From: Henry Lenzi
Subject: You can run CMUCL+SBCL from Debian sid in stable
Message-ID: <>
Hi --

  I just discovered the nicest thing. If you're a Woody user (you like
 security updates), then there must have been a time in your life when
 you watched enviously CMUCL advance, watched all those nice
 ASDF-instalable packages, and either went on to build a new SBCL (but
 feared greatly the CMUCL build :-)) or just stuck with what you had.

  Well, *you too* can run CMUCL-19a!!!!

  Here's how: create a "/sid" directory and chroot it!
  If you're an old Debian-head, you must be going "Duh!", but this is
  *really* nice .And has nothing to do with keeping "hybrid" systems
  which, in the end, break dependencies.

  One of those amazing littles facilites available in Debian. *G*

  To learn how to do it, read 3 easy pages from:

  Then apt-get install you way to happiness. :-))


  Henry Lenzi

PS: You need a recent kernel for thread-enabled SBCL.