From: Joel Ray Holveck
Subject: Lambda Quine (and the Lisp it rode in on)
Message-ID: <>
While bored one night, I thought about how a lot of people only
know one thing about Lisp: that it uses lots of parens.  If they've
taken a class in college that uses Lisp, they may also remember that
it's got "some weird funky lambda thing".

So I decided to implement a quine (I was reading GEB at the time)
using only parens and lambda, no other tokens:

((lambda (lambda) ((lambda lambda lambda) lambda lambda))
 (lambda (lambda) ((lambda lambda lambda) lambda lambda)))

(I seem to recall a discussion here about "Buffalo buffalo buffalo
buffalo buffalo."  It may have been related to this quine.)

Now, this is (I believe) correct for *some* definition of Lisp, but it
has some requirements on the Lisp:

1. Lambda forms must be acceptable without decoration such as #'.
2. Lambda forms must be acceptable as a function, that is, in the car
   of a function call.
3. A lambda list that's a symbol instead of a list must be
   acceptable (as with Scheme).
4. The symbol LAMBDA must allowable as a variable name.
5. It's nice-- but not necessary-- if lambda forms are self-quoting.
   Otherwise, the above is not a quine, but it produces one-- but one
   that probably doesn't have a readable representation.  Instead,
   it'll produce something like
   (#<function 0xDEADBEEF> #<function 0xDEADBEEF>), which would indeed
   be a quine, but not a very fun one.

Criterion 5 (which, like I said, is technically optional) nearly
effectively means that the Lisp is dynamically scoped, since making
lambdas self-quoting doesn't make much sense if you have closures.
(It would be reasonable, however, to consider a Lisp which generates
closures if there are free variables, and unadorned lambda expressions
otherwise.  This could be an optimization to allow earlier GC's of
unused binding contexts.  I don't know of any Lisp which does this.  I
may modify LQLisp (below) to do so.)

No Lisp that I've tried this with meets all the criteria:
          1   2   3   4   5
CLtL1    NIL  T  NIL  T   *
Scheme    T   T   T  NIL NIL
MacLisp  NIL  T  **   T   *    <-- interpreted; not sure about compiled
Emacs     T   T  NIL  T   T

*: It's an error to use an unadorned lambda as a form.
**: While it looks like MacLisp accepts a symbol as the lambda list,
it doesn't use the Scheme semantics: it binds the symbol to the number
of arguments, and provides the ARG function to get the argument

Emacs and Scheme come closest, in my judgment.  I was surprised that
every Lisp I tried supported #2, even the ones that didn't allow
unadorned lambdas elsewhere.  I also had thought that CL supported #3,
based on a faulty memory of an example from CLtL2.

To test my quine, then, I wrote my own Lisp, called LQLisp (Lambda
Quine Lisp).  It's a dynamically scoped, deep-binding lisp-1, pretty
much a classroom exercise.  It's similar in appearance to the lambda
calculus, but doesn't allow for closures / currying.  This is pretty
much the minimal Lisp that would run the lambda quine.  It has one
special form (lambda) and one subr (quit).  There's no (for instance)
eq, setq, defun/defvar, although the implementation allows for them
(the last by nconcing onto the end of *lq-global-env*).

If anybody knows of a way to make this quine work on an existing Lisp,
using only lambda and parens, I'd be interested in hearing about it.
On the other side, if anybody knows of a Lisp that works with my
quine, I'd be all ears then too.

Share and enjoy,

;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: CL-USER; Base: 10 -*-
;;; $Id$
;;; Public domain, 2004 by Joel Ray Holveck.

(in-package "CL-USER")

(defun lq-lambda (args env)
  (declare (ignore env))
  (cons 'lambda args))
(defun lq-quit (args env)
  (declare (ignore args env))
  (throw 'lq-quit nil))
(defparameter *lq-special-forms* '((lambda . lq-lambda)))
(defvar *lq-global-env* `((t . t)
                          (nil . nil)
                          (quit . ,#'lq-quit)))

(defun lq-apply (fn args environment)
    ((and (consp fn) (eq (car fn) 'lambda)) ;lambda expr
     (let* ((lambda-list (cadr fn))
             (etypecase lambda-list
               ;; Note that we don't support dotted lambda lists.
               ;; Some call it inconsistent.  I call it lazy.  Is
               ;; there something like MAPLIST that accepts atoms?
                (unless (= (length lambda-list) (length args))
                  (error "Wrong number of args: ~S <- ~S" lambda-list args))
                (nconc (mapcar #'cons lambda-list args) environment))
                (acons lambda-list args environment)))))
        for form in (cddr fn)
        as result = (lq-eval form environment)
        finally (return result))))

    ((functionp fn)                     ;subr
     (funcall fn args environment))

     (error "Not a function: ~S" fn))))

(defun lq-eval (form environment)
    ((symbolp form)                     ;variable reference
     (let ((binding (assoc form environment)))
       (unless binding
         (error "Unbound variable: ~S" form))
       (cdr binding)))
    ((and (consp form)                  ;special form
          (assoc (car form) *lq-special-forms*))
     (funcall (cdr (assoc (car form) *lq-special-forms*))
              (cdr form)
    ((consp form)                       ;function call
     (lq-apply (lq-eval (car form) environment)
               (mapcar #'(lambda (subform)
                           (lq-eval subform environment))
                       (cdr form))

