From: ······
Subject: Is this a appropriate use of closures?
Message-ID: <>
I'm learning lisp.  I'm working my way through Peter Norvig's
_Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence_.  As an exercise I'm
implementing the simple grammar he shows in his second chapter,
and writing tests for it.  His code is:

   (defun sentence    () (append (noun-phrase) (verb-phrase)))
   (defun noun-phrase () (append (article) (noun)))
   (defun verb-phrase () (append (verb) (noun-phrase)))
   (defun article     () (one-of '(a the)))
   (defun noun        () (one-of '(man ball woman table)))
   (defun verb        () (one-of '(hit took saw liked)))
   (defun one-of (choices)
      (list (random-elt choices)))
   (defun random-elt (choices)
      (elt choices (random (length choices))))

I wrote this test for random-elt:
   (deftest test-random-elt ()
      (let ((items '(alfa bravo charlie delta echo))
            (counts (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
            (total 0))

         ; zero out counts...
         (dolist (item items)
            (setf (gethash item counts) 0))

         ; generate 50 samples, incrementing counts as we go...
         (dotimes (n 50)
            (incf (gethash (random-elt items) counts)))

         ; now confirm that all entries are > 0 and total to 50...
         (dolist (item items)
            (check (> (gethash item counts) 0))
            (incf total (gethash item counts)))
         (check (equal total 50))))

And this one for one-of:
   (deftest test-one-of ()
      (let ((items '(alfa bravo charlie delta echo))
            (counts (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
            (total 0))

         ; zero out counts...
         (dolist (item items)
            (setf (gethash (list item) counts) 0))

         ; generate 50 samples, incrementing counts as we go...
         (dotimes (n 50)
            (incf (gethash (one-of items) counts)))

         ; now confirm that all entries are > 0 and total to 50...
         (dolist (item items)
            (check (> (gethash (list item) counts) 0))
            (incf total (gethash (list item) counts)))
         (check (equal total 50))))

And this one for article:
   (deftest test-article ()
      (let ((items '(a the))
            (counts (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
            (total 0))

         ; zero out counts...
         (dolist (item items)
            (setf (gethash (list item) counts) 0))

         ; generate 50 times, incrementing counts as we go...
         (dotimes (n 50)
            (incf (gethash (article) counts)))

         ; now confirm that all entries are > 0 and total to 50...
         (dolist (item items)
            (check (> (gethash (list item) counts) 0))
            (incf total (gethash (list item) counts)))
         (check (equal total 50))))

Obviously, similar tests would follow for noun and verb.

The tests above had a lot of duplication that I wanted to remove.
With some work I changed them to:

   (deftest test-random-elt ()
         '(alfa bravo charlie delta echo)
         #'(lambda (x) (random-elt x))
         '(alfa bravo charlie delta echo)))

   (deftest test-one-of ()
         '( alfa   bravo   charlie   delta   echo)
         #'(lambda (x) (one-of x))
         '((alfa) (bravo) (charlie) (delta) (echo))))

   (deftest test-article ()
         #'(lambda (x) (article))
         '((a) (the))))

which are supported by:

   (defun test-generator (inputs processor outputs)
      (let ((counts (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
            (total 0))

         ; zero out counts...
         (dolist (item outputs)
            (setf (gethash item counts) 0))

         ; generate 50 times, incrementing counts as we go...
         (dotimes (n 50)
            (incf (gethash (funcall processor inputs) counts)))

         ; now confirm that all entries are > 0 and total to 50...
         (dolist (item outputs)
            ;(format t "~%~a: ~a" item (gethash item counts))
            (check (> (gethash item counts) 0))
            (incf total (gethash item counts)))
         ;(format t "~%")
         (check (equal total 50))))

I consider this version a big improvement, but I don't really like
the "literal" closures I'm using in the tests.

