From: Geoffrey Summerhayes
Subject: multiple value defun
Message-ID: <M_52e.1694$>
I was thinking about something I wanted to do with the painter code
today and realized it would be nice if I could use multiple values
without having to it show in the top level coding. Then
looking at values and standard lambda lists as orthogonal as in
(fn (values 3 4)(values 2 7)) == (fn 3 2)
When I'd like to capture the 4 and 7 sometimes.
Kind of dashed it off, sorry about the variable names.
Looking for comments, replacements, improvements, etc.

(defun parse-lambda-list (list)
  (let (binders mv-lists quick args)
    (do ((x list (rest x)))
        ((null x) (values (nreverse binders) (nreverse mv-lists)
                          (nreverse quick) (nreverse args)))
      (if (eq '&mv (first x))
          (let ((g (gensym)))
            (unless (listp (second x))
              (error "Error argument for &mv not a list: ~S in ~S"
                     (second x) list))
            (push (second x) binders)
            (push g mv-lists)
            (push t quick)
            (push g args)
            (setf x (rest x))) ; skip what follows &mv
        (progn (push nil quick)
          (push (first x) args))))))

(defun generate-funcall (fname arg-list quick)
  (cons fname
        (mapcar (lambda (arg use)
                  (if use
                      (list 'multiple-value-list arg)
                arg-list quick)))

(defmacro defun+ (fn-name arg-list &body body)
  (multiple-value-bind (b m q a) (parse-lambda-list arg-list)
    (if (null m)
        `(defun ,fn-name ,arg-list ,@body)
      (let ((fn (gensym)))
           (defun ,fn ,a (destructuring-bind ,b ,(cons 'list m)
           (defmacro ,fn-name (&rest args)
             (generate-funcall ',fn args ',q)))))))


CL-USER 39 > (defun+ foo (a b &mv (c &optional d &rest r) &mv (e f))
                               (list a b c d e f r))

CL-USER 40 > (foo 1 2 3 (values 4 5))
(1 2 3 NIL 4 5 NIL)

CL-USER 41 > (foo 1 2 (values 3 4 5 6 7) (values 4 5))
(1 2 3 4 4 5 (5 6 7))


From: Frank Buss
Subject: Re: multiple value defun
Message-ID: <d2b58v$qgh$>
"Geoffrey Summerhayes" <·······> wrote:

> I was thinking about something I wanted to do with the painter code
> today and realized it would be nice if I could use multiple values
> without having to it show in the top level coding. Then
> looking at values and standard lambda lists as orthogonal as in
> (fn (values 3 4)(values 2 7)) == (fn 3 2)
> When I'd like to capture the 4 and 7 sometimes.

another idea would be to define a macro for writing the usally multiple-
value-binds, if you want to call a function with values:

(defun foo (a b c d e) (list a b c d e))

(with-values (foo 1 :bind-2 (floor 11 4) 4 5)) -> (1 2 3 4 5)

The advantage is, that you can call it with normal arguments as well and 
that you can wrap it this way around predefined functions and macros, 
like built-ins:

(with-values (list :bind-2 (values 1 2 3) 4 5)) -> (1 2 4 5)

(note the missing 3. This can be useful sometimes, but perhaps you want 
to define a ":bind-3" as well)

The code (it's a quick hack, because there are too much appends, no 
general lambda list handling etc.) :

(defun build-body (args body bind-list)
  (if (null args)
      (loop for bind in bind-list
            do (setf body (append bind (list body)))
            finally return body)
    (let ((arg (car args)))
      (if (eql arg ':bind-2)
          (let* ((args (cdr args))
                 (arg (car args)))
            (let ((v-arg1 (gensym))
                  (v-arg2 (gensym)))
              (build-body (cdr args)
                          (append body (list v-arg1 v-arg2))
                          (append bind-list
                                        (,v-arg1 ,v-arg2)
        (build-body (cdr args) (append body (list arg)) bind-list)))))

(defmacro with-values ((&body body))
  (destructuring-bind (fun &rest args) body
    (build-body args (list fun) '())))

Frank Bu�, ··,
From: Geoffrey Summerhayes
Subject: Re: multiple value defun
Message-ID: <TB92e.1384$>
"Frank Buss" <··> wrote in message ·················
> another idea would be to define a macro for writing the usally multiple-
> value-binds, if you want to call a function with values:
> (defun foo (a b c d e) (list a b c d e))
> (with-values (foo 1 :bind-2 (floor 11 4) 4 5)) -> (1 2 3 4 5)
> The advantage is, that you can call it with normal arguments as well and
> that you can wrap it this way around predefined functions and macros,
> like built-ins:
> (with-values (list :bind-2 (values 1 2 3) 4 5)) -> (1 2 4 5)
> (note the missing 3. This can be useful sometimes, but perhaps you want
> to define a ":bind-3" as well)
> The code (it's a quick hack, because there are too much appends, no
> general lambda list handling etc.) :
> (defun build-body (args body bind-list)
>  (if (null args)
>      (loop for bind in bind-list
>            do (setf body (append bind (list body)))
>            finally return body)
>    (let ((arg (car args)))
>      (if (eql arg ':bind-2)
>          (let* ((args (cdr args))
>                 (arg (car args)))
>            (let ((v-arg1 (gensym))
>                  (v-arg2 (gensym)))
>              (build-body (cdr args)
>                          (append body (list v-arg1 v-arg2))
>                          (append bind-list
>                                  `((multiple-value-bind
>                                        (,v-arg1 ,v-arg2)
>                                        ,arg))))))
>        (build-body (cdr args) (append body (list arg)) bind-list)))))
> (defmacro with-values ((&body body))
>  (destructuring-bind (fun &rest args) body
>    (build-body args (list fun) '())))

Thanks Frank, I'll read this in a few hours after I get some sleep.
I was attempting to when I realized my code has a major flaw, it doesn't
play well with the other keywords, I'm going to have to recognize
them during the parse phase of the macro call gets assigned wrong...
I hate insomnia, time to take another try.
