From: Eric Lavigne
Subject: clisp likes, lispworks doesn't
Message-ID: <>
I compiled the same function under clisp and lispworks. Clisp had no
trouble with it, but LispWorks gave the following error:

Subcharacter #V not defined for dispatch char #/#.

With a google search, I found something that looks relevant, but the
conversation is way over my head.

Am I making a coding mistake that Clisp tolerates? Is there a known
issue with LispWorks that I need to work around? Any suggestions for
changing the function?

This is the problem function:

(defun gauss-seidel (flux center-factor left-boundary-factor
  #left boundary
  (setf (elt flux 0)
    (/ (elt flux 1) left-boundary-factor))
  #right boundary
  (setf (elt flux (- (length flux) 1))
    (/ (elt flux (- (length flux) 2)) right-boundary-factor))
  #the rest
  (do ((i 1 (1+ i)))
      ((>= i (- (length flux) 1)))
    (setf (elt flux i)
      (/ (+ (elt flux (1- i)) (elt flux (1+ i)))

I have tried evaluating individual statements in LispWorks (the
do-loop, left boundary, right boundary, the rest...) and had no
trouble, but it doesn't like when I throw the whole thing together as a

From: Eric Lavigne
Subject: Re: clisp likes, lispworks doesn't
Message-ID: <>
>I compiled the same function under clisp and lispworks. Clisp had no
>trouble with it, but LispWorks gave the following error:

>Subcharacter #V not defined for dispatch char #/#.

I used # instead of ; for comment lines. The reason Clisp didn't choke
is that I was typing into the REPL by hand and didn't retype the
From: Alexey Dejneka
Subject: Re: clisp likes, lispworks doesn't
Message-ID: <>

"Eric Lavigne" <············> writes:

> (defun gauss-seidel (flux center-factor left-boundary-factor
>                      right-boundary-factor)

>   #left boundary

What is it? A commentary line? It should start with `;', not `#' (and
better with `;;').

>   (setf (elt flux 0)
>     (/ (elt flux 1) left-boundary-factor))
>   #right boundary
>   (setf (elt flux (- (length flux) 1))
>     (/ (elt flux (- (length flux) 2)) right-boundary-factor))
>   #the rest
>   (do ((i 1 (1+ i)))
>       ((>= i (- (length flux) 1)))
>     (setf (elt flux i)
>       (/ (+ (elt flux (1- i)) (elt flux (1+ i)))
>          center-factor)))
>   flux)

Alexey Dejneka

"Alas, the spheres of truth are less transparent than those of
illusion." -- L.E.J. Brouwer