From: Philippe Lorin
Subject: Sockets with SBCL
Message-ID: <42a858d5$0$12651$>
I'm trying to use GTK-server with SBCL. I'm starting from an example 
that works in CLisp and I'm having trouble adapting it, because the 
sockets API is different and I know nothing about sockets. I tried 
installing CLOCC-POST, but didn't succeed; but even if I did, that would 
require some changes too. I only need to get the socket working at 
startup and not worry about it later.

Here is the CLisp part that I cannot translate successfully to SBCL:

(socket:socket-connect 50000 "localhost")

I found some source code from CLOCC-POST according to which I tried the 

(defun sbcl-socket-connect (port)
   (let ((socket (make-instance 'sb-bsd-sockets:inet-socket :type 
:stream :protocol :tcp)))
      socket (sb-bsd-sockets:host-ent-address
	     (sb-bsd-sockets:get-host-by-name "localhost")) port)
      socket :input t :output t :buffering :line
             :element-type 'character)))

(sbcl-socket-connect 50000)

...but all it does is wait (there is a lot of code around this part 
which launches the server and should then create widgets -- at least it 
does in CLisp; I've not included here but if it can help just tell me).

Actually all I need is an equivalent of the socket:socket-connect 
function. Any ideas?

From: Peter Scott
Subject: Re: Sockets with SBCL
Message-ID: <>
Have you looked at trivial-sockets? It should do what you're asking
for, and it'll work on a bunch of other lisps.

Subject: Gtk-Server and Lisps, was (Sockets with SBCL)
Message-ID: <>
On Thu, 09 Jun 2005 17:00:19 +0200, Philippe Lorin wrote:

> I'm trying to use GTK-server with SBCL.

That's how I've done it, using stdin method.

;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-COMMON-LISP; -*-
;;;; gtk-server.lisp

(in-package :gtk-server)

(defparameter +gtk-server+ "gtk-server")
(defparameter +gtk-server-stdin+ (list "stdin"))

(defparameter *gtk-server* nil
  "The gtk-server process.")
(defparameter *gtk-pipe* nil
  "Stream used to communicate with gtk-server.")
(defparameter *gtk-init-done* nil)

(defparameter *gtk-server-log* t
  "If this value is set to t the gtk-server will write a log
to #+linux \"/tmp/gtk-server.log\".")

(defun gtk-server-args ()
  (if *gtk-server-log*
      (append +gtk-server-stdin+ (list "log"))

#+(or cmu sbcl)
(defun start-gtk-server ()
  "Starts an gtk-server, unless we have one that is running already."
  (unless (and (process-p *gtk-server*)
               (eq (process-status *gtk-server*) :running))
    (setf *gtk-server*
          (run-program +gtk-server+ (gtk-server-args)
                       ;; by default SBCL does not search in path.
                       #+sbcl :search #+sbcl t
                       :wait nil
                       :input :stream
                       :output :stream))
    (setf *gtk-pipe*
          (make-two-way-stream (process-output *gtk-server*)

                               (process-input *gtk-server*)))))

(defun start-gtk-server ()
  (unless (streamp *gtk-pipe*)
    (setf *gtk-pipe*
          (ext:run-program "gtk-server"
                           :arguments (gtk-server-args)
                           :input :stream
                           :output :stream
                           :wait t))))

(defun start-gtk-server ()
  (unless (streamp *gtk-pipe*)
    (setf *gtk-pipe*
          (ext:run-program "gtk-server"
                           :input :stream
                           :output :stream
                           :error :output))))

(defun gtk-server-send (string)
  "Send a command to be executed to gtk-server, get the response.
This is either a widget/event id, a ``boolean'' (0/1), or just ok.
Always as a string."
  (write-string string *gtk-pipe*)
  (force-output *gtk-pipe*)
  (read-line *gtk-pipe*))

(defun ask-gtk (fname &rest args)
  "Send a command to be executed to gtk-server, and get the response."
  (write-string fname *gtk-pipe*)
  (dolist (arg args)
    (write-char #\Space *gtk-pipe*)
    (typecase arg
      (string (write arg :stream *gtk-pipe* :escape t))
      (t (write arg :stream *gtk-pipe* :escape nil))))
  (force-output *gtk-pipe*)
  (read-line *gtk-pipe*))

(defun gtk-init ()
  "Not that is really necessary, Just Handy(TM)."
  (gtk-server-send "gtk_init NULL NULL"))

(defun get-event (&key wait)
    (ask-gtk "gtk_server_callback" (if wait "wait" "update")))

(defun ensure-gtk-server ()
  (unless *gtk-init-done*
    (setf *gtk-init-done* t)))

(defun stop-gtk-server ()
  ;; Just write, Do not wait for response.
  (write-string "gtk_exit 0" *gtk-pipe*)
  (force-output *gtk-pipe*)
  (close *gtk-pipe*)
  (setf *gtk-init-done* nil)
  #+(or cmu sbcl)
  (process-wait *gtk-server*))

;; with-gtk-server -- takes care of starting the server and shutting it
(defmacro with-gtk-server (&body body)
    (assert *gtk-pipe*);;
From: Philippe Lorin
Subject: Re: Gtk-Server and Lisps, was (Sockets with SBCL)
Message-ID: <42a94f5a$0$19214$>
O-MY-GLIFE wrote:
> That's how I've done it, using stdin method.

Thank you! This is exactly what I needed. Can I use it in my own 
projects (which will be open source), with due credit?
Subject: Re: Gtk-Server and Lisps, was (Sockets with SBCL)
Message-ID: <>
Philippe Lorin wrote:
> O-MY-GLIFE wrote:
> > That's how I've done it, using stdin method.
> <snip>
> Thank you! This is exactly what I needed. Can I use it in my own
> projects (which will be open source), with due credit?

Yes, if you find it useful. As everyone here.

And happy hacking.