From: Frank Buss
Subject: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <clt6m3$81k$>
I've implemented a lottery number generation (there are 49 balls, 
numbered from 1 to 49 and you take 6) like I could do it in Java, with a 
destructive remove-at (I didn't found something like this function in 
Common Lisp). How can I write it more Lisp-like?

(defmacro remove-at (index list)
  (let ((element (gensym)))
    `(let ((,element (nth ,index ,list)))
       (setf ,list 
             (remove-if (constantly t) ,list :start ,index :count 1))

(defmacro remove-random (list)
  (let ((random (gensym)))
    `(let ((,random (random (length ,list))))
       (remove-at ,random ,list))))

(defun 6-out-49 ()
  (let ((numbers (loop for i from 1 to 49 collect i))) 
    (loop repeat 6 collect (remove-random numbers))))

(6-out-49) => (3 47 15 5 26 11)

Frank Bu�, ··,

From: Tayssir John Gabbour
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <>
Frank Buss wrote:
> I've implemented a lottery number generation (there are 49 balls,
> numbered from 1 to 49 and you take 6) like I could do it in Java,
with a
> destructive remove-at (I didn't found something like this function in

> Common Lisp). How can I write it more Lisp-like?
> (defmacro remove-at (index list)
>   (let ((element (gensym)))
>     `(let ((,element (nth ,index ,list)))
>        (setf ,list
>              (remove-if (constantly t) ,list :start ,index :count 1))
>        ,element)))
> (defmacro remove-random (list)
>   (let ((random (gensym)))
>     `(let ((,random (random (length ,list))))
>        (remove-at ,random ,list))))
> (defun 6-out-49 ()
>   (let ((numbers (loop for i from 1 to 49 collect i)))
>     (loop repeat 6 collect (remove-random numbers))))
> (6-out-49) => (3 47 15 5 26 11)

If this is for buzzword bingo...
From: Mark McConnell
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <>
Frank Buss <··> wrote in message news:<············>...
> I've implemented a lottery number generation (there are 49 balls, 
> numbered from 1 to 49 and you take 6) like I could do it in Java, with a 
> destructive remove-at (I didn't found something like this function in 
> Common Lisp). How can I write it more Lisp-like?

First, most people use the word "destructive" for operations that
change the car/cdr pointers of existing lists.  You code uses
remove-if, which makes a copy of a given list with certain items
removed.  The corresponding destructive operation is delete-if.

Second, here's my attempt.

(defun lottery (num-balls num-to-choose)
  (assert (<= 0 num-to-choose num-balls))
  (do ((b num-balls (1- b))
       (lyst '() (cons b lyst)))
      ((= b 0)
       (lottery-aux num-balls num-to-choose lyst '()))))

(defun lottery-aux (n k lyst result)
  (if (= k 0)
      (sort result #'<)
    (multiple-value-bind (ball shorter-lyst) (delete-rand lyst n)
      (lottery-aux (1- n) (1- k) shorter-lyst (cons ball result)))))

(defun delete-rand (lyst &optional (len (length lyst)))
  (delete-ith lyst '() lyst (random len)))

(defun delete-ith (all cons-before-item cons-at-item i)
  (cond ((> i 0)
         (delete-ith all cons-at-item (rest cons-at-item) (1- i)))
         (if cons-before-item
             (rplacd cons-before-item (rest cons-at-item))
           (pop all))
         (values (first cons-at-item) all))))
From: Frank Buss
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <clu909$50f$>
··············· (Mark McConnell) wrote:

> First, most people use the word "destructive" for operations that
> change the car/cdr pointers of existing lists.  You code uses
> remove-if, which makes a copy of a given list with certain items
> removed.  The corresponding destructive operation is delete-if.

you are right, my function is not a desctructive operation, but I can't 
change it with delete-if:

| delete, delete-if, and delete-if-not return a sequence of the same type 
| as sequence that has the same elements except that those in the 
| subsequence bounded by start and end and satisfying the test have been 
| deleted. Sequence may be destroyed and used to construct the result; 
| however, the result might or might not be identical to sequence. 

