From: xbunny
Subject: Get address of variable with UFFI
Message-ID: <E2Laf.17064$>
I have a foreign function which I want to access via UFFI, the signature is:

(def-foreign-type HANDLE :pointer-void)

(def-function ("midiStreamOpen" midi-stream-open)
     ((ptr-handle (* HANDLE))
      (ptr-devid (* :unsigned-int))
      (reserved :unsigned-int)
      (callback :pointer-void)
      (instance :pointer-void)
      (flags :unsigned-int))
   :returning :unsigned-int)

as you can see the first two parameters are pointers to variables (I 
pass in the pointer and the foreign function dereferences them and fills 
them with new values). I know how to allocate the foreign variables with:

(with-foreign-objects ((handle HANDLE)
                        (devid :unsigned-int))
   ... etc

but how can I get their addresses to pass to midi-stream-open? 
make-pointer needs an address so that doesnt seem to help, I guess I 
need something like get-pointer or get-address-of or something but those 
dont seem to exist.

Thanks again and sorry for the newbie questions, Bunny

PS: ECL specific answers would be ok too