From: John Small
Subject: CLisp FFI question
Message-ID: <IRTNd.27096$2p.26607@lakeread08>
I have a C function that returns a pointer to an array
of strings.

    char * * array_of_strings  =  foo(...);

The array is not zero terminated so I can't say

   (ffi:def-call-out   foo
        (:return-type (ffi:c-array-ptr ffi:c-string))

And the array may vary in size depending on what
arguments foo is called with so the following
won't work either.

    (:return-type (ffi:c-ptr (ffi:c-array-max ffi:c-string 20)))

20 is a number I pulled out of a hat. If 20 is smaller than the
array returned everything is okay.  If the returned array is
smaller a segment fault is signaled.

The 20 can't be passed as a variable because the
 ffi:parse-c-type function will reject the variable name
because it is not itself an integer.

The allocation of the array is handled by the C and not
of concern to the CLisp side, i.e. it is not responsible
for deallocation.

If I use the following definition

    (:return-type ffi:c-pointer)

is there a way to then cast this to the proper value on the Lisp
of the FFI perimeter to pull the strings across on the fly?

I couldn't figure this out from the documentation or the examples.

        (let ((array-of-string (foo ...)))
            (ffi:cast array-of-string  ....   ?

Thanks for any help in advance.