I worked a little longer and was able to get to:
   (deftest test-random-elt ()
         '(alfa bravo charlie delta echo)
         '(random-elt inputs)
         '(alfa bravo charlie delta echo)))

   (deftest test-one-of ()
         '( alfa   bravo   charlie   delta   echo)
         '(one-of inputs)
         '((alfa) (bravo) (charlie) (delta) (echo))))

   (deftest test-article ()
         '((a) (the))))

supported by:
   (defun test-generator (inputs processor-expression outputs)
      (let ((processor
             (coerce `(lambda (inputs) ,processor-expression)
            (counts (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
            (total 0))

         ; zero out counts...
         (dolist (item outputs)
            (setf (gethash item counts) 0))

         ; generate 50 times, incrementing counts as we go...
         (dotimes (n 50)
            (incf (gethash (funcall processor inputs) counts)))

         ; now confirm that all entries are > 0 and total to 50...
         (dolist (item outputs)
            ;(format t "~%~a: ~a" item (gethash item counts))
            (check (> (gethash item counts) 0))
            (incf total (gethash item counts)))
         ;(format t "~%")
         (check (equal total 50))))

This works, and has the benefit of generating the closure "once and
once".  On the other hand, the processor-expressions I pass in are now
strictly limited to the use of "inputs" as their parameter.  So, I
really don't know if this code is good lisp style.  What to you think?

I also don't fully understand how to generate closures with code.

My first attempt was:

   (processor #'`(lambda (inputs) ,processor-expression))

then I tried:

   (processor `#'(lambda (inputs) ,processor-expression))

Finally, I stumbled onto:

   (processor (coerce `(lambda (inputs) ,processor-expression)

I don't understand why I have to use coerce to convert my lambda
expression into a function.  I know this indicates some fundamental
misunderstanding of closures and/or lambda expression on my part,
but I don't know what it is.

Thanks for taking the time to read this message, and thanks for
your comments and suggestions

David B. Ellis

From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: Re: Is this a appropriate use of closures?
Message-ID: <>
······ writes:
> I also don't fully understand how to generate closures with code.
> My first attempt was:
>    (processor #'`(lambda (inputs) ,processor-expression))
> then I tried:
>    (processor `#'(lambda (inputs) ,processor-expression))
> Finally, I stumbled onto:
>    (processor (coerce `(lambda (inputs) ,processor-expression)
> 'function))
> I don't understand why I have to use coerce to convert my lambda
> expression into a function.  I know this indicates some fundamental
> misunderstanding of closures and/or lambda expression on my part,
> but I don't know what it is.

1- lambda is a mere symbol, used to indicate that a list (data) could be
interpreted as a function (a lambda-expression).

    '(lambda (x) (1+ x))        --> (LAMBDA (X) (1+ X))
    (cadr '(lambda (x) (1+ x))  --> (X)

Nothing special here, it's a symbol like any other.
Only you can use such lambda expressions as a function:

    ( (lambda (x) (* x x))  2 ) --> 4

2- lambda is the name of a macro defined as:

    (defmacro lambda (lambda-list &body body)
        `(function (lambda ,lambda-list ,@body)))

Therefore when you try to execute what looks like a lambda-expression,
you're actually evaluating the special operator FUNCTION:

  (macroexpand '(lambda (x) (* x x)))  --> (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (X) (* X X)))

Don't be fooled by the printer,

#'(LAMBDA (X) (* X X)) is really: (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (X) (* X X)))

as you can verify it:

    (car '#'(LAMBDA (X) (* X X))) --> FUNCTION

Now, the special operator FUNCTION takes the name of a function (a
symbol) or a list of the form (SETF x) or (LAMBDA ...) a
lambda-expression, and return the function "named" by such a

    (lambda (x) (1+ x))         --> #<CLOSURE :LAMBDA (X) (1+ X)>

Note the difference with the first example where you got a list
instead of a closure object:

    '(lambda (x) (1+ x))        --> (LAMBDA (X) (1+ X))

Perhaps it could be seen more clearly when written as:

    (quote (lambda (x) (1+ x))) --> (LAMBDA (X) (1+ X))
    (lambda (x) (1+ x))         --> #<CLOSURE :LAMBDA (X) (1+ X)>

Now, backquote is a quote.  If you don't have any comma inside the
backquoted list, it's strictly equivalent to QUOTE:

    `(lambda (x) (1+ x)) --> (LAMBDA (X) (1+ X))

Now, exactly why #'`(lambda ...) doesn't work should be obvious.

