From: Christopher Browne
Subject: Statistics for comp.lang.lisp
Message-ID: <Uisve.81056$>
Following is a summary of articles spanning a 7 day period,
beginning at 19 Jun 2005 06:54:46 GMT and ending at
26 Jun 2005 06:51:32 GMT.


    - A line in the body of a post is considered to be original if it
      does *not* match the regular expression /^\s{0,3}(?:>|:|\S+>|\+\+|\|\s+|\*\s)/.
    - All text after the last cut line (/^-- $/) in the body is
      considered to be the author's signature.
    - The scanner prefers the Reply-To: header over the From: header
      in determining the "real" e-mail address and name.
    - Original Content Rating is the ratio of the original content volume
      to the total body volume.
    - Please send all comments to Christopher Browne <········>


Posters:  147
Articles: 425 (157 with cutlined signatures)
Threads:  64
Volume generated: 1032.2 kb
    - headers:    489.4 kb (7,734 lines)
    - bodies:     519.2 kb (13,486 lines)
    - original:   334.2 kb (9,204 lines)
    - signatures: 23.2 kb (607 lines)

Original Content Rating: 0.644


Posts per poster: 2.9
    median: 1 post
    mode:   1 post - 74 posters
    s:      3.3 posts
Posts per thread: 6.6
    median: 3.0 posts
    mode:   1 post - 17 threads
    s:      14.9 posts
Message size: 2487.0 bytes
    - header:     1179.2 bytes (18.2 lines)
    - body:       1250.9 bytes (31.7 lines)
    - original:   805.2 bytes (21.7 lines)
    - signature:  55.8 bytes (1.4 lines)

Top 10 Posters by Number of Posts

         (kb)   (kb)  (kb)  (kb)
Posts  Volume (  hdr/ body/ orig)  Address
-----  --------------------------  -------

   25    73.1 ( 29.4/ 37.1/ 15.7)  Kenny Tilton <·······>
   15    23.5 ( 15.9/  7.6/  2.7)  alex goldman <·····>
   15    30.4 ( 18.8/ 10.0/  5.2)  ········
   13    27.8 ( 13.2/ 14.6/ 10.6)  Matthias Buelow <···>
   12    20.9 ( 12.0/  8.8/  5.4)  Christopher C. Stacy <······>
   10    35.0 ( 10.2/ 22.9/ 14.1)  Pascal Bourguignon <···>
    9    40.7 ( 13.5/ 25.7/ 18.2)  "Brandon J. Van Every" <·····················>
    9    24.5 (  9.4/ 15.1/  5.3)  Greg Menke <············>
    8    17.3 (  7.9/  9.4/  5.2)  Christophe Rhodes <·····>
    8    16.5 (  9.3/  5.6/  3.9)  Paolo Amoroso <·······>

These posters accounted for 29.2% of all articles.

Top 10 Posters by Volume

  (kb)   (kb)  (kb)  (kb)
Volume (  hdr/ body/ orig)  Posts  Address
--------------------------  -----  -------

  73.1 ( 29.4/ 37.1/ 15.7)     25  Kenny Tilton <·······>
  40.7 ( 13.5/ 25.7/ 18.2)      9  "Brandon J. Van Every" <·····················>
  35.0 ( 10.2/ 22.9/ 14.1)     10  Pascal Bourguignon <···>
  30.4 ( 18.8/ 10.0/  5.2)     15  ········
  30.0 (  3.1/ 26.7/ 26.5)      4  Christopher Browne <········>
  27.8 ( 13.2/ 14.6/ 10.6)     13  Matthias Buelow <···>
  25.4 ( 11.0/ 13.1/  7.7)      8  Peter Seibel <·····>
  24.5 (  9.4/ 15.1/  5.3)      9  Greg Menke <············>
  23.5 ( 15.9/  7.6/  2.7)     15  alex goldman <·····>
  23.2 (  8.5/ 14.7/ 10.1)      7  "Kaz Kylheku" <········>

These posters accounted for 32.3% of the total volume.

Top 10 Posters by OCR (minimum of five posts)

         (kb)    (kb)
OCR      orig /  body  Posts  Address
-----  --------------  -----  -------

0.755  (  6.3 /  8.3)      5  ···············" <············>
0.742  (  8.4 / 11.4)      7  "Sashank Varma" <············>
0.724  ( 10.6 / 14.6)     13  Matthias Buelow <···>
0.721  (  3.2 /  4.4)      6  "Tron3k" <······>
0.708  ( 18.2 / 25.7)      9  "Brandon J. Van Every" <·····················>
0.697  (  3.9 /  5.6)      8  Paolo Amoroso <·······>
0.691  (  2.9 /  4.2)      7  "William D Clinger" <··········>
0.686  ( 10.1 / 14.7)      7  "Kaz Kylheku" <········>
0.623  (  3.1 /  4.9)      5  Rob Warnock <····>
0.617  (  2.0 /  3.3)      6  Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk <······>

Bottom 10 Posters by OCR (minimum of five posts)

         (kb)    (kb)
OCR      orig /  body  Posts  Address
-----  --------------  -----  -------

