From: Tim Bradshaw
Subject: Re: Writing a Text Editor in Lisp
Message-ID: <ci4cfh$>
> LOL, rather extreme isn't it? I think we could agree that if he can
> 98% of all cases very easily, and your example being in the last 2%,
> the world is a very pleasant place ;)

Having actually used a structure editor for Lisp (in fact 2 of them),
I think I can state that there are, in fact, a number of fairly ugly
problems which you have to work quite hard to get around.  Among them
are issues such as dealing with non-existant packages (which occur
*all the time* in cases like:

(package-i-dont-have:foo ...)

), dealing with syntax you can't understand at all, printing things
vaguely correctly, especially if the syntax has been mucked around
with, dealing with half-typed things if the user moves the focus away
during typing, and so on.

These things happen often enough that they cause noticable pain if
they aren't done right.  Doing them right is hard.

I'd advise anyone who wants to do this to try and get their hands on
The InterLisp-D SEdit for Medley or later (which is probably very hard
to do, unfortunately) and explore it.
