From: Tayssir John Gabbour
Subject: Re: CL failure stories?
Message-ID: <>
torve wrote:
> while reading the canonical Lisp-family success stories again and again
> in all the well known places (naughty dog, the yahoo shop,
> the-not-yet-so-canonical bayesian spam filter), I'd like to know what
> failures (small and large) people have experienced or know of while and
> after deciding on Lisp as an implementation language. Excluded from the
> question are failures based on unwillingness to properly indent code
> ("couldn't get used to the silly parens") or ignorance of FFI ("there
> are no libraries"). Do you have encountered serious problems that made
> you abandon a project or wish to have chosen a different language
> (anything, Perl, Haskell, C++)?


Here's the issue. When starting a project for money, I externalize
costs. Whatever gets me the results and takes the least costs/time,
I'll often go with that.

In this view, every tool has "failed" by your metric. That is, I'll not
have chosen it at some point.

It's usually not hard to decide which tool to use, because there are
enough constraints. It is often so obvious, that I end up learning a
new language like PHP or Javascript, rather than using a tool I'm very
familiar with.

It has little to do with the tools' intrinsic technical value, but
rather the free market and whatever social issues there presently are.
