From: crystal1
Subject: Beginner - Function Critique
Message-ID: <>
See below. These functions have been created a thousand times and are 
trivial, but I wrote these instances myself and am a pretty proud 
beginner. What do you think?

A week ago recursion was still pretty hazy, but a after reading "Common 
Lisp, An Interactive Approach" the progress has been steady. What a 
great book.


(defpackage :string-utils
   (:use :common-lisp))

(in-package :string-utils)

(defun line-split (s d)
   "Return a list of substrings in string S when delimited by delimiter D."
   (check-type s string)
   (check-type d character)
   (if (= (length s) 0) '()
       (cons (getf (line-split1 s d) :string)
             (line-split (getf (line-split1 s d) :remainder) d))))

(defun line-split1 (s d)
   "Helper function for LINE-SPLIT. Return a list with elements of 
supplied string S up to the first instance of delimiter D as :STRING and 
the remaining string after the delimiter as :REMAINDER."
   (if (position d s) (list :string (subseq s 0 (position d s))
                            :remainder (subseq s (1+ (position d s))))
       (list :string s :remainder "")))

(defun read-file (filename delimiter)
   "Return a list of lists containing strings in pathname FILENAME 
delimited by character DELIMITER."
   (let ((output '()))
     (with-open-file (in filename)
       (do ((line (read-line in nil) (read-line in nil)))
           ((null line))
         (push (line-split line delimiter) output))
       (nreverse output))))

(defmacro join-strings (&rest strings)
   "Return the result of concatenating the supplied strings."
   `(concatenate 'string ,@strings))

(defun rjust (s w)
   "Right justify string S by W spaces."
   (rjust1 s (- w (length s))))

(defun rjust1 (s w)
   "Helper function for RJUST."
   (if (<= w 0) s
       (join-strings (rjust1 s (1- w)) " ")))

(defun ljust (s w)
   "Left justify string S by W spaces."
   (ljust1 s (- w (length s))))

(defun zfill (s w)
   "Left justify string S by W 0 characters."
   (ljust1 s (- w (length s)) "0"))

(defun ljust1 (s w &optional (c " "))
   "Helper function for LJUST."
   (if (<= w 0) s
       (join-strings c (ljust1 s (1- w) c))))

From: Adrian Kubala
Subject: Re: Beginner - Function Critique
Message-ID: <>
On 2005-09-30, crystal1 <········> wrote:
> (defmacro join-strings (&rest strings)
>    "Return the result of concatenating the supplied strings."
>    `(concatenate 'string ,@strings))

I'm just going to comment on this one stylistic point -- only use a
macro when you need to control the evaluation of arguments, never in a
case like this where an ordinary function would do. The reason is you
can't use a macro in REDUCE, APPLY, or any other context where you need
to treat it as a first-class value.
From: Kenny Tilton
Subject: Re: Beginner - Function Critique
Message-ID: <Fee%e.2960$>
crystal1 wrote:
> See below. These functions have been created a thousand times and are 
> trivial, but I wrote these instances myself and am a pretty proud 
> beginner. What do you think?

Fun, right? What languages have you used before?

> A week ago recursion was still pretty hazy, but a after reading "Common 
> Lisp, An Interactive Approach" the progress has been steady. What a 
> great book.
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> (defpackage :string-utils
>   (:use :common-lisp))
> (in-package :string-utils)
> (defun line-split (s d)
>   "Return a list of substrings in string S when delimited by delimiter D."
>   (check-type s string)
>   (check-type d character)
>   (if (= (length s) 0) '()
>       (cons (getf (line-split1 s d) :string)
>             (line-split (getf (line-split1 s d) :remainder) d))))
> (defun line-split1 (s d)
>   "Helper function for LINE-SPLIT. Return a list with elements of 
> supplied string S up to the first instance of delimiter D as :STRING and 
> the remaining string after the delimiter as :REMAINDER."
>   (if (position d s) (list :string (subseq s 0 (position d s))
>                            :remainder (subseq s (1+ (position d s))))
>       (list :string s :remainder "")))

That is a clever way of returning more than one value, but you might be 
interested in a simpler approach:

    (if (position d s)
        (values (subseq s 0 (position d s))
                (subseq s (1+ (position d s))))

Then in the caller:

    (multiple-value-bind (segment remainder)
      <do something clever with segment and remainder>)

Note that m-v-b is OK with line-split1 not returning a second value on 
the last segment, and that I feel nil is a better way in Lisp to denote 
"there is no remainder". Much easier to test for in client code.


