From: Matthew X. Economou
Subject: Updating Common Lisp extensions packaged for FreeBSD
Message-ID: <>

I have been unable to contact Henrik Motakef regarding updates to the
various Common Lisp extensions packaged for FreeBSD.  Several of these
packages are marked BROKEN due to invalid dependencies or incomplete
packing lists, and in some cases, aged broken packages have been
removed from the ports tree (e.g. devel/cl-port-cmucl).

I intend to update these ports over the next few months.  With your
(collective) permission, I will announce the availability of my
versions of the ports to these two newsgroups.  I plan on eventually
submitting them to the FreeBSD ports maintainer, though I am not
confident they will be accepted.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to
contact me directly.

Best wishes,

"The challenge of a moral life is to do nothing that requires
forgiveness." - Roger Ebert in his review of _The Woodsman_
From: jpd
Subject: Re: Updating Common Lisp extensions packaged for FreeBSD
Message-ID: <>
[fupto set to cubfm]
Begin  <·············>
On 2005-04-01, Matthew X. Economou <···············> wrote:
> I have been unable to contact Henrik Motakef regarding updates to the
> various Common Lisp extensions packaged for FreeBSD.

Altough I appreciate your post, I'll note that cubfm is not part of the
FreeBSD project organisation. This is something to take to the ports
maintainers (ports mailinglist), not necessairily the group.

[lisp extentions packages]
> I intend to update these ports over the next few months.  With your
> (collective) permission, I will announce the availability of my
> versions of the ports to these two newsgroups.

Personally, I'd appreciate your effort[1] but I'd be happier if you've
got patches that they be merged first, and then maybe announced.

>  I plan on eventually
> submitting them to the FreeBSD ports maintainer, though I am not
> confident they will be accepted.

Well, you could ask. If you've got patches to make the ports work again
you can file them as a PR and with luck (and talking to the people on
the ports mailinglist helps) they'll be accepted. Or not. But you won't
find out until they've got a chance to look at what you got. :-)

[1] Even if I'm not actively using anything lisp-related right now. :-)

  j p d (at) d s b (dot) t u d e l f t (dot) n l .