From: neo88
Subject: Forward Chaining Algorithm
Message-ID: <>
Hi all,
Been a while since I've posted, with school starting and all, but I
have been working on the forward-chaining algorithm after getting back
into First Order Predicate Calculus. I have a few questions, but
first, here is what I have so far (after about two hours):

(in-package :cl-user)

;;; The Forward Chaining Algorithm
;;; Philip Haddad 9\12\04

;; Function: Foward-chain

(defun forward-chain (knowledge-base sentences)
  (cond ((rename sentence) sentences)
	(t (add-renamed-sentence knowledge-base)))
  (do (each-sentence-that-implies-result knowledge-base)
      (unify (lambda (i)
	       (append (i sentences)))
    (match (subsitutions sentences))
    (cond ((match-success sentence) sentences)
	  (t (add-subsitutions sentences)))
    (do (find-and-infer (knowledge-base sentences
					subsitutions result)))))

(defun find-and-infer (knowledge-base premises results subsitutions)
  (cond ((null premises) nil)
	((forward-chain (knowledge-base (subsitute (subsitutions results)))))
	(t (unify given-sentences
		  (subsitute (subsitutions (car premises)))
	   (find-and-infer (knowledge-base
			    (rest (premises results))
			    (compose (subsitutions subsitutions-two)))))))

I am using the puesdocode in AIAMA on pg. 173 as a guide. Here are my
1) What should be macros, and what should be other functions?
   For example, should "rest" be a macro or a function?
2) Is this good so far, any suggestions on making it better?

I have yet to add the format statements in the functions to make the
algorithm show what it is doing. I am continully working on this until
school starts tomorrow ;-), so expect some updates soon.

One last thing, this algorithm uses genralized Modus Ponens, am I
coding it well in there? Any suggestions are more than welcome.

May the Source be with you.
neo88 (Philip Haddad)
From: neo88
Subject: Re: Forward Chaining Algorithm
Message-ID: <>
> I am using the puesdocode in AIAMA on pg. 173 as a guide. Here are my

This is proof that I can not multitask at all. The page is 273.

> 1) What should be macros, and what should be other functions?
>    For example, should "rest" be a macro or a function?
> 2) Is this good so far, any suggestions on making it better?

I now relieze how stupid it is to be asking this. Sorry. I am working
on the other functions now, more later. BTW, I also use google groups,
so I could not change my errors for a while, once again I apologize.
> I have yet to add the format statements in the functions to make the
> algorithm show what it is doing. I am continully working on this until
> school starts tomorrow ;-), so expect some updates soon.
> One last thing, this algorithm uses genralized Modus Ponens, am I
> coding it well in there? Any suggestions are more than welcome.

I am now doing that part differently. Sorry for the errors, and stupid
question about rest :-(

May the Source be with you.
neo88 (Philip Haddad)