From: Christopher Browne
Subject: Statistics for comp.lang.lisp
Message-ID: <>
Following is a summary of articles spanning a 7 day period,
beginning at 21 Nov 2004 07:53:44 GMT and ending at
28 Nov 2004 06:52:29 GMT.


    - A line in the body of a post is considered to be original if it
      does *not* match the regular expression /^\s{0,3}(?:>|:|\S+>|\+\+|\|\s+|\*\s)/.
    - All text after the last cut line (/^-- $/) in the body is
      considered to be the author's signature.
    - The scanner prefers the Reply-To: header over the From: header
      in determining the "real" e-mail address and name.
    - Original Content Rating is the ratio of the original content volume
      to the total body volume.
    - Please send all comments to Christopher Browne <········>


Posters:  143
Articles: 453 (180 with cutlined signatures)
Threads:  77
Volume generated: 1014.8 kb
    - headers:    466.9 kb (7,973 lines)
    - bodies:     526.3 kb (14,620 lines)
    - original:   322.7 kb (9,704 lines)
    - signatures: 21.1 kb (502 lines)

Original Content Rating: 0.613


Posts per poster: 3.2
    median: 2 posts
    mode:   1 post - 71 posters
    s:      4.4 posts
Posts per thread: 5.9
    median: 3 posts
    mode:   1 post - 20 threads
    s:      8.3 posts
Message size: 2293.9 bytes
    - header:     1055.5 bytes (17.6 lines)
    - body:       1189.7 bytes (32.3 lines)
    - original:   729.4 bytes (21.4 lines)
    - signature:  47.7 bytes (1.1 lines)

Top 10 Posters by Number of Posts

         (kb)   (kb)  (kb)  (kb)
Posts  Volume (  hdr/ body/ orig)  Address
-----  --------------------------  -------

   32    70.0 ( 28.4/ 37.2/ 15.6)  Pascal Bourguignon <····>
   28    60.0 ( 31.2/ 25.1/ 12.3)  Peter Seibel <·····>
   22    82.5 ( 29.9/ 50.6/ 27.2)  Kenny Tilton <·······>
   15    37.2 ( 14.2/ 23.0/ 13.8)  Chris Capel <······>
   12    19.0 ( 10.6/  8.4/  2.8)  Szymon <············>
   11    33.5 ( 11.7/ 21.7/ 19.0)  Wade Humeniuk <····································>
   10    17.1 (  8.9/  7.2/  2.8)  ········
   10    17.5 (  8.6/  8.9/  4.6)  "David R. Sky" <···>
    9    15.7 (  8.4/  6.9/  2.9)  Surendra Singhi <·········>
    9    26.5 ( 14.8/ 11.7/  4.5)  Peter Ashford <··>

These posters accounted for 34.9% of all articles.

Top 10 Posters by Volume

  (kb)   (kb)  (kb)  (kb)
Volume (  hdr/ body/ orig)  Posts  Address
--------------------------  -----  -------

  82.5 ( 29.9/ 50.6/ 27.2)     22  Kenny Tilton <·······>
  70.0 ( 28.4/ 37.2/ 15.6)     32  Pascal Bourguignon <····>
  60.0 ( 31.2/ 25.1/ 12.3)     28  Peter Seibel <·····>
  37.2 ( 14.2/ 23.0/ 13.8)     15  Chris Capel <······>
  33.5 ( 11.7/ 21.7/ 19.0)     11  Wade Humeniuk <····································>
  26.5 ( 14.8/ 11.7/  4.5)      9  Peter Ashford <··>
  24.2 ( 12.2/ 12.0/  8.6)      9  Christopher C. Stacy <······>
  19.9 (  5.0/ 14.9/ 14.1)      4  "Steven M. Haflich" <·················>
  19.0 ( 10.6/  8.4/  2.8)     12  Szymon <············>
  17.7 ( 10.5/  7.3/  4.7)      7  Cameron MacKinnon <··········>

These posters accounted for 38.5% of the total volume.

Top 10 Posters by OCR (minimum of five posts)

         (kb)    (kb)
OCR      orig /  body  Posts  Address
-----  --------------  -----  -------

0.898  (  6.2 /  6.9)      6  Frank Buss <··>
0.873  ( 19.0 / 21.7)     11  Wade Humeniuk <····································>
0.848  (  4.8 /  5.7)      5  Kalle Olavi Niemitalo <···>
0.831  (  6.2 /  7.4)      6  David Steuber <·····>
0.804  (  9.6 / 11.9)      5  Christophe Rhodes <·····>
0.781  (  5.6 /  7.2)      8  Fred Gilham <······>
0.714  (  8.6 / 12.0)      9  Christopher C. Stacy <······>
0.710  (  6.5 /  9.1)      7  David Sletten <·····>
0.675  (  3.6 /  5.4)      9  Trent Buck <··············>
0.653  (  4.7 /  7.3)      7  Cameron MacKinnon <··········>

Bottom 10 Posters by OCR (minimum of five posts)

