From: Sherm Pendley
Subject: Re: Daisy Daisy, give me your answer do
Message-ID: <m21x2vj6dz.fsf@Sherm-Pendleys-Computer.local>
"Xah Lee" <ยทยทยท> writes:

> there is a MacPerl program posted in 1998 that uses Mac's speech synth
> to sing Daisy Bell.
> See:
> can anyone modify it so it runs out of the box on today's OS X?

For pre-Tiger OS versions you'll need to install the Mac::Carbon module from
CPAN, if you haven't done so already. Tiger ships with it pre-installed.

Aside from that, only trivial modification are needed to update the script.
Just Replace #!perl with #!/usr/bin/perl, and remove the last line, which
calls MacPerl::Quit().


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