From: Vladimir Zolotykh
Subject: Why is the *ut-offset* 0?
Message-ID: <>
Let me consider the following simple session:

  $ cat
  (in-package :cl-user)
  (defpackage :my-time 
    (:use #:cl)
    (:export #:*ut-offset*))
  (in-package :my-time)
  (defvar *ut-offset* 0)
  $ cat
  (in-package :cl-user)
  (defpackage :my-time-test
    (:use #:cl #:excl #:my-time))
  (in-package :my-time-test)
  (eval-when (:execute :load-top-level)
    (setq *ut-offset* 3600))
  $ mlisp
  cl-user(1): :cload my-time1
  ;;; Compiling file
  ;;; Writing fasl file my-time1.fasl
  ;;; Fasl write complete
  ; Fast loading /tmp/my-time1.fasl
  cl-user(2): :cload my-time-test1
  ;;; Compiling file
  ;;; Writing fasl file my-time-test1.fasl
  ;;; Fasl write complete
  ; Fast loading /tmp/my-time-test1.fasl
  cl-user(3): my-time:*ut-offset*

The question is simple. Why is the *ut-offset* 0? I'd think it should
be 3600, shouldn't it? Or did I make another blunder?

If I


instead of 

  :cload my-time-test1

the *ut-offset* is 3600. Why it isn't when I load compiled file? It
seems that

  (eval-when (:execute :load-top-level)
    (setq *ut-offset* 3600))

doesn't work. However I'm at my wits' end to understand why.

Using ACL80

Vladimir Zolotykh

From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: Re: Why is the *ut-offset* 0?
Message-ID: <>
Vladimir Zolotykh <······> writes:

> [...] Why it isn't when I load compiled file? It
> seems that
>   (eval-when (:execute :load-top-level)
>     (setq *ut-offset* 3600))
> doesn't work. However I'm at my wits' end to understand why.

Because the right keyword is :LOAD-TOPLEVEL

__Pascal Bourguignon__           

ATTENTION: Despite any other listing of product contents found
herein, the consumer is advised that, in actuality, this product
consists of 99.9999999999% empty space.
From: Vladimir Zolotykh
Subject: Re: Why is the *ut-offset* 0?
Message-ID: <>
On Tue, 11 Apr 2006 15:14:29 +0200
Pascal Bourguignon <······> wrote:

> Vladimir Zolotykh <······> writes:
> > [...] Why it isn't when I load compiled file? It
> > seems that
> >
> >   (eval-when (:execute :load-top-level)
> >     (setq *ut-offset* 3600))
> >
> > doesn't work. However I'm at my wits' end to understand why.
> Because the right keyword is :LOAD-TOPLEVEL
Of course. What a blunder I made!
> -- 
> __Pascal Bourguignon__           
> ATTENTION: Despite any other listing of product contents found
> herein, the consumer is advised that, in actuality, this product
> consists of 99.9999999999% empty space.

Vladimir Zolotykh