From: Mario S. Mommer
Subject: Re: Serializing data structures
Message-ID: <>
Gisle S�lensminde <·····> writes:
> I have a program where I'm working in huge data structures, trees
> in this case. The basic structure looks as follows:
> (defstruct tree-node
>    name
>    parent
>    children
>    properties)
> The name is the name of the node (string), children is reference to
> the child nodes, while properties is an assoc-list with properties
> of the node or the branch leading to this node. parent is a reference
> to the parent node. These trees can be quite big (up to 180,000 leaf
> nodes). Now I'm creating a core file, and restart that (fast) or 
> reread the data from an extarnal format (slow). I would like to be
> able to dump the running data structure and reload it into a running
> lisp session, and not start from a dump/core. (I can do that too, but
> I want to be be able to read the data without restarting) This will
> be much like serializing in java or pickling in python.
> I'm using CMUCL on sparc, so a CMUCL-specific solution would be OK,
> while a portable solution (if possible) would be a bonus.

The easiest way I know is this, and it is quite fast too.

Be aware, however, that fasl files are incompatible from version to
version. So if you update your Lisp you have to export from old
version/import to new version via some other format.