    #'`(lambda ...) is actually (function `(lambda ...))

and since `(lambda ...) is actually (quote (lambda ...):

    #'`(lambda ...) is actually (function (quote (lambda ...)))

but FUNCTION is a special operator that doesn't evaluate its argument,
and (quote (lambda ...)) is not a function designator (not a symbol,
not a list starting with SETF or LAMBDA, nada, it's only a list
starting with QUOTE.

Since you are building at run-time a s-expression eg, a list, in the
form of a lambda-expression, and you want to pass to processor a
function (eg a closure), then you have to convert this list into a
function manually using coerce.

If you had to do this a lot, you could write a #` reader-macro.

__Pascal Bourguignon__           

There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not
want merely because you think it would be good for him. -- Robert Heinlein
From: James Graves
Subject: Re: Is this a appropriate use of closures?
Message-ID: <d1erao$b9c$>
Cool.  I had some vague uncertanties about LAMBDA, but I was not worried
enough about that to form actual questions.

Thank you for your explanation of the different meanings of LAMBDA.  
I appreciate it.

James Graves
From: ······
Subject: Re: Is this a appropriate use of closures?
Message-ID: <>
Ok, let's see if I understand.

>1- lambda is a mere symbol, used to indicate that a list (data) could
>interpreted as a function (a lambda-expression). .
>    '(lambda (x) (1+ x))        --> (LAMBDA (X) (1+ X))
>    (cadr '(lambda (x) (1+ x))  --> (X)

I under that a quoted list containing lambda is just data:

   (deftest one ()
      (check (equal  '(lambda (x) (1+ x)) '(lambda (x) (1+ x)))))
0 checks failed, 1 check passed, 1 test.

and that 'x is expanded at read time into (quote x):

   (deftest two ()
      (check (equal  '(lambda (x) (1+ x)) (quote (lambda (x) (1+

0 checks failed, 2 checks passed, 2 tests.

I believe that this:

>    ( (lambda (x) (* x x))  2 ) --> 4

involves an expansion of the lambda MACRO.  As I understand it eval
macro-expands the (lambda (x) (* x x)) above into
(function (lambda (x) (* x x))) then evaluates the function
special-form, which
returns a closure, which is then APPLYied to the rest of the original
form (2
in this case).  That application returns the 4.  Is this correct?


   (deftest three ()
      (check (equal ((lambda (x) (* x x)) 2) 4)))

0 checks failed, 3 checks passed, 3 tests.

I think I'm correct that the lambda MACRO only comes into play when a
lambda expression appears as the CAR of a list to be evaluated.  Is
this correct?

Here's a explicit verification of a lambda macro-expansion:

(deftest four ()
         (equal (macroexpand '(lambda (x) (+ x 1)))
                   '(function (lambda (x) (+ x 1))))))

0 checks failed, 4 checks passed, 4 tests.

If I understand what I've read in the standard then the only things
can be passed to the function special-form are:

    symbols which have a symbol-function associated with them,
    (for example, (function +))

    lambda expressions,
    (like (function (lambda (x) (- x))))

    and lists whose car's are setf
    (like (function (setf cadr)))

The reason:

   (processor #'`(lambda (inputs) ,processor-expression))

could never work is that it's really

   (processor (function (quote (lambda (inputs) ...))))

and quote is a special-form, it's none of the three allowable argments
to function.

So, I think I could build my code with something like:

(deftest five ()
   (let* ((processor-expr '(one-of input)) ; passed in in original
          (processor-lambda-as-list `(lambda (input) ,processor-expr))
          (processor (coerce processor-lambda-as-list 'function)))

      ; processor-lambda-list just contains a list:
      (check (equal processor-lambda-as-list
                    '(lambda (input) (one-of input))))

      ; but processor is a function:
      (check (equal (type-of processor) 'function))))

0 checks failed, 6 checks passed, 5 tests.

That seems to work, so I think my understanding for lambdas and
function is
starting to improve.

