From: David E. Young
Subject: [Ann] Lisa 2.1 beta
Message-ID: <dRI2d.1762$>
I've released Lisa 2.1 beta, which contains lightly tested support for CF as
described in PAIP. There's a readme (CF-README) and a sample file
("lisa:misc;mycin.lisp"). No docs right now, as I might add support for
Dempster-Shafer and Bayes, which would render any docs obsolete. But, the
code is pretty simple, and the mycin example is right out of PAIP, minus the
user interaction stuff.

There's also a streamlined install mechanism using ASDF; just load
"lisa:install.lisp" and Lisa should compile and load (hopefully).

Thanks to Paolo Amoroso, Shashank Varma and others for enticing me to do
this. Hopefully it will prove useful.



David E. Young

"For wisdom is more precious than rubies,
and nothing you desire can compare with her."
  -- Prov. 8:11

"But all the world understands my language."
  -- Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)