From: Jimka
Subject: ellusive consing with multiple-values
Message-ID: <>
Does anyone know whether returning and binding multiple values
conses? Or whether that is implementation dependent?

My function MOVE-ELEMENT seems to be consing 8 times (on average)
but I do not see where.

It is curious to me that MOVE-ELEMENT conses, but DELETE-ELEMENT
does not.

;; Destructively move an element from one list to another.
;; It always ends up on the beginning of the new list which is never
;; actually modified, but returned instead.
;; The from-list will be modified if the element was anywere except
;; the first element.
(defun move-element (element from-list to-list)
  (declare (optimize speed
		     (compilation-speed 0)))
  (multiple-value-bind (new-list cons-cell) (delete-element element
    (setf (cdr cons-cell) to-list)
    (values new-list cons-cell)))

;; This function is similar to the DELETE function for lists.
;; returns a list which is either the CDR of the old list or the old
;; destructively modified to remove the cons cell whose CAR is EQ to
;; given element.
;; returns two values, the perhaps modified list and the cons cell
;; which has been "removed".
;; The calling function is then free to recycle the cons cell if he
(defun delete-element (element list)
  (declare (optimize speed
		     (compilation-speed 0)))
  (if (eq element (car list))
      (values (cdr list) list)
      (let ((ptr list))
	(declare (cons ptr))
	(loop while (not (eq element (cadr ptr)))
	      do (pop ptr))
	(let ((cons-cell (cdr ptr)))
	  (declare (cons cons-cell))
	  (setf (cdr ptr) (cddr ptr))
	  (values list cons-cell)))))

  Consed    |   Calls   |    Secs   | Sec/Call  | Bytes/C.  | Name:
  3,603,480 |   450,435 |     1.379 |   0.00000 |         8 |
          0 |   450,435 |     0.059 |   0.00000 |         0 |

From: Frode Vatvedt Fjeld
Subject: Re: ellusive consing with multiple-values
Message-ID: <>
"Jimka" <·····> writes:

> Does anyone know whether returning and binding multiple values
> conses? Or whether that is implementation dependent?

It is implementation dependent. In fact, I believe none of the CL
constructs have defined consing behavior.

> (defun move-element (element from-list to-list)
>   (declare (optimize speed
> 		     space
> 		     (compilation-speed 0)))
>   (multiple-value-bind (new-list cons-cell) (delete-element element
> from-list)
>     (setf (cdr cons-cell) to-list)
>     (values new-list cons-cell)))

I would not expect this to cons at all. First I'd study the
disassembly, then I'd ask the implementation vendor about this.

Frode Vatvedt Fjeld
From: Jimka
Subject: Re: ellusive consing with multiple-values
Message-ID: <>
Here is the disassembly.  I must admid that i do not read
x86 assembly very well.

   Source file "/home/jimka/src/verilog/partition.lisp" has been
Using form offset instead of file index
5852FC20:       .ENTRY VERILOG::MOVE-ELEMENT(element from-list to-list)

;  (T T ..))
      38:       POP     DWORD PTR [EBP-8]
      3B:       LEA     ESP, [EBP-32]

      3E:       CMP     ECX, 12              ; [:NON-LOCAL-ENTRY]
      41:       JNE     L2
      43:       MOV     [EBP-12], ESI

      46:       MOV     EBX, ESP             ; No-arg-parsing entry
                                             ; [:NON-LOCAL-ENTRY]
      48:       SUB     ESP, 12
      4B:       MOV     EAX, [#x5852FC18]    ; #<FDEFINITION object for
      51:       MOV     ECX, 8
      56:       MOV     [EBX-4], EBP
      59:       MOV     EBP, EBX


      5B:       CALL    DWORD PTR [EAX+5]    ; [:CALL-SITE]
      5E:       JMP     L0                   ; [:UNKNOWN-RETURN]
      60:       MOV     EDI, #x2800000B      ; NIL
      65:       MOV     EBX, ESP
      67: L0:   MOV     ESP, EBX


      69:       CMP     EDI, #x2800000B      ; NIL
                                             ; [:BLOCK-START]
                                             ; [:BLOCK-START]
      6F:       JEQ     L1

      71:       MOV     EAX, [EBP-12]        ; [:BLOCK-START]
                                             ; [:BLOCK-START]
      74:       MOV     [EDI+1], EAX

      77:       MOV     EBX, EBP             ; [:BLOCK-START]
      79:       MOV     ECX, 8
      7E:       MOV     EBP, [EBP-4]
      81:       LEA     ESP, [EBX-8]
      84:       MOV     ESI, #x2800000B      ; NIL
      89:       JMP     DWORD PTR [EBX-8]

      8C: L1:   MOV     EAX, [#x5852FC1C]    ; 'CONS
                                             ; [:BLOCK-START]
      92:       BREAK   10                   ; Error trap
      94:       BYTE    #x05
      95:       BYTE    #x21                 ; OBJECT-NOT-TYPE-ERROR
      96:       BYTE    #xFE, #xCE, #x01     ; EDI
      99:       BYTE    #x0E                 ; EAX
      9A:       NOP
      9B:       NOP
      9C:       NOP
      9D:       NOP
      9E:       NOP
      9F:       NOP
      A0: L2:   BREAK   10                   ; Error trap
      A2:       BYTE    #x02
      A3:       BYTE    #x19                 ;
      A4:       BYTE    #x4D                 ; ECX
; No value
From: Edi Weitz
Subject: Re: ellusive consing with multiple-values
Message-ID: <>
On 31 Jul 2005 02:39:28 -0700, "Jimka" <·····> wrote:

> Does anyone know whether returning and binding multiple values
> conses? Or whether that is implementation dependent?
> My function MOVE-ELEMENT seems to be consing 8 times (on average)
> but I do not see where.

