From: Christophe Turle
Subject: Re: mv quasi-quotation
Message-ID: <41fff75c$0$14161$>
Christophe Turle wrote:
> It doesn't seem to work. Here the tests :
> CL-USER> `(a ,$(values 'x) b)
> CL-USER> `(a ,$(values) b)
> CL-USER> `(a ,$(values 'x 'y) b)

Aha, try this version. The code I posted is missing the splicing
unquote syntax around the (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST ...) form; the reader
should return


The corrected function is:

.(defun new-comma-reader (stream character)
.  (let ((next-char (peek-char T stream)))
.    (if (char= next-char #\$)
.      (progn
. (read-char stream)
. (list 'system::splice (list 'multiple-value-list (read stream))))
.      (funcall *old-comma-reader* stream character))))

Cool, thx !

So using your code, i can integrate it smoothly in my home cl :

(defvar *old-comma-reader* (get-macro-character #\,))

(defun new-comma-reader (stream char)
  (let ((next-char (peek-char T stream)))
    (if (or (char= next-char ··@)
            (char= next-char #\.) )
        (funcall *old-comma-reader* stream char)
        (list 'system::splice `(multiple-value-list ,(read stream))) )))

(set-macro-character #\, #'new-comma-reader)

#| test cases
CL-USER> `(a ,(values) d)
(A D)
CL-USER> `(a ,(values 'b) d)
(A B D)
CL-USER> `(a ,(values 'b 'c) d)
(A B C D)
CL-USER> `(a ,(list 'b 'c) d)
(A (B C) D)
CL-USER> `(a ,@(list 'b 'c) d)
(A B C D)
CL-USER> `(a ,.(list 'b 'c) d)
(A B C D)

no new syntax to learn. just an added functionnality ;)

Christophe Turle.
sava preview
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