distinguishing features: the eponymous macros and closures.

Speaker Biography
Nick Levine describes himself as a mathematician by training and a
programmer by trade. Coming to Common Lisp in the late 1980s Nick
worked on the LispWorks project for ten years. Since then he has taught
lisp to undergraduates, written an open-source search engine, and taken
up the stress-free existence of a software consultant. He is a director
of the Association of Lisp Users; he presented tutorials at their last
three conferences and is currently organising the International Lisp
Conference for 2007, to be held here in Cambridge.

The event is free and open to all. But please preregister at or
contact ยทยทยทยท for more information.