So I could change my test to:
   (defun test-generator (inputs processor-expression outputs)
      (let* ((processor-lambda `(lambda (inputs)
             (processor (coerce processor-lambda 'function))
             (counts (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
             (total 0))

         ; zero out counts...
         (dolist (item outputs)
            (setf (gethash item counts) 0))

         ; generate 50 times, incrementing counts as we go...
         (dotimes (n 50)
            (incf (gethash (funcall processor inputs) counts)))

         ; now confirm that all entries are > 0 and that they total
         (dolist (item outputs)
            (format t "~%~a: ~a" item (gethash item counts))
            (check (> (gethash item counts) 0))
            (incf total (gethash item counts)))
         (format t "~%")
         (check (equal total 50))))

This test does work, but like jan, I starting to prefer:

          '(alfa bravo charlie delta echo)
          #'(lambda (inputs) (random-elt inputs))
          '(alfa bravo charlie delta echo))

I just wanted to work through this to understand what Pascal said.

Thanks again for your help and comments.

David B. Ellis
From: Kent M Pitman
Subject: Re: Is this a appropriate use of closures?
Message-ID: <>
······ writes:

> I believe that this:
> >    ( (lambda (x) (* x x))  2 ) --> 4
> involves an expansion of the lambda MACRO.


> As I understand it eval
> macro-expands the (lambda (x) (* x x)) above into
> (function (lambda (x) (* x x))) then evaluates the function
> special-form, which
> returns a closure, which is then APPLYied to the rest of the original
> form (2
> in this case).  That application returns the 4.  Is this correct?


First, CL is a Lisp2, not a Lisp1.  That is, it has separate namespaces
for Function and Value expressions.  In (f x y z), f is functionally 
evaluated and x, y, z are "normally" evaluated (or "evaluated for value").

The reason this matters is that while 
 (f (lambda (x) x))
involves a use of a macro, which expands as
 (f (function (lambda (x) x)))
the same is not true for
 ((lambda (x) (+ x 2)) 2)
In this latter case, ((lambda ...) ...) is a primitive kind of expression,
a compound form called a lambda form.  It has a lambda expression at its
car, but that lambda expression is primitively understood--no functional
result [what you're calling a closure] is ever created in that situation
since it would be wasteful, its only purpose being the immediate use and
then disposal of that function.

Note that (lambda (x) (* x x)) never produces a closure since it has no
free variables [at least, none in the value namespace].  It does use * free,
but * is primitively defined in the global environment, so no closure is
required.  That's different than
 (defun add-some (y) (lambda (x) (+ x y)))
where (funcall (add-some 3) 4) returns 7 because (add-some 3) returns
 (lambda (x) (+ x y))
closed over y=3.  In that case, because of the free y, you do get a closure.

> so:
>    (deftest three ()
>       (check (equal ((lambda (x) (* x x)) 2) 4)))
> 0 checks failed, 3 checks passed, 3 tests.
> I think I'm correct that the lambda MACRO only comes into play when a
> lambda expression appears as the CAR of a list to be evaluated.  Is
> this correct?

Nope.  It only comes into effect when a lambda expression is not in the
car of the expression.  that is, for better or worse:
 ((lambda (x) x) (lambda (x) x))
  -------------- --------------
> Here's a explicit verification of a lambda macro-expansion:
> (deftest four ()
>       (check
>          (equal (macroexpand '(lambda (x) (+ x 1)))
>                    '(function (lambda (x) (+ x 1))))))
> 0 checks failed, 4 checks passed, 4 tests.

That's probably right, but might vary between implementations.
I'd trust more the result of macroexpand-1 than macroexpand.
It's probably the case that FUNCTION is primitive and doesn't
further macroexpand, but I wouldn't bank on it without more careful
thought than I have time for right now.

> If I understand what I've read in the standard then the only things
> that
> can be passed to the function special-form are:

Things are not "passed to" special forms.  Special forms are syntax
that are present after any appropriate macro expansion has been done.
(function +) does not pass + to function.  Rather, the language recognizes
(function <anything>) as a reference to <anything> in the functional
namespace as part of its primitive understanding of a thing.
That all said, you are right that the only valid holders of the cadr position
in a function special form are:

>     symbols which have a symbol-function associated with them,
>     (for example, (function +))
>     lambda expressions,
>     (like (function (lambda (x) (- x))))
>     and lists whose car's are setf
>     (like (function (setf cadr)))

That's right.
> The reason:
>    (processor #'`(lambda (inputs) ,processor-expression))
> could never work is that it's really
>    (processor (function (quote (lambda (inputs) ...))))
> and quote is a special-form,

It's not that it IS a special form.  It's that it's NOT one of three
recognized kinds of things that can be in a FUNCTION special form.

