From: Alexandra Kirsch
Subject: inherit metaclass information
Message-ID: <ddcfol$8s1m5$>

I have a class that is an instance of a specified metaclass. When I create 
subclasses of this class I would like them to be of the same metaclass without 
saying so explicitly every time. For example I define a metaclass meta like this:

(defclass meta (standard-class) ())

Then I create class a:
(defclass a () () (:metaclass meta))

A subclass of class a is by default an instance of standard-class:
(defclass b (a) ())

Instead, I would like it to be an instance of class meta. I know I could give it 
the :metaclass keyword as I did in the class definition of a. But is there a way 
I can set a default metaclass for all subclasses of a?


From: Pascal Costanza
Subject: Re: inherit metaclass information
Message-ID: <>
Alexandra Kirsch wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a class that is an instance of a specified metaclass. When I 
> create subclasses of this class I would like them to be of the same 
> metaclass without saying so explicitly every time. For example I define 
> a metaclass meta like this:
> (defclass meta (standard-class) ())
> Then I create class a:
> (defclass a () () (:metaclass meta))
> #<META A>
> A subclass of class a is by default an instance of standard-class:
> (defclass b (a) ())
> Instead, I would like it to be an instance of class meta. I know I could 
> give it the :metaclass keyword as I did in the class definition of a. 
> But is there a way I can set a default metaclass for all subclasses of a?

No. See

You may have a chance to use change-class on your class instances before 
  finalize-inheritance is first called, for example in a before method 
on finalize-inheritance or in a method on initialize-instance - but 
you'd be swimming in dangerous waters, because AMOP doesn't allow this. 
(The idea is discussed in a paper about ECLOS in Zimmermann (ed.), 
Advances in Object-Oriented Metalevel Architectures and Reflection.)

Another workaround is to shadow defclass and let a new defclass macro 
expand accordingly for your own code, like this:

(shadow 'defclass) ; better do this in a defpackage definition

(defmacro defclass (&whole form
                     name (&rest superclasses)
                          (&rest slots)
                          &body options)
   (if (assoc :metaclass options)
     `(cl:defclass ,name ,superclasses ,slots ,@options
                   (:metaclass my-metaclass))))

(This is untested.)


In computer science, we stand on each other's feet. - Brian K. Reid
From: Pascal Costanza
Subject: Re: inherit metaclass information
Message-ID: <>
Pascal Costanza wrote:

> Another workaround is to shadow defclass and let a new defclass macro 
> expand accordingly for your own code, like this:
> (shadow 'defclass) ; better do this in a defpackage definition
> (defmacro defclass (&whole form
>                     name (&rest superclasses)
>                          (&rest slots)
>                          &body options)
>   (if (assoc :metaclass options)
>       form
>     `(cl:defclass ,name ,superclasses ,slots ,@options
>                   (:metaclass my-metaclass))))
> (This is untested.)

...and indeed it is buggy. The &whole form hack would cause this macro 
to run into an endless loop. The first case should also expand into 
`(cl:defclass ...) but should omit the :metaclass option.


In computer science, we stand on each other's feet. - Brian K. Reid
From: Andreas Thiele
Subject: Re: inherit metaclass information
Message-ID: <ddch5h$emp$03$>
"Alexandra Kirsch" <······> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi,
> I have a class that is an instance of a specified metaclass. When I create
> subclasses of this class I would like them to be of the same metaclass
> saying so explicitly every time. For example I define a metaclass meta
like this:
> (defclass meta (standard-class) ())
> Then I create class a:
> (defclass a () () (:metaclass meta))
> #<META A>
> A subclass of class a is by default an instance of standard-class:
> (defclass b (a) ())
> Instead, I would like it to be an instance of class meta. I know I could
give it
> the :metaclass keyword as I did in the class definition of a. But is there
a way
> I can set a default metaclass for all subclasses of a?
> Alexandra


no, I don't think. Writers of metaclasses may want to make them compatible
to other metaclasses. CLOS makes this possible.

You can write a tiny macro (ie. DEF-CLASS) which wraps around DEFCLASS and
simply inserts your metaclass into the statement.
