From: ·············
Subject: Note: The first argument (in keyword position) is not a constant.
Message-ID: <>
Hi all,

Consider the following:
(defun fun (&key arg)
   (declare (ignore arg))
(defun (setf fun) (value &key arg)
   (declare (ignore arg value))
(push 'a (fun :arg 'bla))

This gives the following note when executing this (I am using CMUCL):
; Note: The first argument (in keyword position) is not a constant.

If I check the macroexpansion of the last form, I can see where it
comes from:
(macroexpand-1 '(push 'a (fun :arg 'bla)))
(LET* ((#:G2520 'A)
       (#:G2519 :ARG)
       (#:G2518 'BLA)
       (#:G2517 (CONS #:G2520 (FUN #:G2519 #:G2518))))
  (FUNCALL #'(SETF FUN) #:G2517 #:G2519 #:G2518))

It evaluates ':arg' to make sure it gets evaluated only once, but then
the keyword argument to (setf fun) is no longer a constant.

Is there any way to get rid of the note?
Am I doing something else wrong?


From: Brian Downing
Subject: Re: Note: The first argument (in keyword position) is not a constant.
Message-ID: <xFO7f.516349$xm3.80560@attbi_s21>
In article <·······················>,
············· <·············> wrote:
> This gives the following note when executing this (I am using CMUCL):
> ; Note: The first argument (in keyword position) is not a constant.
> If I check the macroexpansion of the last form, I can see where it
> comes from:

This doesn't happen in SBCL, so it's probably either behavior that was
fixed in SBCL or a warning that was added in CMUCL after the fork.

While a CMUCL developer might notice it here, it'd be more useful for
you to send this to one of the CMUCL mailing lists (probably cmucl-imp):

*** Brian Downing <bdowning at lavos dot net>