I think this means, that an implementation is free to implement delete-if 
simply as a call to remove-if.

> Second, here's my attempt.

this looks a bit complicated, but sorting the result is a good idea.

Frank Bu�, ··,
From: Paul Foley
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <>
On 29 Oct 2004 12:32:04 -0700, Mark McConnell wrote:

> Frank Buss <··> wrote in message news:<············>...
>> I've implemented a lottery number generation (there are 49 balls, 
>> numbered from 1 to 49 and you take 6) like I could do it in Java, with a 
>> destructive remove-at (I didn't found something like this function in 
>> Common Lisp). How can I write it more Lisp-like?

> First, most people use the word "destructive" for operations that
> change the car/cdr pointers of existing lists.  You code uses

May change, rather than does change, though.  (And not necessarily in
any useful way)

> Second, here's my attempt.

> (defun lottery-aux (n k lyst result)

Why are you calling this thing "lyst"?  What's wrong with "list"?

FWIW, I've put a CL translation of from the Python standard
library on -- this has a
SAMPLE function and (unexported) Pythonesque RANGE function with which
you can just write

  (sample (random::range 1 49) 6)

Men are born ignorant, not stupid; they are made stupid by education.
                                                      -- Bertrand Russell
(setq reply-to
  (concatenate 'string "Paul Foley " "<mycroft" '(··@) ">"))
From: Szymon
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <>
Frank Buss <··> writes:

> I've implemented a lottery number generation (there are 49 balls, 
> numbered from 1 to 49 and you take 6) like I could do it in Java, with a 
> destructive remove-at (I didn't found something like this function in 
> Common Lisp). How can I write it more Lisp-like?
> (defmacro remove-at (index list)
>   (let ((element (gensym)))
>     `(let ((,element (nth ,index ,list)))
>        (setf ,list 
>              (remove-if (constantly t) ,list :start ,index :count 1))
>        ,element)))

why macro?

(defun NREMOVE-AT (index list)
   (inline NREMOVE-AT)
   (type (integer 1) index)
   (type list list))
  (rplacd #1=(nthcdr (1- index) list) (cddr #1#)))

Regards, Szymon.
From: Frank Buss
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <clt8ka$afc$>
Szymon <············> wrote:

> why macro?

because I want to remove the 0-th element, too :-)

Frank Bu�, ··,
From: Tayssir John Gabbour
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <>
Frank Buss wrote:
> Szymon <············> wrote:
> > why macro?
> because I want to remove the 0-th element, too :-)


I believe Norvig also wrote a style guide cautioning about use of

From: Frank Buss
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <cltrdb$baq$>
"Tayssir John Gabbour" <···········> wrote:

> Careful:
> codewalkers 
> I believe Norvig also wrote a style guide cautioning about use of
> macros...

how does it apply to my remove-at? It is a more general POP, only.

Frank Bu�, ··,
From: Tayssir John Gabbour
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <>
Frank Buss wrote:
> > Careful:
> >
> > codewalkers
> >
> > I believe Norvig also wrote a style guide cautioning about use of
> > macros...
> how does it apply to my remove-at? It is a more general POP, only.

I just noticed your reply to Szymon, and the links came to mind. If
they don't apply to your situation, great.
From: Szymon
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <>
Frank Buss <··> writes:

> Szymon <············> wrote:
> > why macro?
> because I want to remove the 0-th element, too :-)



(remove-at 1 (list 1 2 3))

;; ---------------------------------------------------------------

Btw, more convinient versiono of NREMOVE-IT:

(defun NREMOVE-AT (index list)
   (inline NREMOVE-AT)
   (type (integer 0) index)
   (type list list))
  (when (zerop index) (return-from NREMOVE-AT (cdr list)))
  (rplacd #1=(nthcdr (1- index) list) (cddr #1#))

Of course it's 'nonmagical' function (can't remove first
cons of list).