Doesn't cons for me (LWW 4.4.5):

  CL-USER 40 > (defun foo (i from to)
                 (loop for j from 1 below i do
                       (move-element j from to)))

  CL-USER 41 > (compile 'foo)

  CL-USER 42 > (let ((from (loop for i below 100000 collect i))
                     (to nil))
                 (time (foo 100000 from to)))
  Timing the evaluation of (FOO 100000 FROM TO)

  user time    =      0.010
  system time  =      0.000
  Elapsed time =   0:00:00
  Allocation   = 0 bytes standard / 0 bytes conses
  0 Page faults

Maybe you've forgotten to compile your test code?  It certainly conses
for me if I don't compile FOO.



Lisp is not dead, it just smells funny.

Real email: (replace (subseq ·········" 5) "edi")
From: Jimka
Subject: Re: ellusive consing with multiple-values
Message-ID: <>
I'm using cmucl 19a.  And either i'm really confused or
it seems to be consing quite a lot.
I put a TIME call around the MOVE-ELEMENT call and
TIME says each call conses 16 times.  Perhaps the
function calling mechanism is consing???

(defun foo ()
  (let ((from (copy-list '(d a e c f b g)))
	(to   (copy-list '(x)))
	(move (copy-list '(a b c d e f))))
    (dolist (elt move)
      (multiple-value-bind (x y)
	  (time (move-element elt from to))
	(setf from x)
	(setf to y)))))

And using the cmucl profile package.

(profile:profile foo move-element delete-element)

The TIME function thinks calling MOVE-ELEMENT conses
16 times, but PROFILE:REPORT-TIME thinks the function
itself conses 8 times.  Does that mean that cmucl needs
to create 8 cons cells to call a multiple value function?

Here is the output:

; Evaluation took:
;   0.0 seconds of real time
;   0.0 seconds of user run time
;   0.0 seconds of system run time
;   18,598 CPU cycles
;   0 page faults and
;   16 bytes consed.

; Evaluation took:
;   0.0 seconds of real time
;   0.0 seconds of user run time
;   0.0 seconds of system run time
;   9,720 CPU cycles
;   0 page faults and
;   16 bytes consed.

; Evaluation took:
;   0.0 seconds of real time
;   0.0 seconds of user run time
;   0.0 seconds of system run time
;   8,943 CPU cycles
;   0 page faults and
;   16 bytes consed.

; Evaluation took:
;   0.0 seconds of real time
;   0.0 seconds of user run time
;   0.0 seconds of system run time
;   9,484 CPU cycles
;   0 page faults and
;   16 bytes consed.

; Evaluation took:
;   0.0 seconds of real time
;   0.0 seconds of user run time
;   0.0 seconds of system run time
;   9,135 CPU cycles
;   0 page faults and
;   16 bytes consed.

; Evaluation took:
;   0.0 seconds of real time
;   0.0 seconds of user run time
;   0.0 seconds of system run time
;   8,974 CPU cycles
;   0 page faults and
;   16 bytes consed.
; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form:
  Consed    |   Calls   |    Secs   | Sec/Call  | Bytes/C.  | Name:
     35,408 |         1 |     0.010 |   0.01000 |    35,408 | FOO
          0 |         6 |     0.000 |   0.00000 |         0 |
         48 |         6 |     0.000 |   0.00000 |         8 |
     35,456 |        13 |     0.010 |           |           | Total
From: Jimka
Subject: Re: ellusive consing with multiple-values
Message-ID: <>
OOPS, i think i found the problem.
The PROFILE package is causing the consing.
If I turn off profiling, then TIME reports 0 bytes consed.
This is perhaps a case of Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle--
measuring a system always changes the result.
From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: Re: ellusive consing with multiple-values
Message-ID: <>
"Jimka" <·····> writes:

> Does anyone know whether returning and binding multiple values
> conses? Or whether that is implementation dependent?

I think it's implementation dependant: I don't remember anything in
CLHS that prevents implementations to cons for multiple values.

But sane implementations try not to cons for multiple values.

> ;; This function is similar to the DELETE function for lists.
> ;; returns a list which is either the CDR of the old list or the old
> list
> ;; destructively modified to remove the cons cell whose CAR is EQ to
> the
> ;; given element.
> ;; returns two values, the perhaps modified list and the cons cell
> ;; which has been "removed".
> ;; The calling function is then free to recycle the cons cell if he
> likes.
> (defun delete-element (element list)
>   (declare (optimize speed
> 		     space
> 		     (compilation-speed 0)))
>   (if (eq element (car list))
>       (values (cdr list) list)
>       (let ((ptr list))
> 	(declare (cons ptr))
> 	(loop while (not (eq element (cadr ptr)))
> 	      do (pop ptr))
> 	(let ((cons-cell (cdr ptr)))
> 	  (declare (cons cons-cell))
> 	  (setf (cdr ptr) (cddr ptr))
> 	  (values list cons-cell)))))

It's quite different from DELETE: it loops infinitely when 
(not (member element list :test (function eq))).  
Don't try it on numbers!

"Specifications are for the weak and timid!"
From: Jimka
Subject: Re: ellusive consing with multiple-values
Message-ID: <>
yes, you are right in that it would loop forever.  but my application
never calls the fuction unless it knows the element is actually in
the list.  this is an optimization i've already made elsewhere in the