From: stephane
Subject: Lispworks interface refreshing
Message-ID: <>
For some implementation I need to be aware of anychanges that arises in
an interface. Either from the interface itself, or from any of its
descendant childs. I tried to do so by overriding the
redisplay-interface method:

(defmethod capi:redisplay-interface :before ((self capi:interface))
  (format t "~&redisplaying ........."))

but it doesn't work correctly. Doesn't get called when switchin
tab-panels, or moving the window...

Is there a way to ovveride the drawing method of the interface?

From: Dmitriy Ivanov
Subject: Re: Lispworks interface refreshing
Message-ID: <d1p3ni$1jop$>
Hello stephane,
"stephane" <···············> wrote:

s> For some implementation I need to be aware of anychanges that arises
s> in an interface. Either from the interface itself, or from any of
s> its descendant childs. I tried to do so by overriding the
s> redisplay-interface method:
s> (defmethod capi:redisplay-interface :before ((self capi:interface))
s>   (format t "~&redisplaying ........."))
s> but it doesn't work correctly. Doesn't get called when switchin
s> tab-panels, or moving the window...
s> Is there a way to ovveride the drawing method of the interface?

I do not think capi:redisplay-interface is a kind of overrideable.

Depending on what you mean by "changes that arises in an interface", you may
need to track changes of all its panes by virtue of change-callback,
selection-callback, and the like.
Dmitriy Ivanov