CL-USER> (let ((x (list 1 2 3 4 5 6))) (values x (nremove-at 0 x)))
(1 2 3 4 5 6)
(2 3 4 5 6)

CL-USER> (let ((x (list 1 2 3 4 5 6))) (values x (nremove-at 1 x)))
(1 3 4 5 6)
(1 3 4 5 6)

CL-USER> (let ((x (list 1 2 3 4 5 6))) (values x (nremove-at 2 x)))
(1 2 4 5 6)
(1 2 4 5 6)

Regards, Szymon.
From: Szymon
Subject: [fix] Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <>
Szymon <············> writes:

> Btw, more convinient versiono of NREMOVE-IT:

Btw, more convenient version of NREMOVE-AT:
From: Espen Vestre
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <>
Frank Buss <··> writes:

> I've implemented a lottery number generation (there are 49 balls, 
> numbered from 1 to 49 and you take 6) like I could do it in Java, with a 
> destructive remove-at (I didn't found something like this function in 
> Common Lisp). How can I write it more Lisp-like?

I usually use a loop with 'on' for doing destructive lisp 

> (defun 6-out-49 ()
>   (let ((numbers (loop for i from 1 to 49 collect i))) 
>     (loop repeat 6 collect (remove-random numbers))))

How about something completely different? E.g. using a slight
generalization of Knuths shuffling algorithm:

(defun shuffle-n (seq &optional (k (length seq)))
  "shuffle all of SEQ. Stop when k elements have been shuffled.
This generalizes Knuth's algorithm"
  (let ((n (length seq)))
    (dotimes (i k seq)
      (rotatef (elt seq i)(elt seq (+ i (random (- n i))))))))

(let ((numbers (loop for i from 1 to 49 collect i))) 
  (defun 6-out-49 ()
    (subseq (shuffle-n numbers 6) 0 6)))
From: Frank Buss
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <clu3dp$pep$>
Espen Vestre <·····@*do-not-spam-me*> wrote:

> How about something completely different? E.g. using a slight
> generalization of Knuths shuffling algorithm:

good idea. A faster implementation uses a vector:

(defmacro swap-random (array start)
  (let ((random (gensym)))
    `(let ((,random (+ ,start (random (- (length ,array) i)))))
       (rotatef (aref ,array ,start) (aref ,array ,random))
       (aref ,array ,start))))

using a closure like in your solution for defining a local variable looks 

(let ((numbers (coerce (loop for i from 1 to 49 collect i) 'vector)))
  (defun 6-out-49 ()
    (loop for i from 0 below 6 collect 
          (swap-random numbers i))))

some test function for testing the various functions: (why can't I use 
DOLIST for vectors? Is it necessary to wait for Arc for doing this? My 
workaround is a "MAP NIL ...")

(defun test-it (fun)
  (let ((count (make-array 49 :initial-element 0)))
    (loop repeat 1000 do
          (let ((numbers (funcall fun)))
            (map nil #'(lambda (n) (incf (aref count (1- n)))) numbers)
            (when (/= (length numbers) 
                      (length (remove-duplicates numbers))) 6
              (error "wrong length, sequence: ~A~%" numbers))))
    (format t "random distribution:~%")
    (let ((max (reduce #'max count))
          (height 20))
      (loop for i from height downto 0 do
            (map nil
                 #'(lambda (n)
                     (princ (if (> (* (/ n max) height) i) "#" " ")))

(test-it #'6-out-49) =>
random distribution:
                             #         ##  #     
           #    #     #      #         ##  # #   
#        ### ## ###   #   ## #     #   ##  ###  #
##  ## # ########### #########   # ### ##  ###  #
###### #######################   # ###### ##### #
###### ##########################################
#(132 124 114 112 118 121 101 122 113 129 125 133 122 126 127 121 135 125 
132 122 112 118 135 118 120 122 125 126 118 142 110 108 110 123 107 126 
121 124 113 142 147 109 116 141 131 137 115 105 125)

