From: methodmano
Subject: Making combination lists
Message-ID: <>
Is there a built-in way (or an easy way) to do something like:

(combo-list '(a b) '(c d)) -> ((a c) (a d) (b c) (b d))

Or at the most:

(combo-list '(a b) '(c d) '(e f)) -> ((a c e) (a c f) (a d e) (a d f)
(b c e) (b c f) (b d e) (b d f))

Ideally, I'd like the order to reflect picking first from the first
list, then from the second, and lastly from the third.

Basically, making combos of lists, taking one element from each list
and combing them into a new list.


From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: Re: Making combination lists
Message-ID: <>
·········· (methodmano) writes:

> Is there a built-in way (or an easy way) to do something like:
> (combo-list '(a b) '(c d)) -> ((a c) (a d) (b c) (b d))
> Or at the most:
> (combo-list '(a b) '(c d) '(e f)) -> ((a c e) (a c f) (a d e) (a d f)
> (b c e) (b c f) (b d e) (b d f))
> Ideally, I'd like the order to reflect picking first from the first
> list, then from the second, and lastly from the third.
> Basically, making combos of lists, taking one element from each list
> and combing them into a new list.
> Thanks!

RETURN:  (elt args 0) x (elt args 1) x ... x (elt args (1- (length args)))
         = the set of tuples built taking one item in order from each list
           in args.
           --> ((WWW EXA COM) (WWW EXA ORG) (FTP EXA COM) (FTP EXA ORG))
   ((NULL ARGS) '(NIL))
            (CAR ARGS)))

__Pascal Bourguignon__           

Voting Democrat or Republican is like choosing a cabin in the Titanic.
From: Kalle Olavi Niemitalo
Subject: Re: Making combination lists
Message-ID: <>
·········· (methodmano) writes:

> Is there a built-in way (or an easy way) to do something like:
> (combo-list '(a b) '(c d)) -> ((a c) (a d) (b c) (b d))

There is no built-in way, but implementing this doesn't require
much code.  I wrote it as a recursive function with two loops in
7 lines and 11 pairs of parentheses.
From: David Sletten
Subject: Re: Making combination lists
Message-ID: <fHifd.22696$>
methodmano wrote:

> Is there a built-in way (or an easy way) to do something like:
> (combo-list '(a b) '(c d)) -> ((a c) (a d) (b c) (b d))
> Or at the most:
> (combo-list '(a b) '(c d) '(e f)) -> ((a c e) (a c f) (a d e) (a d f)
> (b c e) (b c f) (b d e) (b d f))
> Ideally, I'd like the order to reflect picking first from the first
> list, then from the second, and lastly from the third.
> Basically, making combos of lists, taking one element from each list
> and combing them into a new list.
> Thanks!

You are trying to compute the Cartesian product. Assuming the inputs are 
a number of sets (in principle unordered) you wind up with a set of 
ordered n-tuples:

(defun cartesian-product (&rest sets)
   (cartesian-product-aux sets))

;;;    Use of auxilliary function here avoids need for APPLY with each
;;;    recursive call since we have &REST param above.
(defun cartesian-product-aux (sets)
   (if (null sets)
       (list '())
       (spread-layer (first sets)
                     (cartesian-product-aux (rest sets)))) )

;;;    (spread-layer '(c d) '((e) (f))) => ((C E) (C F) (D E) (D F))
(defun spread-layer (src dest)
   "Distribute each element of SRC over each sublist in DEST."
   (if (null src)
       (spread-elt (first src)
                   (spread-layer (rest src) dest))))

;;;    (spread-elt 'd '((e) (f)) '()) => ((D E) (D F))
;;;    (spread-elt 'c '((e) (f)) '((D E) (D F))) => ((C E) (C F) (D E) 
(D F))
(defun spread-elt (elt partial result)
   "Distribute a single element over each sublist in PARTIAL, adding 
these results to RESULT."
   (if (null partial)
       (cons (cons elt (first partial))
             (spread-elt elt (rest partial) result))))
From: Alan Crowe
Subject: Re: Making combination lists
Message-ID: <>
methodmano asked:
> Is there a built-in way (or an easy way) to do something like:
> (combo-list '(a b) '(c d)) -> ((a c) (a d) (b c) (b d))
> Or at the most:
> (combo-list '(a b) '(c d) '(e f)) -> ((a c e) (a c f) (a d e) (a d f)
> (b c e) (b c f) (b d e) (b d f))

It is nearly very easy. Write a two argument version like

  (defun two-arg-cart-prod (s1 s2)
    (let (accumulator)
      (dolist (x (reverse s1))
	(dolist (y (reverse s2))
	  (push (list x y)

then turn it into an n argument version with reduce:

  (defun pedantic-cart-prod (&rest list-of-sets)
    (reduce (function two-arg-cart-prod)

(pedantic-cart-prod '(a b) '(1 2) '(x y))
=> (((A 1) X) ((A 1) Y) ((A 2) X) ((A 2) Y)
    ((B 1) X) ((B 1) Y) ((B 2) X) ((B 2) Y))

Close, but the distinction between a duple, one of whose
components is a duple, and a triple, is less than useful

So let us rewrite two-arg-cart-prod to use CONS instead of

  (defun two-arg-cart-prod (s1 s2)
    (let (accumulator)
      (dolist (x (reverse s1))
	(dolist (y (reverse s2))
	  (push (cons x y)

(two-arg-cart-prod '(1 2) '(a b))
=> ((1 . A) (1 . B) (2 . A) (2 . B))

and rather conveniently

(two-arg-cart-prod '(1 2 3) '( nil )) => ((1) (2) (3))

so, with a little care over direction and initial values we
can write

  (defun cart-prod (&rest list-of-sets)
    (reduce (function two-arg-cart-prod)
	    :from-end t
	    :initial-value '( nil ) ))

(cart-prod '(a b) '(1 2) '(x y))
=> ((A 1 X) (A 1 Y) (A 2 X) (A 2 Y)
    (B 1 X) (B 1 Y) (B 2 X) (B 2 Y))

Alan Crowe
From: Wolfhard Buß
Subject: Re: Making combination lists
Message-ID: <>
* methodmano writes:

> Is there a built-in way (or an easy way) to do something like:
> (combo-list '(a b) '(c d)) -> ((a c) (a d) (b c) (b d))

 (defun cross (&rest lists)
   (reduce (lambda (list crosses)
             (mapcan (lambda (item)
                       (mapcar (lambda (cross) (cons item cross)) crosses))
           lists :from-end t :initial-value '(())))

 (defun uncross (cross)
   (mapcar #'remove-duplicates (zip cross)))

How about an efficient uncross?

"Hurry if you still want to see something. Everything is vanishing."
                                       --  Paul C�zanne (1839-1906)