From: Brad Lucier
Subject: Automata vi Macros
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Found on Chris Double's Radio Weblog via

Shriram Krishnamurthi has made available a paper based on the 'The
Swine before Perl' talk given at the Lightweight Languages 1 talk. The
paper is 'Automata as Macros':

    Lisp programmers have long used macros to extend their language.
Indeed, their success has inspired macro notations for a variety of
other languages, such as C and Java. There is, however, a paucity of
effective pedagogic examples of macro use. This paper presents a
short, non-trivial example that implements a construct not already
found in mainstream languages. Furthermore, it motivates the need for
tail-calls, as opposed to mere tail-recursion, and illustrates how
support for tail-call optimization is crucial to support a natural
style of macro-based language extension.

The URL is

I apologize if this has been posted before, I have an unusually large
number of threads in kill-files at the moment.