Frank Bu�, ··,
From: Espen Vestre
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <>
Frank Buss <··> writes:

> good idea. A faster implementation uses a vector:

Well, at least with LispWorks 4.3.7/linux with standard
optimize-settings, my version is actually still faster than yours,
provided that I, too, supply a vector (My shuffle-n works for all
sequences, so you can just replace the list with a vector):

(let ((numbers (coerce (loop for i from 1 to 49 collect i) 'vector)))
  (defun 6-out-49 ()
    (subseq (shuffle-n numbers 6) 0 6)))
From: Bulent Murtezaoglu
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <87mzy57q2j.fsf@p4.internal>
>>>>> "FB" == Frank Buss <··> writes:

    FB> ... with a destructive remove-at (I didn't found
    FB> something like this function in Common Lisp). How can I write
    FB> it more Lisp-like?

The shortest I can think of is using nthcdr.  I'll try to give the
reason why I think this:

CL-USER> (setf foo (list 1 2 3 4 5))
(1 2 3 4 5)
CL-USER> (nthcdr 3 foo)
(4 5)
CL-USER> (setf (nthcdr 3 foo) (cdr (nthcdr 3 foo)))
CL-USER> foo
(1 2 3 5)


From: Brian Downing
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <2wtgd.438847$mD.288758@attbi_s02>
In article <············>,
Frank Buss  <··> wrote:
> I've implemented a lottery number generation (there are 49 balls, 
> numbered from 1 to 49 and you take 6) like I could do it in Java, with a 
> destructive remove-at (I didn't found something like this function in 
> Common Lisp). How can I write it more Lisp-like?

(defun lottery-draw (draws balls)
  (subseq (mapcar #'car (sort (loop for i from 1 upto balls
                                    collect (cons i (random 1.0))) 
                              #'< :key #'cdr))
          0 draws))

CL-USER> (lottery-draw 6 49)
(12 47 49 22 36 21)

A destructive shuffling algorithm in a vector is probably faster, but I
like how that looks I think.

*** Brian Downing <bdowning at lavos dot net> 
From: Jeff M.
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <>
Just to add my own solution:

(defun lottery (&key (max 49) (draw 6))
(let ((balls (loop for i from 1 to max collect i)))
(loop for i from 0 to (1- draw) collect
(pop (nthcdr (random (- max i)) balls)))))
No shuffling required.

Jeff M.
From: Bernd Beuster
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <clu2hf$3i7$>
Jeff M. wrote:

> (defun lottery (&key (max 49) (draw 6))
> (let ((balls (loop for i from 1 to max collect i)))
> (loop for i from 0 to (1- draw) collect
> (pop (nthcdr (random (- max i)) balls)))))

Runs with Lispworks.  But CMUCL complains:

* (lottery)

; Warning: This function is undefined:

Error in FDEFINITION:  the function (SETF NTHCDR) is undefined.
    [Condition of type UNDEFINED-FUNCTION]

   0: [ABORT] Return to Top-Level.

Debug  (type H for help)

; File: target:code/fdefinition.lisp

; File has been modified since compilation:
;   target:code/fdefinition.lisp
; Using form offset instead of character position.

Bug in CMUCL?

From: Kalle Olavi Niemitalo
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <>
Bernd Beuster <·············> writes:

> Error in FDEFINITION:  the function (SETF NTHCDR) is undefined.


> Bug in CMUCL?

It's not a bug.  Section of CLHS lists the functions
with which SETF can be used, and NTHCDR is not among them.

Nevertheless, would this be a good way to define it?