> it's none of the three allowable argments
> to function.

This part is right.  You just got the emphasis wrong.

> So, I think I could build my code with something like:
> (deftest five ()
>    (let* ((processor-expr '(one-of input)) ; passed in in original
>           (processor-lambda-as-list `(lambda (input) ,processor-expr))
>           (processor (coerce processor-lambda-as-list 'function)))
>       ; processor-lambda-list just contains a list:
>       (check (equal processor-lambda-as-list
>                     '(lambda (input) (one-of input))))
>       ; but processor is a function:
>       (check (equal (type-of processor) 'function))))

Yes, although this use of COERCE is a very big hammer.  It means your
executable has to have the entire interpreter and/or compiler in it in
order to make sure it can do this transformation at runtime instead of
compile time.

[I stopped here in reading and responding to your message because I've made
the terminology and efficiency points I wanted to make. I have no opinion
on the remainder of the message.]
From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: Re: Is this a appropriate use of closures?
Message-ID: <>
······ writes:

> Ok, let's see if I understand.
> >1- lambda is a mere symbol, used to indicate that a list (data) could
> be
> >interpreted as a function (a lambda-expression). .
> >
> >    '(lambda (x) (1+ x))        --> (LAMBDA (X) (1+ X))
> >    (cadr '(lambda (x) (1+ x))  --> (X)
> I under that a quoted list containing lambda is just data:

> [...]
> and that 'x is expanded at read time into (quote x):


> [...]
> I believe that this:
> >    ( (lambda (x) (* x x))  2 ) --> 4
> involves an expansion of the lambda MACRO.  As I understand it eval
> macro-expands the (lambda (x) (* x x)) above into
> (function (lambda (x) (* x x))) then evaluates the function
> special-form, which
> returns a closure, which is then APPLYied to the rest of the original
> form (2
> in this case).  That application returns the 4.  Is this correct?

[55]> (defun hook (expander form env)
    (format t "Now expanding: ~S~%" form)
    (funcall expander form env))
[56]> (let ((*macroexpand-hook* (function hook))) ((lambda (x) (print x)) :a))

[57]> (let ((*macroexpand-hook* (function hook)))
             ((lambda (x) (print x)) (lambda (y) (1+ y))))
Now expanding: (LAMBDA (Y) (1+ Y))

#<CLOSURE :LAMBDA (Y) (1+ Y)> 

EVAL understands directly that (lambda ...) in the CAR is a function
and doesn't need to expand the macro LAMBDA for this.  

Moreover, a closure is not valid in the CAR of a function call:

[58]> (#.(lambda (x) (print x)) (lambda (y) (1+ y)))

*** - EVAL: #<CLOSURE :LAMBDA (X) (PRINT X)> is not a function name
The following restarts are available:
USE-VALUE      :R1      You may input a value to be used instead.

Remember that the CAR of a function call IS NOT evaluated.  It's taken
as a name (a "designator").

> I think I'm correct that the lambda MACRO only comes into play when a
> lambda expression appears as the CAR of a list to be evaluated.  Is
> this correct?

No, it's the lambda symbol that is used here.

The lambda macro comes into play when lambda appears as the CAR of a
list to be evaluated.

    (lambda (x) (* x x))                lambda macro is expanded 
                                        and result is evaluated. 

    (identity (lambda (x) (* x x)))     lambda macro is expanded 
                                        and result is evaluated to be
                                        passed as argument to IDENTITY.

    (function (lambda (x) (* x x)))     no macro expansion occurs.
                                        (FUNCTION, like QUOTE doesn't
                                        evaluates its arguments).
                                        The anonymous function is returned.

    (quote (lambda (x) (* x x)))        no macro expansion occurs.
                                        The list containing the three elements:
                                        lambda, (x) and (* x x) is returned.

    ((lambda (x) (* x x)) 2)            no macro expansion occurs.
                                        (EVAL doesn't need to).