(defun lq-lisp ()
  (catch 'lq-quit
     (princ "> ")
     (print (lq-eval (read) *lq-global-env*)))))

Joel Ray Holveck - ·····
   Fourth law of programming:
   Anything that can go wrong wi
sendmail: segmentation violation - core dumped

From: Bradley J Lucier
Subject: Re: Lambda Quine (and the Lisp it rode in on)
Message-ID: <cjfqdf$>
In article <··············>,
Joel Ray Holveck  <·····> wrote:
>4. The symbol LAMBDA must allowable as a variable name.
>Scheme    T   T   T  NIL NIL

Should be

Scheme     T   T   T   T  NIL

at least with the R5RS macro system.

From: Joel Ray Holveck
Subject: Re: Lambda Quine (and the Lisp it rode in on)
Message-ID: <>
>> 4. The symbol LAMBDA must allowable as a variable name.
>  ...
>> Scheme    T   T   T  NIL NIL
> Should be
> Scheme     T   T   T   T  NIL
> at least with the R5RS macro system.

Thanks, I don't know much about Scheme.  My idea was based on a
misinterpretation of one part of R5RS.  After more careful review, I
think I understand a little better.

Unfortunately, my lambda quine is still, from what I can tell, not
usable in Scheme.  This is because it binds lambda around a form that
includes a lambda expression, so the lambda expression is taken as a
function call to whatever lambda is bound to at that time.

I guess should revise my #4:
4. The symbol LAMBDA must allowable as a variable name, but still
   retain its lambda-ness.

This doesn't make much sense in a Lisp-1 without special forms, which
is how my LQLisp works, that is, it has special forms even though it's
a Lisp-1.

Thanks for the note!


Joel Ray Holveck - ·····
   Fourth law of programming:
   Anything that can go wrong wi
sendmail: segmentation violation - core dumped
From: Rob Warnock
Subject: Re: Lambda Quine (and the Lisp it rode in on)
Message-ID: <>
Joel Ray Holveck  <·····> wrote:
| While bored one night, I thought about how a lot of people only
| know one thing about Lisp: that it uses lots of parens.  If they've
| taken a class in college that uses Lisp, they may also remember that
| it's got "some weird funky lambda thing".
| So I decided to implement a quine (I was reading GEB at the time)
| using only parens and lambda, no other tokens:
| ((lambda (lambda) ((lambda lambda lambda) lambda lambda))
|  (lambda (lambda) ((lambda lambda lambda) lambda lambda)))
| (I seem to recall a discussion here about "Buffalo buffalo buffalo
| buffalo buffalo."  It may have been related to this quine.)
| Now, this is (I believe) correct for *some* definition of Lisp, but it
| has some requirements on the Lisp...

Here's a REPL quine that Kent Pitman posted several years ago
[in <····················>] that works in ANSI CL:

    (LET ((LET
	   '`(LET ((LET ',LET))
      `(LET ((LET ',LET))

By using the standard expansion of LET into LAMBDA:

    (let ((var value))   ==>  ((lambda (var) body)
      body)                     value)

and possibly some local variable renaming (of quoted constant
symbol LETs into symbol LAMBDAs), you should be able to transform 
the all LETs & quotes & backquotes version in a LAMBDAs & quotes &
backquotes version, but I'm not sure you can get rid of the
quotes & backquotes.

Here's my first cut at a conversion of the above LET-based quine
into LAMBDAs & quotes & backquotes. I may have made mistakes in
the conversion, but at least the result *is* a REPL quine in CL
[well, at least in both CMUCL & CLISP]:



Rob Warnock			<····>
627 26th Avenue			<URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403		(650)572-2607
From: William Bland
Subject: Re: Lambda Quine (and the Lisp it rode in on)
Message-ID: <>
On Sat, 09 Oct 2004 04:00:02 -0500, Rob Warnock wrote:

You can do something a little simpler:

((lambda (lambda) `(,lambda ',lambda))
 '(lambda (lambda) `(,lambda ',lambda)))

"If you give someone Fortran, he has Fortran. If you give someone Lisp,
he has any language he pleases." -- Guy Steele
From: Joel Ray Holveck
Subject: Re: Lambda Quine (and the Lisp it rode in on)
Message-ID: <>

Sure, but that's got backquotes.  Remember, my goal was to make a
quine that used only parens and lambda.

Backquotes certainly make quining easier; indeed, if you were to
purpose-build a construct for writing quines, it'd be hard to find
something more suitable than the backquote.  For instance, I couldn't
use CL for mine because it had ((lambda lambda lambda) ...), but
that's just LIST[1], and backquotes make LIST easy.  In fact, the
lambda quine I posted came out of me trying to get rid of the
backquotes from this earlier version (which Bill posted already):

((lambda (lambda) `(,lambda ',lambda)) '(lambda (lambda) `(,lambda ',lambda)))

But as I say, I was going for something that only used parens and


[1] Okay, LIST can't reuse its argument list.  That's not the point here.

Joel Ray Holveck - ·····
   Fourth law of programming:
   Anything that can go wrong wi
sendmail: segmentation violation - core dumped