(define-setf-expander nthcdr (n place &environment env)
  (multiple-value-bind (vars vals store-vars writer-form reader-form)
      (get-setf-expansion place env)
    (let* ((gn (gensym))
           (gstore (if store-vars (first store-vars) (gensym "STORE"))))
      (values (list* gn vars)
              (list* n vals)
              (list gstore)
              ;; Intentionally leaves 0.0 unrecognized.
              `(if (eql ,gn 0)
                   ,(case (length store-vars)
                      (0 `(progn ,writer-form ,gstore))
                      (1 writer-form)
                      (t `(let ,(rest store-vars)
                            (values ,writer-form))))
                 (setf (cdr (nthcdr (1- ,gn) ,reader-form)) ,gstore))
              `(nthcdr ,gn ,reader-form)))))
From: Louis Theran
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <>
Frank Buss <··> wrote in message news:<············>...
> I've implemented a lottery number generation (there are 49 balls, 
> numbered from 1 to 49 and you take 6) like I could do it in Java, with a 
> destructive remove-at 

If you don't mind allocating a data structure with the first n
numbers, it's easier to just shuffle the them and take the first k of
the permutation you get back.  Try something like this, which is
faster by a factor of n in the general case:

(defun iota (lo hi &optional (step 1))
  (loop for i from lo to hi by step
        collect i))

(defun random-k-set (n k)
  (assert (>= n k))
  (loop with a = (coerce (iota 1 n) 'vector)
        for i from 0 below k
        for j = (+ i (random (- n i)))
        doing (rotatef (aref a i) (aref a j))
        finally (return (coerce (subseq a 0 k) 'list))))

(defun lottery ()
  (random-k-set 49 6))
From: Christopher C. Stacy
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <>
Maybe make a "J-vector" object.
From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <>
Frank Buss <··> writes:

> I've implemented a lottery number generation (there are 49 balls, 
> numbered from 1 to 49 and you take 6) like I could do it in Java, with a 
> destructive remove-at (I didn't found something like this function in 
> Common Lisp). How can I write it more Lisp-like?

(defun 6-out-of-49 ()    
  (mapcar (function cdr)
          (subseq (sort (mapcar (lambda (n) (cons (random 1e6) n)) (iota 49 1))
                        (function <) :key (function car)) 0 6)))

Your remove-at is not destructive because it uses remove-if. You
should name it delete-at and use delete-if to make it destructive.

(defun iota (count &optional (start 0)(step 1))
RETURN:   A list containing the elements 
          (start start+step ... start+(count-1)*step)
          The start and step parameters default to 0 and 1, respectively. 
          This procedure takes its name from the APL primitive.
EXAMPLES: (iota 5) => (0 1 2 3 4)
          (iota 5 0 -0.1) => (0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4)
  (when (< 0 count)
      (do ((result '())
           (item (+ start (* step (1- count))) (- item step)))
          ((< item start) result)
        (push item result))));;iota

Or you may prefer:

(defun iota (count &optional (start 0)(step 1))
    (loop for i from start by step repeat count collect i))

But note the differences in macroexpansion:

(macroexpand-1 '(loop for i from start by step repeat count collect i))

  (LET ((I START) (#1=#:G2152 STEP))
   (LET ((#2=#:G2153 COUNT))
     (LET ((#3=#:ACCULIST-VAR-2154 NIL))
        (PROGN (SETQ #3# (CONS I #3#))) (PSETQ I (+ I #1#)) (SETQ #2# (1- #2#))
         (RETURN-FROM NIL (SYSTEM::LIST-NREVERSE #3#))))))))))), T

(macroexpand-1 '(do ((result '())
           (item (+ start (* step (1- count))) (- item step)))
          ((< item start) result)
        (push item result)))

  (TAGBODY #1=#:G2155 (IF (< ITEM START) (GO #2=#:G2156)) (PUSH ITEM RESULT)

(It should not matter with a smart enough compiler though... :-)
__Pascal Bourguignon__           

Voting Democrat or Republican is like choosing a cabin in the Titanic.
From: Frank Buss
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <clts7h$baq$>
Pascal Bourguignon <····> wrote:

> (defun 6-out-of-49 ()    
>   (mapcar (function cdr)
>           (subseq (sort (mapcar (lambda (n) (cons (random 1e6) n))
>           (iota 49 1)) 
>                         (function <) :key (function car)) 0 6)))

looks like Brian's solution.

