From: ·········
Subject: Newbie needs Gui builder and odbc - witch Lisp to get
Message-ID: <>
i am a smalltime VB programmer moving to Common Lisp from Visual
Studio, Visual Basic. I am not too learned and VB hid lots of things
and made development simple or as they say "almost trivial". I need to
write small database front ends and would like a Gui builder. I will
work in Linux and Windows as we have both O/S. Do i need AllegroCl or
LispWorks to do this, they are too costly. I need a gentler way to jump
into Lisp and thought these commercial products would make it much
easier. If i got a Student edition of AllegroCl for $99? Are there
other altenatives? Any advice on getting started in Lisp will be
helpful esp. from you experienced forerunners. Many Thanks

From: Steven M. Haflich
Subject: Re: Newbie needs Gui builder and odbc - witch Lisp to get
Message-ID: <jNk6e.821$>
········· wrote:

>  I need to
> write small database front ends and would like a Gui builder. I will
> work in Linux and Windows as we have both O/S. Do i need AllegroCl or
> LispWorks to do this, they are too costly. I need a gentler way to jump
> into Lisp and thought these commercial products would make it much
> easier. If i got a Student edition of AllegroCl for $99? Are there
> other altenatives?

So long as you are not working on commercial development etc. you could
use Allegro Trial, which is free.  See .  I believe
Xanalys has a similar offering.
From: ·········
Subject: Re: Newbie needs Gui builder and odbc - witch Lisp to get
Message-ID: <>
Thank you Steven for answering. I thought unless you have the
enterprise edition you can't get odbc support. If you know otherwise or
if one can add in a library like the open  one for mysql that would be
great. anyone doing gui building with a free product? thanks markandeya
From: Wade Humeniuk
Subject: Re: Newbie needs Gui builder and odbc - witch Lisp to get
Message-ID: <tCy6e.21067$VF5.5128@edtnps89>
········· wrote:
> Thank you Steven for answering. I thought unless you have the
> enterprise edition you can't get odbc support. If you know otherwise or
> if one can add in a library like the open  one for mysql that would be
> great. anyone doing gui building with a free product? thanks markandeya

You can use CLSQL  It has a native interface to MySQL.
(among others) See Platforms page:

I use LispWorks, but do not use the Graphical Interface Builder. (I just code GUI 
interfaces directly).  The free trial version of LW can do GUI development.

From: markandeya
Subject: Re: Newbie needs Gui builder and odbc - witch Lisp to get
Message-ID: <>
Thanks Wade,
I will try the MySQL connector. I have just downloaded the Franz
Allegro free version, lispworks hasn't answered an email from me yet.
i am amazed that you can code a gui directly and not use a graphical
builder. Congratulations to you. Is it very tedious or difficult?
maybe you could post some code to show how you put up a text box or
list box etc. Maybe i would get the courage to try, or know to stay
away. Thank you for the help though, Markandeya
From: Wade Humeniuk
Subject: Re: Newbie needs Gui builder and odbc - witch Lisp to get
Message-ID: <H2b7e.33782$jR3.30221@edtnps84>
markandeya wrote:
> Thanks Wade,
> I will try the MySQL connector. I have just downloaded the Franz
> Allegro free version, lispworks hasn't answered an email from me yet.
> i am amazed that you can code a gui directly and not use a graphical
> builder. Congratulations to you. Is it very tedious or difficult?
> maybe you could post some code to show how you put up a text box or
> list box etc. Maybe i would get the courage to try, or know to stay
> away. Thank you for the help though, Markandeya

It is not tedious or difficult.  Here is an example of
putting a list-panel on the screen with three items
'(1 2 3).  There is a selection callback added that prints
the item when selected by mouse.

--  From a LWW Listener Session

CL-USER 4 > (defvar *test-output* *standard-output*)

CL-USER 5 > (capi:contain
  (make-instance 'capi:list-panel :items '(1 2 3)
                 :callback-type :data
                 :selection-callback (lambda (item)
                                       (format *test-output* "Picked - ~A~%" item))))
#<CAPI:LIST-PANEL [3 items] 2068648C>
Picked - 2
Picked - 3
Picked - 1
Picked - 2
Picked - 3
Picked - 2
Picked - 1
Picked - 2
Picked - 3


There are plenty more examples from the LW CAPI User and Reference Manuals,