> Here's a explicit verification of a lambda macro-expansion:
> (deftest four ()
>       (check
>          (equal (macroexpand '(lambda (x) (+ x 1)))
>                    '(function (lambda (x) (+ x 1))))))
> 0 checks failed, 4 checks passed, 4 tests.
> If I understand what I've read in the standard then the only things
> that
> can be passed to the function special-form are:
>     symbols which have a symbol-function associated with them,
>     (for example, (function +))
>     lambda expressions,
>     (like (function (lambda (x) (- x))))
>     and lists whose car's are setf
>     (like (function (setf cadr)))
> The reason:
>    (processor #'`(lambda (inputs) ,processor-expression))
> could never work is that it's really
>    (processor (function (quote (lambda (inputs) ...))))
> and quote is a special-form, it's none of the three allowable argments
> to function.


> So, I think I could build my code with something like:
> (deftest five ()
>    (let* ((processor-expr '(one-of input)) ; passed in in original
>           (processor-lambda-as-list `(lambda (input) ,processor-expr))
>           (processor (coerce processor-lambda-as-list 'function)))
>       ; processor-lambda-list just contains a list:
>       (check (equal processor-lambda-as-list
>                     '(lambda (input) (one-of input))))
>       ; but processor is a function:
>       (check (equal (type-of processor) 'function))))
> 0 checks failed, 6 checks passed, 5 tests.
> That seems to work, so I think my understanding for lambdas and
> function is
> starting to improve.
> So I could change my test to:
>    (defun test-generator (inputs processor-expression outputs)
>       (let* ((processor-lambda `(lambda (inputs)
> ,processor-expression))
>              (processor (coerce processor-lambda 'function))
>              (counts (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
>              (total 0))
>          ; zero out counts...
>          (dolist (item outputs)
>             (setf (gethash item counts) 0))
>          ; generate 50 times, incrementing counts as we go...
>          (dotimes (n 50)
>             (incf (gethash (funcall processor inputs) counts)))
>          ; now confirm that all entries are > 0 and that they total
>          ; 50...
>          (dolist (item outputs)
>             (format t "~%~a: ~a" item (gethash item counts))
>             (check (> (gethash item counts) 0))
>             (incf total (gethash item counts)))
>          (format t "~%")
>          (check (equal total 50))))
> This test does work, but like jan, I starting to prefer:
>     (test-generator
>           '(alfa bravo charlie delta echo)
>           #'(lambda (inputs) (random-elt inputs))
>           '(alfa bravo charlie delta echo))
> I just wanted to work through this to understand what Pascal said.
> Thanks again for your help and comments.
> David B. Ellis

__Pascal Bourguignon__           
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never
stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and
neither do we. -- Georges W. Bush
From: jan
Subject: Re: Is this a appropriate use of closures?
Message-ID: <1xaen6kp.fsf@laptop.lan>
······ writes:

> (defun test-generator (inputs processor outputs)
>       (let ((counts (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
>             (total 0))
>          ...
>          (dotimes (n 50)
>             (incf (gethash (funcall processor inputs) counts)))
>          ...
>          ))

> (defun test-generator (inputs processor-expression outputs)
>       (let ((processor
>              (coerce `(lambda (inputs) ,processor-expression)
>                      'function))
>             (counts (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
>             (total 0))
>          ...
>          (dotimes (n 50)
>             (incf (gethash (funcall processor inputs) counts)))
>          ...
>          ))

> This works, and has the benefit of generating the closure "once and
> only once".

Both definitions generate the closure only once.

> On the other hand, the processor-expressions I pass in are now
> strictly limited to the use of "inputs" as their parameter.

Both definitions of processor require `inputs' as a parameter due to
the use of `funcall'.  Compare `funcall' with `apply'.

> So, I really don't know if this code is good lisp style. What to you
> think?

I prefer the first definition. The intention of the code is more

Here the second argument is clearly a function:

          '(alfa bravo charlie delta echo)
          #'(lambda (inputs) (random-elt inputs))
          '(alfa bravo charlie delta echo))
Whereas here the second argument is just another list:

          '(alfa bravo charlie delta echo)
          '(random-elt inputs)
          '(alfa bravo charlie delta echo))

Also, take note of the difference between (list 'alfa) and '(alfa).
This will become important when writing tests for destructive

> I also don't fully understand how to generate closures with code.

See Pascal's reply for this.