> Your remove-at is not destructive because it uses remove-if. You
> should name it delete-at and use delete-if to make it destructive.

you are right, it is not destructive, but delete-if need not to be 
destructive, too, if I understand the hyperspec correctly. So the best 
would be to use Bulent's nice nthcdr solution, if I want to write a 
destructive remove-at.

Frank Bu�, ··,
From: Wade Humeniuk
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <Mdwgd.21730$VA5.11356@clgrps13>
Frank Buss wrote:

> I've implemented a lottery number generation (there are 49 balls, 
> numbered from 1 to 49 and you take 6) like I could do it in Java, with a 
> destructive remove-at (I didn't found something like this function in 
> Common Lisp). How can I write it more Lisp-like?

I would try to make it more expressive.  Other languages can make things
hard to understand, so....  in real life I would do something like:

(in-package :cl-user)

(defclass lotto-ball-machine ()
   ((number-of-balls :initarg :number-of-balls :reader number-of-balls)
    (balls :accessor balls)))

(defmethod load-balls ((machine lotto-ball-machine))
   (setf (balls machine) (loop for i from 1 upto (number-of-balls machine)
                               collect i))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((machine lotto-ball-machine) &rest initargs)
   (declare (ignore initargs))
   (load-balls machine))

(defmethod draw-ball ((machine lotto-ball-machine))
   (with-slots (balls) machine
     (let ((ball (elt balls (random (length balls)))))
       (prog1 ball
         (setf balls (delete ball balls))))))

(defun lotto (n outof)
   (loop with lotto = (make-instance 'lotto-ball-machine :number-of-balls outof)
         for i from 0 to n
         collect (draw-ball lotto)))

CL-USER 12 > (lotto 6 49)
(7 29 47 22 31 37 45)

CL-USER 13 > (lotto 6 49)
(25 13 31 4 8 14 2)

CL-USER 14 > (lotto 20 103)
(45 5 3 32 4 60 82 62 26 46 44 87 95 24 27 2 29 1 72 51 90)

CL-USER 15 >

From: Frank Buss
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <clu4if$rdj$>
Wade Humeniuk <····································> wrote:

> Frank Buss wrote:
>> I've implemented a lottery number generation (there are 49 balls, 
>> numbered from 1 to 49 and you take 6) like I could do it in Java,
>> with a destructive remove-at (I didn't found something like this
>> function in Common Lisp). How can I write it more Lisp-like?
> I would try to make it more expressive.  Other languages can make
> things hard to understand, so....  in real life I would do something
> like: 

you are right, splitting it into different methods and packing it in a 
class makes it easier to enhance it for different use-cases, for exampe if 
you want to display it in a GUI after each draw.

Frank Bu�, ··,
From: Bernd Beuster
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <clu5fv$f4m$>
Frank Buss wrote:
> Wade Humeniuk <····································> wrote:

>>I would try to make it more expressive.  Other languages can make
>>things hard to understand, so....  in real life I would do something
[ at least 19 lines of CLOS code following ]

> you are right, splitting it into different methods and packing it in a 
> class makes it easier to enhance it for different use-cases, for exampe if 
> you want to display it in a GUI after each draw.

I don't think so.  The solution should be appropriate to the problem. 
After all the function shall only choose a set of numbers of a given 
range with no repetition.

From: Wade Humeniuk
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <Z%wgd.39599$9b.34486@edtnps84>
Bernd Beuster wrote:

> I don't think so.  The solution should be appropriate to the problem. 
> After all the function shall only choose a set of numbers of a given 
> range with no repetition.

