From: bradb
Subject: ASDF woes
Message-ID: <>
Hi all, I get the feeling that this is an easy question, but I couldn't
find the answer easily.  It appears that I need to somehow load the
file before it gets compiled.  My macro relies on a function, asdf
complains that the function doesn't exist yet.
Thanks for taking a look.


Here is the code.

(defun make-table-pairs (acc table &rest pairs)
  (let ((pairs (car pairs)))
      ((eq pairs nil) acc)
      (t (values acc)
         (setf acc (append acc `((gethash ,(car pairs) ,table)))
               acc (append acc (list (cadr pairs))))
         (make-table-pairs acc table (cddr pairs))))))

(defmacro set-hash-table (table &rest pairs)
  `(setf ,@(make-table-pairs nil table pairs)))

(set-hash-table *table*
                0       #\a
                1       #\b)

(defpackage #:asdtest
     (:use :cl :asdf))

(in-package :asdtest)

(defsystem asdtest
     :name "asdtest"
     :version "0.0.1"
     :author "Brad Beveridge"
     :licence "LGPL"
     :description "asdtest"
     :components ((:file asdtest)))