         (kb)    (kb)
OCR      orig /  body  Posts  Address
-----  --------------  -----  -------

0.514  (  4.6 /  8.9)     10  "David R. Sky" <···>
0.488  ( 12.3 / 25.1)     28  Peter Seibel <·····>
0.479  (  2.9 /  6.0)      9  Neo-LISPer <··········>
0.422  (  2.9 /  6.9)      9  Surendra Singhi <·········>
0.419  ( 15.6 / 37.2)     32  Pascal Bourguignon <····>
0.417  (  3.8 /  9.2)      7  Svein Ove Aas <·········>
0.386  (  4.5 / 11.7)      9  Peter Ashford <··>
0.384  (  2.3 /  6.0)      5  Thomas F. Burdick <···@conquest.OCF.Berkeley.EDU>
0.383  (  2.8 /  7.2)     10  ········
0.338  (  2.8 /  8.4)     12  Szymon <············>

Top 10 Threads by Number of Posts

Posts  Subject
-----  -------

   48  Floating-point arithmetic in CL
   42  C++ sucks for games.... oh really?
   30  What do Users really want?
   21  passing parameters by reference
   21  (rplaca) vs. (setf (car))
   18  What c++, and most other languages don't have, but c# does
   14  Probably a simple question about list variables
   13  Arrays
   11  CL subset?
   11  Two new Practical Common Lisp chapters ...

Top 10 Threads by Volume

  (kb)   (kb)  (kb)  (kb)
Volume (  hdr/ body/ orig)  Posts  Subject
--------------------------  -----  -------

 125.7 ( 72.3/ 52.2/ 26.6)     42  C++ sucks for games.... oh really?
 100.5 ( 50.8/ 48.2/ 28.7)     48  Floating-point arithmetic in CL
  59.4 ( 26.9/ 31.6/ 19.2)     30  What do Users really want?
  44.3 ( 20.8/ 22.5/ 11.4)     21  passing parameters by reference
  38.0 ( 18.7/ 17.7/  7.4)     21  (rplaca) vs. (setf (car))
  34.5 ( 18.1/ 15.5/  7.8)     18  What c++, and most other languages don't have, but c# does
  31.6 ( 10.1/ 21.0/ 12.0)     11  CL subset?
  28.4 (  8.0/ 20.1/ 18.7)      8  sound synthesis
  27.5 ( 13.7/ 13.1/  7.1)     14  Probably a simple question about list variables
  26.5 (  4.8/ 21.7/ 19.1)      5  Computing on samples in audio/wav-files

Top 10 Threads by OCR (minimum of three posts)

         (kb)    (kb)
OCR      orig /  body  Posts  Subject
-----  --------------  -----  -------

0.962  (  7.4/   7.7)      5  The Joy of Pi
0.931  ( 18.7/  20.1)      8  sound synthesis
0.908  (  3.0/   3.3)      3  Macroexpansion, bindings and information flow (Iterate package)
0.881  ( 19.1/  21.7)      5  Computing on samples in audio/wav-files
0.856  (  7.4/   8.6)      5  macro flow from inside to outside
0.814  (  1.7/   2.0)      3  Regular expressions for objects
0.768  (  9.9/  12.9)      6  newbie - more on my search program
0.763  (  2.8/   3.7)      5  something to think about
0.763  (  1.4/   1.8)      4  Collecting Garbage /= Garbage Collection
0.712  (  1.1/   1.6)      4  Can someone explain the logic of FORMAT's ~G directive?

Bottom 10 Threads by OCR (minimum of three posts)

         (kb)    (kb)
OCR      orig /  body  Posts  Subject
-----  --------------  -----  -------

0.457  (  2.6 /  5.8)      6  macros and eval-when
0.456  (  1.3 /  2.8)      4  slime and xemacs
0.444  (  1.4 /  3.1)      4  make-pathname :directory
0.421  (  1.2 /  2.9)      3  printer settings, how to?
0.416  (  7.4 / 17.7)     21  (rplaca) vs. (setf (car))
0.395  (  2.4 /  6.2)      5  UFFI vs. Boolean
0.384  (  1.3 /  3.4)      4  Did the FORMAT in ZetaLisp come from elsewhere?
0.382  (  0.6 /  1.6)      3  [OT] Question about style, DO vs LOOP.
0.340  (  0.7 /  2.0)      4 down for the count
0.232  (  1.0 /  4.4)      3  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

Top 10 Targets for Crossposts

Articles  Newsgroup
--------  ---------

      41  comp.lang.c++
      18  comp.os.linux.advocacy
       1  comp.lang.scheme

Top 10 Crossposters

Articles  Address
--------  -------

      16  Peter Ashford <··>
      12  Gerry Quinn <······>
      10  Christopher C. Stacy <······>
      10  Neo-LISPer <··········>
      10  Kenny Tilton <·······>
       4  Pascal Bourguignon <····>
       4  Philippa Cowderoy <······>
       4  Raghar <······>
       3  ·······
       3  Svein Ove Aas <·········>