0.532  (  3.6 /  6.8)      6  Pascal Costanza <··>
0.529  (  6.0 / 11.3)      6  "Tayssir John Gabbour" <···········>
0.514  (  5.2 / 10.0)     15  ········
0.513  (  1.8 /  3.6)      8  "Paul F. Dietz" <·····>
0.502  (  2.2 /  4.3)      5  ········
0.501  (  3.2 /  6.3)      8  "Andreas Thiele" <······>
0.424  ( 15.7 / 37.1)     25  Kenny Tilton <·······>
0.354  (  2.7 /  7.6)     15  alex goldman <·····>
0.351  (  5.3 / 15.1)      9  Greg Menke <············>
0.315  (  3.0 /  9.4)      6  Rainer Joswig <······>

Top 10 Threads by Number of Posts

Posts  Subject
-----  -------

  116  ILC2005: McCarthy denounces Common Lisp, "Lisp", XML, and Rahul
   29  Prototyping
   19  ILC 2005: Microsoft Demands Surrender, CL Says It Has Not Yet Begun to Fight
   13  Is there any graphics toolkits written in CL?
   13  I've thought better of Linux
   13  Comments, questions, gripes, or rants about the ALU?
   11  references/addrresses in imperative languages
   10  Buying a MacIvory
    9  (MOP) coding suggestion?
    9  ILC 2005: Microsoft Demands Surrender, CL Says It Has Not Yet
 Begun to Fight

Top 10 Threads by Volume

  (kb)   (kb)  (kb)  (kb)
Volume (  hdr/ body/ orig)  Posts  Subject
--------------------------  -----  -------

 271.5 (137.4/126.3/ 77.3)    116  ILC2005: McCarthy denounces Common Lisp, "Lisp", XML, and Rahul
  85.9 ( 42.1/ 41.5/ 28.9)     29  Prototyping
  41.0 ( 20.7/ 20.0/ 11.7)     19  ILC 2005: Microsoft Demands Surrender, CL Says It Has Not Yet Begun to Fight
  39.1 ( 14.7/ 23.6/ 11.9)     13  I've thought better of Linux
  38.8 (  2.8/ 35.7/ 26.6)      4  Statistics for comp.lang.lisp
  35.7 ( 14.7/ 20.1/ 12.8)     13  Comments, questions, gripes, or rants about the ALU?
  30.0 ( 12.5/ 17.4/ 13.2)     11  references/addrresses in imperative languages
  27.9 ( 16.9/ 10.0/  5.7)     13  Is there any graphics toolkits written in CL?
  27.2 (  8.5/ 18.5/ 13.4)      8  Problem help involving association lists and keys
  27.2 ( 11.7/ 13.4/  6.2)      9  ILC 2005: Microsoft Demands Surrender, CL Says It Has Not Yet
 Begun to Fight

Top 10 Threads by OCR (minimum of three posts)

         (kb)    (kb)
OCR      orig /  body  Posts  Subject
-----  --------------  -----  -------

0.883  (  5.3/   6.0)      3  Asking for Alioth shootout help on "fasta" benchmark
0.883  (  3.1/   3.5)      4  Computer Language Shootout submission
0.856  (  1.0/   1.1)      3  matlisp/cmucl/macosx (or alterantive matrix library)
0.845  (  5.5/   6.5)      7  tree functions daily exercise: Table
0.758  ( 13.2/  17.4)     11  references/addrresses in imperative languages
0.746  ( 26.6/  35.7)      4  Statistics for comp.lang.lisp
0.746  (  4.6/   6.1)      4  Loop over keys and values of a hashtable
0.725  ( 13.4/  18.5)      8  Problem help involving association lists and keys
0.697  ( 28.9/  41.5)     29  Prototyping
0.658  (  1.5/   2.2)      5  Maphash into a new hashtable

Bottom 10 Threads by OCR (minimum of three posts)

         (kb)    (kb)
OCR      orig /  body  Posts  Subject
-----  --------------  -----  -------

0.486  (  0.6 /  1.3)      5  photos from ILC 2005
0.475  (  0.7 /  1.4)      3  ILC 2005 Proceedings Available
0.474  (  0.7 /  1.4)      4  character classification functions
0.465  (  1.4 /  3.1)      6  CL as a shell and lower case
0.462  (  6.2 / 13.4)      9  ILC 2005: Microsoft Demands Surrender, CL Says It Has Not Yet
 Begun to Fight
0.462  (  1.3 /  2.9)      6  changing binary extension with ASDF
0.442  (  2.7 /  6.0)      9  (MOP) coding suggestion?
0.414  (  0.8 /  2.0)      3  About ENOUGH-NAMESTRING
0.413  (  1.6 /  4.0)      6  sexps as generic data format
0.394  (  1.5 /  3.8)      8  downloading file using HTTP protocol

Top 10 Targets for Crossposts

Articles  Newsgroup
--------  ---------

      17  comp.lang.perl.misc
      11  comp.lang.python
      10  comp.lang.c
       7  comp.lang.functional
       6  comp.lang.scheme

Top 10 Crossposters

Articles  Address
--------  -------

      20  "Kaz Kylheku" <········>
      10  "Xah Lee" <···>
       8  SM Ryan <·······>
       4  Lawrence D’Oliveiro <···@geek-central.gen.new_zealand>
       4  Walter Roberson <········>
       4  Stefan Ram <···>
       3  ·······
       2  "Jerzy Karczmarczuk" <·······>
       2  Per Bothner <···>
       2  ········