That could be the only requirement.  But a lotto system might require that
the code is:

1) auditable (i.e. a trace log)
2) maintainable by other programmers, thus expressive and hopefully obvious

I sounds like Frank may have a GUI in mind.  This adds more to think about.

When I am actually coding deliverable code I tend to leave some
doors open.  Also I find that being pedantic gives me some assurance
of the correctness of the algorithm.

From: Coby Beck
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <cdHgd.29669$df2.22173@edtnps89>
"Wade Humeniuk" <····································> wrote in 
message ·························@edtnps84...
> Bernd Beuster wrote:
>> I don't think so.  The solution should be appropriate to the problem. 
>> After all the function shall only choose a set of numbers of a given 
>> range with no repetition.
> That could be the only requirement.  But a lotto system might require that
> the code is:
> 1) auditable (i.e. a trace log)
> 2) maintainable by other programmers, thus expressive and hopefully 
> obvious
> I sounds like Frank may have a GUI in mind.  This adds more to think 
> about.
> When I am actually coding deliverable code I tend to leave some
> doors open.  Also I find that being pedantic gives me some assurance
> of the correctness of the algorithm.

I agree and I liked your approach.  But I would not delete balls, would move 
them to a drawn-balls slot or something.  So many enhancements, so little 
From: Wade Humeniuk
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <84xgd.39602$9b.16171@edtnps84>
Wade Humeniuk wrote:

> CL-USER 12 > (lotto 6 49)
> (7 29 47 22 31 37 45)

OOps, draws one to many balls.

Change lotto to

(defun lotto (draws outof)
   (loop with lotto = (make-instance 'lotto-ball-machine :number-of-balls outof)
         repeat draws
         collect (draw-ball lotto)))

From: Alan Crowe
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <>
(do ((draw '()))
    ((= (length draw) 6) draw)
    (pushnew (+ (random 49) 1) draw))

=> (33 17 2 39 40 5)

From: Bernd Beuster
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <cm08de$se1$>
Alan Crowe wrote:
> (do ((draw '()))
>     ((= (length draw) 6) draw)
>     (pushnew (+ (random 49) 1) draw))
> => (33 17 2 39 40 5)
How many loops will be nessecary for 48 draws out of 49?

From: ·········
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <>
Alan> (do ((draw '()))
Alan> ((= (length draw) 6) draw)
Alan> (pushnew (+ (random 49) 1) draw))
Alan> => (33 17 2 39 40 5)
Bernd> How many loops will be nessecary for 48 draws out of 49?

On average, I believe it is close to:
CL-USER> (loop for i below 48 sum (/ 49 (- 49 i)))
CL-USER> (coerce * 'float)

I guess you are alluding to the fact that there is no upper bound on
the number of iterations needed even to draw 2 numbers out of 49 -
*if* RANDOM was truly so (ie not pseudo-). This is related to the fact
that there is no guarantee that a real dice will come up with `6' in a
finite number of rolls.

It would be interesting to know what is the upper bound on the length
of a sequence from (1+ (RANDOM 6)) not containing `6' - for RANDOM
being a practical pseudo-random generator. Is it proportional to the
length of the random state or to the total sequence length?

From: Louis Theran
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <>
Bernd Beuster <·············> wrote in message news:<············>...
> Alan Crowe wrote:
> > (do ((draw '()))
> >     ((= (length draw) 6) draw)
> >     (pushnew (+ (random 49) 1) draw))
> > 
> > => (33 17 2 39 40 5)
> How many loops will be nessecary for 48 draws out of 49?

O(n*log n) expectation, and it's sharply concentrated around this. 
But each iteration is a linear time operation, so the whole thing has
Theta(n^2*log n) expected running time, which is a lot worse than

From: Alan Crowe
Subject: Re: Lottery number generation
Message-ID: <>
Bernd asks 
> How many loops will be nessecary for 48 draws out of 49?

6 out of 49 are the parameters of the UK national lottery.
6 and 49 are fixed as far as writing code is concerned.
