From: Juanjo
Subject: [ANN] ECL 0.9f released
Message-ID: <>
People willing to try 0.9g under Cygwin should use the following patch.
I would be very grateful if somebody could explain me why calling
cat.exe breaks the ECL initialization process.



Index: src/cmp/cmpmain.lsp
RCS file: /d/unix/home/cvs/ecls/src/cmp/cmpmain.lsp,v
retrieving revision 1.98
diff -u -r1.98 cmpmain.lsp
--- src/cmp/cmpmain.lsp	2005/08/03 16:52:49	1.98
+++ src/cmp/cmpmain.lsp	2005/08/15 16:00:52
@@ -323,7 +323,6 @@
        (apply #'shared-cc output-name o-name ld-flags))
-       (print init-name)
        (when (or (symbolp output-name) (stringp output-name))
 	 (setf output-name (compile-file-pathname output-name :type :fasl)))
        (unless init-name
@@ -336,7 +335,6 @@
        (format c-file +lisp-program-init+ init-name prologue-code
 	       submodules epilogue-code)
        (close c-file)
-       (si:system (format nil "cat ~s" c-file))
        (compiler-cc c-name o-name)
        (apply #'bundle-cc output-name o-name ld-flags)))
     (cmp-delete-file c-name)