From: Shane
Subject: Please Help - Newbie
Message-ID: <>
Hi,  - Thanks in advance for any help.

I am new to lisp, and have been spending all day debugging this small number
sorting program with only minor success.  I would use the sort function, but
this is an assignment for school, so I am writing a simple bubblesort type
thing - just to sort numbers.

The sorting actually works, but it crashes after it is done and does not
return anything.  I hope to an experienced lisp programmer that my error
will be obvious.

Here is the code. First is a simple swap function.  Then the sortme

(defun swap (L p1 p2)
   (rotatef (elt L p1) (elt L p2))

(defun sortem (L)                                                ;define the
                ((setq i 0)                                           ;set
the big iterator to 0
                  (while (< i (- (length L) 2))                ;while number
of times through whole list
                    (setq ii 0)                                        ;set
the small iterator to 0
                      (while (< ii (- (length L) 1))            ;while
number of items in list
                          (if (> (nth ii L) (nth (+ ii 1) L))   ;if item 1
is bigger than item 2,
                                 (swap L ii (+ ii 1))              ;swap
;else do nothing
                        (setq ii (+ ii 1)))
;increment small counter
                    (setq i (+ i 1))))
;increment big counter
;return the list

It seems to have a problem with the line (setq i 0) as I have to reset this
each time I run it, or else the sort will not happen. If I do a (setq i 0)
and (setq ii 0) before I run the (sortem a) command, it sorts, but returns
with an error.  But even if I pull out those lines it still crashes.

Here is the eror I get after setting i and ii before running the function.
It sorted the list fine and here is what it said:

[1] CG-USER(166): a
(2 8 3 9 4 7 5 6)
[1] CG-USER(167): i
[1] CG-USER(168): ii
[1] CG-USER(169): (setq i 0)
[1] CG-USER(170): (setq ii 0)
[1] CG-USER(171): (sortem a)
   1[1]: (SORTEM (2 8 3 9 4 7 5 6))
Error: Illegal function object: (SETQ I 0).
[condition type: PROGRAM-ERROR]
   1[1]: returned-by-throwing :POP 0
[1] CG-USER(172): a
(2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

Any ideas?

Thanks for your help!