Why Lisp?

"I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state 
I finally won out over it."
     Elwood P. Dowd, "Harvey", 1950
From: Thomas A. Russ
Subject: Re: Beginner - Function Critique
Message-ID: <>
crystal1 <········> writes:

> See below. These functions have been created a thousand times and are 
> trivial, but I wrote these instances myself and am a pretty proud 
> beginner. What do you think?

Petty cool.

If you don't mind I have a few comments, though.
I'll try to skip what I've already seen mentioned by others.

> (defmacro join-strings (&rest strings)
>    "Return the result of concatenating the supplied strings."
>    `(concatenate 'string ,@strings))
> (defun rjust (s w)
>    "Right justify string S by W spaces."
>    (rjust1 s (- w (length s))))
> (defun rjust1 (s w)
>    "Helper function for RJUST."
>    (if (<= w 0) s
>        (join-strings (rjust1 s (1- w)) " ")))

A much simpler method of doing this uses the built-in MAKE-STRING

(defun rjust (s w)
  (let ((difference (- w (length s))))
    (if (<= difference 0)
        (concatenate 'string s (make-string difference 
                                            :initial-element #\Space)))))

> (defun ljust (s w)
>    "Left justify string S by W spaces."
>    (ljust1 s (- w (length s))))
> (defun zfill (s w)
>    "Left justify string S by W 0 characters."
>    (ljust1 s (- w (length s)) "0"))
> (defun ljust1 (s w &optional (c " "))
>    "Helper function for LJUST."
>    (if (<= w 0) s
>        (join-strings c (ljust1 s (1- w) c))))

This would be a good place for you to experiment with keyword arguments
as well.  You may want to create a single justify function that you call
something like this:

    (justify string width :right :fill-character #\0)

with a signature like

    (defun (string width justification &key fill-character)

implementation up to you.  CASE or ECASE will come in handy.  I mention
ECASE, since you seem to like to do error checking in your code.

Since you're just starting out,  I will forbear posting and FORMAT
strings that accomplish the justification for you.

Thomas A. Russ,  USC/Information Sciences Institute
From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: Re: Beginner - Function Critique
Message-ID: <>
crystal1 <········> writes:

> See below. These functions have been created a thousand times and are
> trivial, but I wrote these instances myself and am a pretty proud
> beginner. What do you think?
> A week ago recursion was still pretty hazy, but a after reading
> "Common Lisp, An Interactive Approach" the progress has been
> steady. What a great book.
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> (defpackage :string-utils
>    (:use :common-lisp))
> (in-package :string-utils)
> (defun line-split1 (s d)
>    "Helper function for LINE-SPLIT. Return a list with elements of
> supplied string S up to the first instance of delimiter D as :STRING
> and the remaining string after the delimiter as :REMAINDER."
>    (if (position d s) (list :string (subseq s 0 (position d s))
>                             :remainder (subseq s (1+ (position d s))))
>        (list :string s :remainder "")))

(defun line-split1 (s d)
   (if (position d s)
      (values (subseq s 0 (position d s))
              (subseq s (1+ (position d s))))
      (values s "")))

> (defun line-split (s d)
>    "Return a list of substrings in string S when delimited by delimiter D."
>    (check-type s string)
>    (check-type d character)

These check-types are done by called functions, so you're doing them twice.

>    (if (= (length s) 0) '()
>        (cons (getf (line-split1 s d) :string)
>              (line-split (getf (line-split1 s d) :remainder) d))))

Indent it this way:

    (if condition

otherwise we will believe your else is a then!

Note that you're calling twice line-split1 with the same argument!

(defun line-split (s d)
    "Return a list of substrings in string S when delimited by delimiter D."
    (if (= (length s) 0)
        (multiple-value-bind (string remainder) (line-split1 s d)
           (cons string (line-split remainder d)))))

Note that this is still a non-terminal recursive function, so you'll
need a lot of stack space.

