From: Dave Watson
Subject: sbcl threads semaphore?
Message-ID: <>
I am trying to get a set number of threads to do a process at the same time in 
sbcl.  There is no built-in semaphore that I found, so I created one:

(defclass semaphore ()
  ((semcount :initarg :count :initform 1)
   (semmutex :initform (sb-thread:make-mutex))
   (semqueue :initform (sb-thread:make-waitqueue))))

(defmethod Psem ((sem semaphore))
  "decrease semaphore"
  (with-slots (semmutex semcount semqueue) sem
    (sb-thread:with-mutex (semmutex)
	  until (> semcount 0)
	do (sb-thread:condition-wait semqueue semmutex)
	finally (decf semcount)))))

(defmethod Vsem ((sem semaphore))
  "increase semaphore"
  (with-slots (semmutex semcount semqueue) sem
    (sb-thread:with-mutex (semmutex)
      (incf semcount)
      (sb-thread:condition-notify semqueue))))

And start them like so:

(defun add-xml-to-db-threaded (xml query num-of-threads)
  "adds images from the fetched xml to the database"
  (let ((sem  (make-instance 'semaphore :count num-of-threads)))
    (format t "starting ~A threads...~%" num-of-threads)
    (with-accessors ((images Results)) xml
      (dolist (result images)
	(Psem sem)
	 #'(lambda () 
	     (add-yahoo-result-to-db result query)
	     (Vsem sem)))))
    (format t "all threads started~%")))

Using this code, I consistently get all sorts of errors:
simple-errors in other threads (but that arn't caused by 
calling add-yahoo-result-to-db in a single-threaded way)
, or GC errors (destroys lisp image).

I was wondering if ya'll think that these errors are caused by 
the above code, or something in add-yahoo-result-to-db.   I'm scratching my
head.   Trying to debug the simple-errors by (sb-thread:release-foreground)
simple invokes a set of nested errors on the other thread in the debugger,
and also kills the image.

-Dave Watson