You could try to write a recursive function that is tail-recursive, to
give a chance to a TCO implementation.  Note that not all CL
implementations do TCO, so you still may want to write an iterative solution.

> (defun read-file (filename delimiter)
>    "Return a list of lists containing strings in pathname FILENAME
> delimited by character DELIMITER."
>    (let ((output '()))
>      (with-open-file (in filename)
>        (do ((line (read-line in nil) (read-line in nil)))
>            ((null line))
>          (push (line-split line delimiter) output))
>        (nreverse output))))

Good.  Eventually, I switched to loop:

(defun read-file (filename delimiter)
    "Return a list of lists containing strings in pathname FILENAME
 delimited by character DELIMITER."
   (with-open-file (in filename)
      :for line = (read-line in nil)
      :while line
      :collect (line-split line delimiter))))


> (defmacro join-strings (&rest strings)
>    "Return the result of concatenating the supplied strings."
>    `(concatenate 'string ,@strings))

You don't need a macro here.  With a macro, you cannot write:

(mapcar 'join-string '("A " "The " "Some ")
                     '("cat " "dog " "guy ")
                     '("eats " "bites " "runs ")
                     '("." "." "."))

Write it as a function.  If you want, you can declare it INLINE.

> (defun rjust (s w)
>    "Right justify string S by W spaces."
>    (rjust1 s (- w (length s))))
> (defun rjust1 (s w)
>    "Helper function for RJUST."
>    (if (<= w 0) s
>        (join-strings (rjust1 s (1- w)) " ")))

You can use local functions:

(defun rjust (s w)
  "Right justify string S by W spaces."
  (labels ((rjust1 (s w)
             (if (<= w 0) 
                (join-strings (rjust1 s (1- w)) " "))))
    (rjust1 s (- w (length s)))))

> (defun ljust (s w)
>    "Left justify string S by W spaces."
>    (ljust1 s (- w (length s))))
> (defun zfill (s w)
>    "Left justify string S by W 0 characters."
>    (ljust1 s (- w (length s)) "0"))
> (defun ljust1 (s w &optional (c " "))
>    "Helper function for LJUST."
>    (if (<= w 0) s
>        (join-strings c (ljust1 s (1- w) c))))

Don't you feel that there's some redundancy here?

What about an API such as:

(defun string-pad (string width &key (padchar " ") (justification :left)) 

(string-pad "123"        10 :padchar #\0 :justification :right)
(string-pad "Hello"      10 :padchar #\!)
(string-pad "BIG TITILE" 20 :justification :center)

Overall, congratulations for your lisping!  Go on on this journey!

__Pascal Bourguignon__           

Nobody can fix the economy.  Nobody can be trusted with their finger
on the button.  Nobody's perfect.  VOTE FOR NOBODY.
From: Alan Crowe
Subject: Re: Beginner - Function Critique
Message-ID: <>
crystal1 wrote
> These functions have been created a thousand times and are
> trivial, but I wrote these instances myself and am a
> pretty proud beginner. What do you think?

I think you are doing great. With such spirit and playfulness
your explorations will soon discover all of Common Lisp

I particularly liked the idea of using getf to extract a named
return value from amongst several. Other posters have shown
you the right way to return multiple values with values and
multiple-value-thing but in a spirit of play have a look at
this kitten-code. The idea is that 

    (:string "foo" :remainder "bar")

looks like a keyword argument list, so let us define a
function with keyword arguments and apply it to the list.
Then the keyword processing is doing the getf's for us.

  (defun line-split (s d)
    (if (= (length s) 0)
      (apply #'construct d (helper s d))))

  (defun construct (d &key string remainder)
    (cons string
	  (line-split remainder d)))

  (defun helper (s d)
    (let ((split (position d s)))
      (if split
	  (list :string (subseq s 0 split)
		:remainder (subseq s (+ split 1)))
	(list :string s))))

(line-split "will florence ever get to kiss winston? " #\space)
=> ("will" "florence" "ever" "get" "to" "kiss" "winston?")

This code only works because keyword arguments default to
nil, and nil is a list of length zero, so 
(= (length nil) 0) => t

The proper thing to do is to give remainder an explict
default of the string with no characters

(defun construct (d &key string (remainder "")) ... )

Then your excellent check-type's will be satisfied.

Alan Crowe